
Jun 8, 2021
It would have been already here (actually update was planned for end of may) if people didnt report the game and whatifs on Patreon, so the dev has to go through the game and change some dialogue and whatnot, so we have to wait a bit more
Try a decent amount of dialogue and possibly some events anything having to do possible incest and forced sexual content. In other words pretty much Hunter's whole character.


May 3, 2020
I don't get it. Does Patreon pay that much money that WWG doesn't consider switching to other platforms or is it something else that stops him from doing so?


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
His reasoning before was that he had SS at the start and nobody used it. Everyone would get the game on Patreon. So he disabled his SS. The reason now is because his next game will be Vanilla and it would make sense on Patreon, since it won't need to hide anything that would need SS. So he is toughing it out and doing what Patreon is asking him too.


Apr 26, 2020
but he already has a vanilla version of the game. couldnt he just turn off the NTR part on the patreon release and make an NTR patch or something? I think the bigger Problem is the Sis Mom slip here and there
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Active Member
Aug 2, 2017
but he already has a vanilla version of the game. couldnt he just turn off the NTR part on the patreon release and make an NTR patch or something? I think the bigger Problem is the Sis Mom slip here and there
I think that is the plan, but even supposed "implications" about incest has to go according to patreon. Phrases like "you're like family to me" and "like a sister" has to go too.


Jun 8, 2021
I think that is the plan, but even supposed "implications" about incest has to go according to patreon. Phrases like "you're like family to me" and "like a sister" has to go too.
That's so much bull you could start your own fertilizer business. Next it'll be step siblings or being adopted. Hell how much longer until they come after "landlord" and "tenant"
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Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
These games are gonna get so boring now. This isn't the first one that's under review and had to change its content to please Patreon. Shit is definitely getting reported by squares.


Jun 19, 2017
I think the dev could take note of what Mr. Dots did back in the day with Dating My Daughter. Just take the offensive game down from patreon, start a second vanilla game with super slow updates, and just sort of keep working on the original game behind the scenes. Like, it would be a bit of a pain in the ass to have a separate dev site for promo and downloads, but I'm sure the patreon subscribers would stick around and know what's up with a bit of communication. Let's be real too, this dev puts out pure gold, so keeping those subscribers probably won't be an issue. That's just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Aug 2, 2017
That's so much bull you could start your own fertilizer business. Next it'll be step siblings or being adopted. Hell how much longer until they come after "landlord" and "tenant"
Step-relation and adoption is already out, at least from other games I've seen. Any mention of familiarity except friends.
Landlord and tenant is still allowed of course.

Guyin Cognito

Gentleman Pervert
Feb 23, 2018
Regardless of who's house it is or what the fine print in the contract says, this is not the same thing as people appearing on a talk show or radio show, or even commenting online on someone else's article.

Patreon's entire set-up and business model revolves around the idea of freeing artists from the restrictive control of doing their work as employees of a larger company that would tell them what to do and what not to do. The whole point is for individuals to work independently and be compensated directly by their fans, so that they can do the art they want to do and express themselves freely. That's Patreon's whole sales pitch.

Allowing themselves to be kowtowed by faux-moralist credit card companies and then pass that oppression on to their clients flies in the face of the entire concept, and it's shitty of them to choose to give in to these demands rather than find another way to process payments. There's a bunch of options out there these days, and clearly other people like SubscribeStar have found a way to avoid it. So, even if Patreon "has the right" to do it, it's still fucking bullshit.

There's another thing also, and this might get a little uncomfortable or too real for some, but it is what it is. They (the larger "they") are not just doing this to prevent abuse. That has actually been statistically proven to be backwards, so if anything they are contributing to abuse. They've made it obvious in many ways that they don't actually care about protecting children (which is technically a separate issue from incest anyway, but they always conflate them). It's part of the grander plan to force Americans to live according the laws of a specific subset of a specific religion. Case in point, I myself am a Christian, but I don't believe god gives any more of a rat's ass about incest than he does shellfish, pork, or mixed fabrics.

They're doing it because they are aware that there are actually a lot of consenting adults engaging in incestuous relationships that are simply forced to keep it a secret. These are people that are trying their best to get changes made to laws (which is supposed to be a key part of America's structure of government) to allow them to live their lives how they choose without getting themselves arrested in the process. This is a battle that has been going on behind the scenes for a while now, and it has only recently started making it into some rare headlines here and there, but it's the next thing coming in America's culture of warring for rights. This is going to become a bigger issue within the next few decades at the latest, I'm sure of it.

They're not hurting anybody. They're not infringing upon anyone else's rights. The only reason incest is illegal in the first place is because there are people trying to take away our freedom of religion by default, by forcing their beliefs on the public through abuse of power. The credit card companies are either among those or trying to "look clean" to those people, because they think that's the best plan for their bottom line. I'm not even sure they're right about that at this point. On the rare articles I see about it, the majority of the comments are essentially, "who gives a shit, let them do what they want." Patreon is going along with it because they don't feel like putting up a fight.

