wtf why the MC name is dad in chapter 3/4 and does this games has choices i feel like its forced
It's a flashback persay from the serum stuff - I didn't like it either and ended up just changing all the "Dads" and "Tonys" to "Mikes" in twine and notepad so it felt more cohesive.
What's up with the text typing game in ch4? There's no Text displayed, only a blank input box.
What text?
I don't have a problem with the idea of a wpm minigame as others have ranted, but it seems completely non-functional?
-edit, oh lol his api calls are over quota for the getRandomQuote function...
some additional feedback
I like the overall writing direction, we have very few ntrs games in this specific style, though I wish it felt like the player well less on rails, and specifically of the grinding type. Alot of the in game grinding feels like it was just thrown in after the fact - you had a decent story in mind, put that in place, then added filler to space it out. That's what it feels like anyway, not saying it was your fault or design neccesarily.
I'd suggest providing some alternate paths of getting to the same place, for example, maybe a choice between focusing on clarice or tracy with different benefits instead of both being part of an obligatory grind. Another idea would be to have optional events you could have the gf Jessica take part in to earn more money; say she's offered a photoshoot or something on the side.