
Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2020
Why put out a game where they kill , I don 't see the point of playing on , so that you are killed like that .
She was in a sense damaged goods. If the writer(s) want to raise the stakes and risk to the primary protagonists, killing a character with strong links to them is a common mechanism. Simply put she was the least costly loss to the narrative. Her death raises the stakes to a new level. I suspect, but can't prove, that most players had little or no investment in her, so killing her is unlikely to have them emotionally detach from the game. We'll wait to see how this plays out.
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Jun 4, 2019
She was in a sense damaged goods. If the writer(s) want to raise the stakes and risk to the primary protagonists, killing a character with strong links to them is a common mechanism. Simply put she was the least costly loss to the narrative. Her death raises the stakes to a new level. I suspect, but can't prove, that most players had little or no investment in her, so killing her is unlikely to have them emotionally detach from the game. We'll wait to see how this plays out.
Damaged goods, yes, but repairable if this gets any worse its not worth the download


Dec 14, 2021
She was in a sense damaged goods. If the writer(s) want to raise the stakes and risk to the primary protagonists, killing a character with strong links to them is a common mechanism. Simply put she was the least costly loss to the narrative. Her death raises the stakes to a new level. I suspect, but can't prove, that most players had little or no investment in her, so killing her is unlikely to have them emotionally detach from the game. We'll wait to see how this plays out.
It would then have killed both Nika and that cheating slut. Neither of them do anything in this game anymore. Both of them are equally dead.


Jun 11, 2017
Is there a known issue with saves.
Trying to use ones from 5.0 but getting the stop rolling back issue.
Third newest worked. Why?
Yeah, it's known issue. When dev rewrites big parts of the game it often ends like that. I failed to load a save up to a meeting in a bar where Lance invited MC and girls. And only when I successfully loaded a save prior to chapter 11 I understand why: there was serious rewriting before the evening in the bar so that's saves cannot be loaded.


Jun 11, 2017
Burst Out Games
Hello again with a new portion of language troubles. This time I begin with the Deutsch language.
Elsa, a schoolgirl, first time meeting with a parent of a classmate uses a phrase "Sprichst du Deutsch?" You know, not only Russian uses "plural you" as respectful addressing, it actually came to Russian from German language in the time of Peter the Great. Correct pronoun in that case would be "sie" not "du"(the same way Nika use "Вы" (not "Ты") when addressing to MC). If Elsa would ask Tilly or Valerie this question then what you used would be true. But it's inappropriate to use "du" when schoolgirl addressing an adult she never saw before, she'd say "Sprechen sie Deutsch?"
It's not a language thing but I don't get it, why MC citates Nicolas Cage from "History of swearing words". MC's words about "fuck" are word-to-word citation from that TV show (I actually watched it not long ago). Why? It's not like it's some meme or something like that. And without Cage's charisma his words are... just words, they are not even funny or humorous.
And language again, your favorite Russian. There's no such word in Russian - prisyadka. The dance they speak about is kind of common myth about Russians. This dance comes from Ukraine (so it's not Russian dance per se), it's called gopak. In time of Soviet Union cultural exchange between different nations was highly supported. So gopak, as a dance of kazaks (anyone can google who they are) become something like a fashionable thing for military men in all Soviet Union. In Russian gopak and dances like gopak are called by collective word - "вприсядку" (vprisyadku), literally means "doing (it) sitting". But the word "присядка" (prisyadka) doesn't exist in Russian, it just has no meaning.
Now I began to play chapter 15 and if I'll see anything else I'll tell you.

Night in the camp. MC says: "Friends were suddenly saving "I love you" amongst themselves". I guess it was mystype for "saying" instead of "saving".