As a result of it all, artists are suffering imposition on their expression, adults are having their rights oppressed, and children are more likely to be abused. All in the name of power, control, and money. So, yeah, whether Patreon is within the rights of their contract to do it, it's still bullshit.

Just for the record, I've never had a daughter or a sister, and I wouldn't touch my mother with a ten meter cattle-prod (we DON'T get along anymore). I just don't like hypocrisy and fascism.
Last edited:


Jun 20, 2017
Regardless of who's house it is or what the fine print in the contract says, this is not the same thing as people appearing on a talk show or radio show, or even commenting online on someone else's article.

Patreon's entire set-up and business model revolves around the idea of freeing artists from the restrictive control of doing their work as employees of a larger company that would tell them what to do and what not to do. The whole point is for individuals to work independently and be compensated directly by their fans, so that they can do the art they want to do and express themselves freely. That's Patreon's whole sales pitch.

Allowing themselves to be kowtowed by faux-moralist credit card companies and then pass that oppression on to their clients flies in the face of the entire concept, and it's shitty of them to choose to give in to these demands rather than find another way to process payments. There's a bunch of options out there these days, and clearly other people like SubscribeStar have found a way to avoid it. So, even if Patreon "has the right" to do it, it's still fucking bullshit.

There's another thing also, and this might get a little uncomfortable or too real for some, but it is what it is. They (the larger "they") are not just doing this to prevent abuse. That has actually been statistically proven to be backwards, so if anything they are contributing to abuse. They've made it obvious in many ways that they don't actually care about protecting children (which is technically a separate issue from incest anyway, but they always conflate them). It's part of the grander plan to force Americans to live according the laws of a specific subset of a specific religion. Case in point, I myself am a Christian, but I don't believe god gives any more of a rat's ass about incest than he does shellfish, pork, or mixed fabrics.

They're doing it because they are aware that there are actually a lot of consenting adults engaging in incestuous relationships that are simply forced to keep it a secret. These are people that are trying their best to get changes made to laws (which is supposed to be a key part of America's structure of government) to allow them to live their lives how they choose without getting themselves arrested in the process. This is a battle that has been going on behind the scenes for a while now, and it has only recently started making it into some rare headlines here and there, but it's the next thing coming in America's culture of warring for rights. This is going to become a bigger issue within the next few decades at the latest, I'm sure of it.

They're not hurting anybody. They're not infringing upon anyone else's rights. The only reason incest is illegal in the first place is because there are people trying to take away our freedom of religion by default, by forcing their beliefs on the public through abuse of power. The credit card companies are either among those or trying to "look clean" to those people, because they think that's the best plan for their bottom line. I'm not even sure they're right about that at this point. On the rare articles I see about it, the majority of the comments are essentially, "who gives a shit, let them do what they want." Patreon is going along with it because they don't feel like putting up a fight.

As a result of it all, artists are suffering imposition on their expression, adults are having their rights oppressed, and children are more likely to be abused. All in the name of power, control, and money. So, yeah, whether Patreon is within the rights of their contract to do it, it's still bullshit.
This, this ffs... Shit's gonna happen irl with Patreon enforcing invisible walls in front of ugly or not. Nobody sane is gonna monkey say(see) monkey do this because he played a game with rape, drugs, incest whatevs and then try it for real. 99.9% of us are here to bust a nut to something different and fucking Patreon is taking it away.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
The whole point is for individuals to work independently and be compensated directly by their fans, so that they can do the art they want to do and express themselves freely. That's Patreon's whole sales pitch.
Nudity is art, pornography is not. And that's what we're talking about.
There's a bunch of options out there these days, and clearly other people like SubscribeStar have found a way to avoid it.
Yeah, and SubscribeStar doesn't have the most common used payment method. In fact, they only seem to have credit cards, which limits them. That's not a bunch of options, that's exactly one.
It's part of the grander plan to force Americans to live according the laws of a specific subset of a specific religion.
These are people that are trying their best to get changes made to laws (which is supposed to be a key part of America's structure of government) to allow them to live their lives how they choose without getting themselves arrested in the process.
Which of these conspiracies is it?
They're not hurting anybody. They're not infringing upon anyone else's rights.
Except when a parent with an incest fetish is grooming their underage child to set up a sexual relationship the moment they turn legal. That's messed up and, well, illegal.

I don't agree with Patreon's rules myself, but I know there isn't some big conspiracy behind it. They have to follow rules, just like everyone else.

Guyin Cognito

Gentleman Pervert
Feb 23, 2018
Nudity is art, pornography is not. And that's what we're talking about.
Last I saw, their TOS said anything that "glorifies or promotes" incest, etc. They don't care whether it's art or porn. There are a lot of different people making very different games that would like to use Patreon. What constitutes art vs porn is sometimes a fine line and differs among cultures. The US legal system has made case by case judgement calls. I would argue that regardless of the style of the sex scenes, games (not necessarily THIS game, but maybe) that consist of 90% dramatic/comedic story telling and only 10% sex scenes don't really count as "porn." Others might argue that it's not about the overall production, but about specific individual images/animations. Personally, I feel that labeling an entire work as porn just because it contains depictions of sex is itself overly judgmental and restrictive of art. Someone who is trying to tell a story about a relationship and chooses not to cut away or fade to black when the sex starts should not automatically be called a pornographer in my opinion.

