No, I didn't. Just because Hunter did something he did before, you made the mental gymnastics that all the NTR that's PREVENTABLE actually does happen but in another timeline! It doesn't matter that you fucked the girl! In three other timelines, she fucked three other guys! (in one of them at the same time!) That's just plain dumb, dude.
It's been said several times by WWG that they're done in spare time when he's not developing PV. I don't know what else to say.
Yeah, you did miss the point. I started by expressing my view on how the NTR has changed in the game (this is not intended as an attack on anyone or even the game). It isn't about whether the NTR happens or not, or even that it is preventable. It is that it is done in such a way the characters, who are in character in all timelines, eventually react above and beyond the initial push that eventually makes them nothing but corrupt NTR holes. No further drugs, blackmail, or conditioning required, and this, by my mental gymnastics, degrades their characters no matter if it is main game or otherwise.
To put it in perspective... Say you have a girlfriend/wife/LI and that you somehow acquired the ability to jump across an assumed muti-verse or even just time in general and wound up in a timeline that you knew was exactly the same as your own, except that in this one, your LI was targeted by a creepy old family member, was drugged once, and ended up being taken advantage of by him in that state. This is terrible, but in itself not damaging to her actual character, who is the same in both timelines aside from this particular happening where she was a victim (optionally).
This is sort of how the game started and dealt with NTR, a random bad end with no real impact/reflection on the primary timeline and was optional. I thought then it was pretty innovative as far as the genre goes, even with a zombie antagonist. I am not so uptight about NTR I couldn't watch them and enjoy the humor. But as should have been expected it didn't stop there. Now not only are the LI's taken advantage of, but they come to enjoy it for the typical reasons, and prefer to be treated that way than otherwise, and in ways that would belittle the MC. It reduces their characters to the base level of virtually all NTR, no matter if it is optional or not, which is the primary thing that alienates the vanilla crowd from the NTR and mixes like oil and water.
Now you can scream that this is all optional, which yes it is, so we have the option to close our eyes, but it is a far cry from the "Wily Coyote" random comedy bad ends that were the initial level of NTR. Then combine that with the constant What-if bombardment of same, but longer and more elaborate, and longer time frames between regular releases that somehow are not supposed to be impacted by this... and it makes it difficult to market to the vanilla crowd, who feel like they were subsidizing content they didn't want to begin with. So excuse me if I point out that it seems to me that this has become more of an NTR game, with a sizeable and appreciated vanilla path, but one that is suffering in several ways from what seemed to be a change in direction that came for valid reasons (money/patreons). But it isn't the same game to me that we started out with, which is what my points were all making, along with saying it shouldn't still be marketed as such imho.