
Jun 19, 2020
So here's the thing. The what ifs were diversions from the main narrative that were different enough because concepts came from Patrons. By now cutting them for more base work on main game it potentially increases the odds of burnout. You can only work on the same thing for so long before you need a break from it.

The main game is his full time job. When you leave work do you go and do the exact same thing when you get home? I drive/deliver for FedEx, once i get home the last thing i want to do is drive anymore. In WWG's case the main game is what he does for 40-50 hours a week. Now he was using his non work hours for what ifs instead of getting away from the computer and doing other things as a thank you to his highest tier patrons. So instead of watching tv, going out, ect... WWG instead used his main skill set for something different.

Honestly I'm kinda worried that instead of getting that break he is going to add those what if hours to main game production. In turn the risk of burnout, creative block or even desire to just stop PV increases exponentially due to it potentially taking up too much of his time. Let's hope that the game doesn't suffer because of his choice. Thanks WWG for the work you've done already and the increased work load you plan to take on to deliver an epic last few chapters of PV.

Darth Helmet

May The Schwartz Be With You
Respected User
Apr 7, 2017
I just came to see if there's any news and it's suddenly chaotic. Feels like the Summertime Saga thread. Can we go back to being normal and asking "WhEn uPdAtE rElEaSe?" Thanks.
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Fayn Arawn

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2019
Same way arguing time semantics on a forum is time not spent somewhere else :PogChamp:
The funny thing is we're not arguing semantics. You're arguing semantics, because you're either making a strawman or you're just slow. The fact that WWG can work extra time on the main game, instead of What Ifs, is not in dispute. This exchange started with uscmiller22's assertion that working on What Ifs slowed the progress on the main game, which is patently false, but you agreed with him. Read it again. That's why we're arguing.

So personally I’m not bothered by this and look forward to what’s to come, but boy does this poke a hole in the “what ifs” don’t make the game take longer camp. How many people were arguing left and right that it had absolutely no effect on the main game? Guess all the people telling the whiners to shut up about the what ifs delaying things were 100% wrong. This is kind of a funny little development, shocked that war hasn’t started back up.
May 10, 2020
Omg y’all crazy. Can we just talk about how Hunter looks like a shriveled nutsack that just got pulled from a fire. And also how the fuck is Catherine so white when Hunter is dark as hell, and Ophelia is still quite black, somewhere on the border of light skin. And then her and father (can’t remember his name) pump out 3 FULLY WHITE children and one is a fucking GINGER. I get that because of the whole patreon thing they need to look like they aren’t directly related but there’s only so much I can do to suspend my belief. I get that genes dissipate as generations go on, and it is possible for a black woman and a white man to have a white child, but three in a row is an incredibly rare possibility.
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Jan 21, 2018
The What Ifs were great and the dev was cool enough to take time out of his free schedule to make them. But if he has the end in sight and whats to focus on finishing up main game, completely understand. I'm hoping that Hunter's bad end for this coming chapter involves brainwashing Sterling, and we see some dp action. Cause if the end is near, definitely would like to see some dp action with Opheila and Brenna.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
Ive got no problem with it either, but trying to get the forum to understand the base logic that time spent on the what ifs was time not spent on the game is a waste of time.
So, to make it clear: time spent on the what ifs was time not spent on the game.
What you do with that time is entirely up to you but yes, it does in fact leave more time for things including more content for the main game.
Again, free time should be spent on the game.
I havent once said you should be working harder.
Yes, you have, since you said twice already that free time should be spent on the game. But you'll argue that it's semantics and you're just "implying" it.
I literally said the opposite in the quote.
No you didn't.


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
God damn the entitlement of the people here who are asking the dev to work harder, for less pay. Yes, what ifs bring in the money as WWG stated himself. I'm wiling to bet the people who are here asking WWG to give up the time of his day were he rests and eats are the people who pirate the game.

Get out of here with that bullshit. The man already does so much for us because it shows in the quality of his game.