Another thing I greatly appreciate in your game is measurements. I never understood why Britain and it's former colonies still use local British measures. I mean, they are the only ones that are using them, the whole world is using standard measurements (like meters and liters) and only a few countries are still cling to local British ones. I know what meter is and I know what liter is. And though I know how to recount miles to kilometers and I know how to recount gallons to liters I still don't know what it is to be 5'11''. Yes, I can recount in one google request (I educated enough for that) but those numbers in feets and inches means nothing to me. It's so good what you did, allowing players to see the standard measures.
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Jun 11, 2017
And the last (at this moment) chapter goes.
Citating Valerie: "those cyka biches". I'll say nothing abut Valerie knows Russian, but cyka bitches? Really? Word "сука" (I guess it will be something like "sookah" to keep the original pronounciation) literally and figuratively means female dog and someone with bitchy personality. So cyka bitches literally means bitch bitches. A bit excessive, don't you think?
And next thought of Valerie is about Soviet communists... If we suppose it's present day then it means when Valerie was born communism was already been a thing from the past. I don't know what people from the other side of the globe think about Soviets but for our youngsters it was a fairytale that stayed a fairytale. And it doesn't matter that 150 millions of people believe in that fairytale. I speak about communism of course. But talking about Soviet communists in XXI century is the same as think KGB is still a real thing (KGB as an organisation ended in 1991). Then Valerie "remembers" Clinton. Who ended being the president of USA in 2001, even before she was born. It's not MC who remembers Clinton but his daughter. Something's wrong here.
About Russian abbreviated agencies I say nothing, Google can say it better than me. It seems the only thing MC knows about Russia is Russian language. Except one thing. What is Russian Foreign Intelligence Service? KGB is State Security Comittee (is not present now), FSB is Federal Security Service (functions are the same as FBI in USA), GRU is State Intelligence Directorate (functions are the same as CIA in USA) but what is Russian Foreign Intelligence Service?
About Kirov. If it was her callsign then why she use the last name of Soviet politician who was killed more than half a century before she was even born? And if it's her last name... it's not. It's male last name, not female. We, Russians, change our last name according to gender. If my last name would be Ivanov then my wife's last name would be Ivanova. The same goes for my future daughter if I'll have one (me and my wife are still working on that). The same goes for Nika.
And I already told you about addressing woman as beatiful. Organized crime is not some petty criminals, it's degrading to address a "collegue" in such a way. After such addressing Dimitri (Bolgarian name in Russian crime structure?) will be a a disabled man in a very quick way, it's a matter of nonor, no Russian crime boss will allow his subordinates to call his daughter beautiful. And worse of that, no brother in Russia will call his sister that way, it's inappropriate to say the least. He'll call her Veronica (i.e. by her name) or just sister. And the next sentence... well, I better stop, Black Widow vibe is too strong in this one.


Jun 11, 2017
Burst Out Games
In conclusion, I want to add that there so much you did wrong in last chapter I just see no reason to point every one of your mistakes. Male Russian that introduced himself by name and patronym (and MC calling him Mr. Patronym), which is right introduction by the way, speaking of himself in female gender and MC repeating every American myth about Russians (what's word tsarina means?) just like an icing on a cake.
But I do want to say one thing. In time of present conflict on Ukraine (as a Russian I do feel sorry for every Ukranian, I really feel it, and I wish I can do something to stop that) you seem to copy-paste every possible tropes about West vs. Russia. I like what Ivan Vasilyevich is saying (as every other Russian I guess), it's what we feel about what is going on (and I guess I feel for every American who pays for gasoline its current price, in Russia gasoline actually became cheaper than it was) but why are you doing such horrific things to a story? The killing of MC's ex-wife is looking like Biden's words, Ivan Vasilyevich said beforehand that MC's family are guests and then his adoptive son killed Stacey with a gun (he's a superhuman, why does he need to use a gun?). That event looked out of place, out if narrative, out of story. It's just like you need to do this but you can't find any reason to do it the way it was good for a story. I really like what you're doing with a story (yes, there's minor setback that MC is the last one to know but reader must endure this) but that one thing is ruining all that.
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Burst Out Games

Game Developer
May 3, 2020
Hi lionarslan, as always thanks for your advice on Russian! We won't be able to respond to everything you mentioned but we'll reply to your general sentiments as well as comments from others.

With regards to the languages, again we only have one team member who has basic knowledge of Russian. We're trying our best, so please bear with us! The German is correct, it's the informal way of speaking. For Valerie and Dimitri's words and actions, they say and do those things because it fits their personalities (one's not too bright and one's an asshole). For the scale measurements, thanks for noticing! Our team may be small, but we're from different parts of the globe so a couple of us were adamant about that hahaha!

Story-wise in general, our patrons for the past year and a half and most of our fans who've been following us closely since we began here on F95Zone, will know that we've planned out the entire overarching plot since we started. And that hasn't changed too much. Unfortunately it's purely coincidental that the kidnapping arc corresponded with the current events in Eastern Europe (maybe we're psychic? we don't know, or maybe our spotting of international trends is better than we thought). We'd like to give our most heart felt wishes to all those affected by the events over there right now, our thoughts and prayers are with them in these extremely turbulent times. We were actually concerned about releasing this chapter during this time, but ultimately decided not to make our patrons and fans wait any longer. And as we mentioned to you on our Discord, most of the other things you said above are just homages/references to western/global pop culture, they're just there for fun so please don't think too much into it.