Yeah, and SubscribeStar doesn't have the most common used payment method. In fact, they only seem to have credit cards, which limits them. That's not a bunch of options, that's exactly one.
My point was that a variety of options exist to choose from, not that one company, like Patreon, should have a bunch of different payment methods. That would just be messy and confusing.

Which of these conspiracies is it?
The two things you've referenced are opposing sides of a conflict, not contradictory concepts. Neither is a conspiracy.

Patreon has SAID that this is not their choice, and that it is something they have to do because of the credit card companies. The idea that the CC companies are doing it for the sake (or appearance) of moralism is not a wild-eyed conspiracy, it's just obvious. Otherwise, they would just be throwing money in a hole for no reason, and ... they're credit card companies. Making money is their main objective.

The idea that moralists in general fight for laws that conform society to their personal beliefs is regularly in the news regarding a wide variety of topics, from gay rights, to trans rights, to abortion, as well as censorship and more. We all know that people have been subjected to psychological torture by their own families in an effort to "correct their immorality." This is not a conspiracy, it is simply America.

As for the people who would like to change these laws and are already living in secret, I know that that's true, because I've spoken to some of them, and it's been cited in mainstream media articles about ongoing legal cases. For example:

Except when a parent with an incest fetish is grooming their underage child to set up a sexual relationship the moment they turn legal. That's messed up and, well, illegal.
They've made it obvious in many ways that they don't actually care about protecting children (which is technically a separate issue from incest anyway, but they always conflate them).
I'm not talking about underage people. I'm specifically talking about consenting adults. I agree that grooming children is wrong, but then that's not truly "consenting" anymore. It's manipulation and brainwashing. In these cases, the abuse has already been ongoing for years before the sex even happens.

I don't agree with Patreon's rules myself, but I know there isn't some big conspiracy behind it. They have to follow rules, just like everyone else.
Except they don't. In the same way that artists could choose not to work with Patreon, Patreon could choose not to work with payment companies that tell them how to run their business. As far as I know, none of this is a secret. Patreon has said that these rules are being passed down to them by the CC companies, and the CC companies are claiming they are doing it for the sake of morality. I don't know the exact definition of conspiracy, but I'm pretty sure it's not a conspiracy when you're doing it out in the open.

And since CC companies also process debit payments where no line of credit even exists, in some cases they are literally telling their own customers what they are and are not allowed to spend their own money on. I don't have the choice of going somewhere else. I can only buy things where they are sold, and I can only pay using the methods provided. It's not like I can make online purchases with cash in-person. As I see it, that is a violation of our right to own property. My money is my property. Its whole point of existing is to spend on things. As long as I'm not breaking any laws, I should be allowed to spend it however I want. If I can't spend it, then it's like I don't even own it.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
Words have to be changed, not renders. As to teasers today, no one knows, but probably not. He didn't post anything on the 21st.

edit: I take that back, i could be wrong. With how strict patreon is, he might have to change some renders. Like the one where he does anal with Brenna for the first time. She tears up as she tells him to stop. word change might not be enough for that scene.
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May 1, 2018
Words have to be changed, not renders. As to teasers today, no one knows, but probably not. He didn't post anything on the 21st.

edit: I take that back, i could be wrong. With how strict patreon is, he might have to change some renders. Like the one where he does anal with Brenna for the first time. She tears up as she tells him to stop. word change might not be enough for that scene.
Ow now I see the gravity... Damn That means The Game Just lost all its Flavor


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2020
Words have to be changed, not renders. As to teasers today, no one knows, but probably not. He didn't post anything on the 21st.

edit: I take that back, i could be wrong. With how strict patreon is, he might have to change some renders. Like the one where he does anal with Brenna for the first time. She tears up as she tells him to stop. word change might not be enough for that scene.
The same could apply to the scene in the bathroom with brena or cuninlingus to Ophelia... At this point it is so difficult to speculate on what they are going to approve and what they are going to change completely...

It also comes to mind when they discover the drugs in Hunter's room....
I just hope this isn't a lethal blow to the game and WWG's energies.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
I just hope this isn't a lethal blow to the game and WWG's energies.
Patches can fix wording and tears can be played off as happy tears in the unpatched version. So probably not a lethal blow. It could be a hit to WWGs morale though. Especially if he has to re-render. Before he just had to watch out for keywords, now he has to also write around scenarios. Like he could want to portray something dark, but how will he do it in the unpatched version that still makes sense.
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May 1, 2018
I think If They Should close it and open another one. and redirect everybody to the new location. I Think it will save them Time.
And evade the double work with patching and all that. But that is if the other site give them the permit to load up what they already made.
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