Aug 29, 2017
I havent once said you should be working harder. Why do you keep assuming. For the last time: the point made was that IF you spend time on something adjacent to the game, thats time you arent spending on the main game. Geezus. By all means, use this new free time to do whatever the hell you want. LOGICALLY some of that time could be used to work on the game further. NOT. THAT. YOU. HAVE. TO. But its an option. Which is the whole point.
So your point is that What Ifs take away time from working on main game because he could have been crunching down on the main game outside of the time he assigned for his work? Fuck yeah, sound logic dude.
WWG: "With game coming to a close I will be dedicating some of my free time to the game which means I will not have time to do "What Ifs" anymore (which I was doing in my FREE TIME instead of reading a book or watching a movie)"
Idiots like you: "YeAh wELl yUo CoUlD hAvE DoNe sO iN tHe bEgInNing aNd ThAt mEaNs WhAt iFS acShUaLly tAkE aWaY TiMe fRoM MaIn gAmE"
If WWG wasn't making What Ifs, the amount of hours he'd put into the main game would remain the same still because (since he is not stupid and knows how to avoid a burnout) he designated work time slots for his daily routine, as he said. With game slowly reaching its comclusion, follow me now, next part may be difficult to understand, he decided to increase said hours which means he has less free time for anything else which means he had to choose between making additional bonus content and other activities. He chose other activities and that is his decision.
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Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
I'm willing to bet the guys that think a dev should slave away at the game the dev created, with every waking moment probably lead a low effort life working some low paying retail job for 30 to 35 hours a week.
I mean I feel like you can tell with the shear volume of entitlement they project on everyone.

Mean while everyone that also work 40 to 50 hours a weak at a high paying job are like, " Great game. You do you. Can't wait for the update. Thanks for keeping in touch. "

WWG is one of the more consistent devs. Put your dick back in your pants and relax.


Engaged Member
Oct 30, 2019
God damn the entitlement of the people here who are asking the dev to work harder, for less pay. Yes, what ifs bring in the money as WWG stated himself. I'm wiling to bet the people who are here asking WWG to give up the time of his day were he rests and eats are the people who pirate the game.

Get out of here with that bullshit. The man already does so much for us because it shows in the quality of his game.


Nov 22, 2019
I replaced the what ifs with sleeping and look at how entitled you sound:
So personally I’m not bothered by this and look forward to what’s to come, but boy does this poke a hole in the “SLEEPING” don’t make the game take longer camp. How many people were arguing left and right that it had absolutely no effect on the main game? Guess all the people telling the whiners to shut up about SLEEPING delaying things were 100% wrong. This is kind of a funny little development, shocked that war hasn’t started back up.
For real my dude. Ive got no problem with it either, but trying to get the forum to understand the base logic that time spent on SLEEPING was time not spent on the game is a waste of time. They just assume your complaining and not trying to explain basic semantics. Like hell, if it takes longer it takes longer, his supporters are obviously fine with it. But I gave up long ago once I started banging my head against the wall when it comes to basic things like this.
The what ifs were part of his downtime. Now he's sacrificing that to put more into the main game.

So well done for pointing out that the time spent on sleeping, eating, spending time with family and doing what if's could have been spent on the main game. You both get a gold star.


Active Member
Dec 17, 2020
OK since we’re getting close to the end, it would be cool if we had 3 endings to the end of the game Sterling main ending, Hunter NTR ending and a bonus ending with a twist.

Sterling ending:
Family finds out about Hunter’s plans and they all turned on him and kicked him out of the house. Catherine and brenna was furious and Ophelia was heartbroken and told Hunter to stay away from them forever. Sterling finds a job and helps take care of the family. Catherine and Amber still dating each other and even sometimes still hook up with Sterling every now and then. Eva And Brenna are still together and even plan to get married. Lucia decided to travel around the world and have some adventure, she visits sterling occasionally. Ophelia and other girls still get with sterling and they all go through live with happiness.

Hunter ending:
Hunter sets Sterling up and made it look like He was the one planning to get with the girls. He planted all his drugs and evidence in Sterling room and when the girls found out, they was heartbroken and Kicked him out of the house. Lucia tried to helped sterling and convinces others he’s innocent but it doesn’t work. Sterling tries to come back but he end up getting arrested for trespassing and having drugs that he shouldn’t have. So it fast forward and we have Hunter having sex with Ophelia and Aliza in the kitchen, meanwhile Catherine and Amber have sex with Drew in the back. It later fast forward to Drew eating out Brenna and hunter banging Eva and in the end Both hunter and Drew got all the girls pregnant With smiles on their face meanwhile Sterling is sat in a cell crying knowing everything he had lost.

Bonus Ending:
Drew betrays Hunter and tries to get rid of both him and Sterling. We find out that this was a long play and he wanted everything to himself and why he’s doing it. Drew knocks out Hunter and Sterling and drops them off far away from the girls. So Hunter and Sterling put aside their differences and teamed up to take Drew down and in the end they won. Hunter and Sterling make a deal and propose a truce for now.


Forum Fanatic
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
I was saying the same thing kind of on discord. That since the game is ending, the last bad end could be a real no reverse time bad end. So yeah, i guess what i was asking for was multiple endings, with of course vanilla/Sterling ending being the true ending. Multiple endings could work since the people who hate NTR would have it off anyways so they would only get the true ending.
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