Don't worry though, as with all good stories there are up and downs and everything in between, and we've likewise planned the entire game this way. We promise that after this kidnapping arc is done soon there'll be more good times ahead, and so on and so forth.

Cheers and stay safe!
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Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2019
Finally reached this game, computer crash earlier this year, put much of things behind until I was able to get a new one, and got done with Chapter 16, and as such, caught back up with the Dev.

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Thank you so very much for this game thus far, and looking forward for more.
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Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
Well, my enthusiasm for this game is definitely at a low point with this last update. Hate the death of the mom, the fact that the characters are trapped and at the whim of the Russian idiots, that I was right to not trust Nika, AND the lack of any sex...

I think many bridges have been burned to the ground in this update. I hope we get the chance to betray or destroy Nika in the future. The plot is still spending too much time keeping the MC in the dark and forcing him to react instead of act. Hope that changes soon.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
Well, my enthusiasm for this game is definitely at a low point with this last update. Hate the death of the mom, the fact that the characters are trapped and at the whim of the Russian idiots, that I was right to not trust Nika, AND the lack of any sex...

I think many bridges have been burned to the ground in this update. I hope we get the chance to betray or destroy Nika in the future. The plot is still spending too much time keeping the MC in the dark and forcing him to react instead of act. Hope that changes soon.
I think that the death part wouldn't have been as bad if all the dialogue prior to that wasn't a meme parade. Super powers exists in this world so it wouldn't surprise me if she comes back to life in a few updates. But yeah... not really an enjoyable update.


Apr 23, 2018
Translation of the game Powers That Be made by me.

The author can use it if he wants, just credit the translation.

Supported Version

Translation Changelog

Fixed Phrases out of Context
Fixed Untranslated Strings
Fixed Untranslated Text

Chapter 12 Translated
Changed/Corrected Texts of Previous Chapters Retranslated

Changed/Corrected Texts of Previous Chapters Retranslated
Fixed more Untranslated Strings

Chapter 13 Translated

Chapter 14 Translated

Chapter 15 Translated

Chapter 16 Translated

NOTE1: I will translate future versions if possible.
NOTE2: Any typo or text out of context please let me know.
NOTE3: I do translations for Hobby, I am a layman in these things.
NOTE4: My thanks to Burst Out Games for supporting Localization made easy in other languages.
NOTE5: Looking forward to the next chapter.

Tradução do jogo Powers That Be feita por mim.

O autor pode usar se quiser, apenas creditar a tradução.

Versão Suportada

Changelog da Tradução

Corrigido Frases fora de Contexto
Corrigido Strings não Traduzidas
Corrigido Textos não Traduzidos

Capítulo 12 Traduzido
Textos Trocados/Corrigidos dos Capítulos Anteriores Retraduzidos

Textos Trocados/Corrigidos dos Capítulos Anteriores Retraduzidos
Corrigido mais Strings não Traduzidas

Capítulo 13 Traduzido

Capítulo 14 Traduzido

Capítulo 15 Traduzido

Capítulo 16 Traduzido

OBS1: Irei traduzir versões futuras se for possível.
OBS2: Qualquer erro de digitação ou texto fora de contexto por favor avisar.
OBS3: Faço traduções por Hobby, sou leigo nessas coisas.
OBS4: Meus agradecimentos ao Burst Out Games pelo suporte a Localização facilitada de outros Idiomas.
OBS5: Ansioso pelo próximo capítulo.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
I didn't even like stacy at first because of her cheating but if she got killed, I would be really sad. Her character growned on me and I don't even know if I will have motivation to continue playing if she dies. I legit shed tears at the last scene. Who will die next? Valerie? Why any of your girls die in a harem game in the first place? I didn't expect this much depressing feelings from this game. It generally made me happy from humour, characters, story, extremely sexy dialogue in sex scenes and sex scenes themselves. Now I wish I didn't play the last chapter


Sep 23, 2021
I'm now very disappointed with this game. Part of the reason I play these games, or any games, is to get away from Life for a while and be in a happy place. Having current world politics added into the plot, as well as having one of the girls getting senselessly killed, just breaks the game for me. I was enjoying it until the Russians came to visit.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2020
I'm so far up to chapter 3 and the dialogue is like legit lame...For reals, it would be good if the dev did not decide to ad slang and colloquialisms. I mean if I wrote dialogues like I spoke as a So. