I havent once said you should be working harder. Why do you keep assuming. For the last time: the point made was that IF you spend time on something adjacent to the game, thats time you arent spending on the main game. Geezus. By all means, use this new free time to do whatever the hell you want. LOGICALLY some of that time could be used to work on the game further. NOT. THAT. YOU. HAVE. TO. But its an option. Which is the whole point.
So your point is that What Ifs take away time from working on main game because he could have been crunching down on the main game outside of the time he assigned for his work? Fuck yeah, sound logic dude.
WWG: "With game coming to a close I will be dedicating some of my free time to the game which means I will not have time to do "What Ifs" anymore (which I was doing in my FREE TIME instead of reading a book or watching a movie)"
Idiots like you: "YeAh wELl yUo CoUlD hAvE DoNe sO iN tHe bEgInNing aNd ThAt mEaNs WhAt iFS acShUaLly tAkE aWaY TiMe fRoM MaIn gAmE"
If WWG wasn't making What Ifs, the amount of hours he'd put into the main game would remain the same still because (since he is not stupid and knows how to avoid a burnout) he designated work time slots for his daily routine, as he said. With game slowly reaching its comclusion, follow me now, next part may be difficult to understand,
he decided to increase said hours which means he has less free time for anything else which means he had to choose between making additional bonus content and other activities. He chose other activities and that is his decision.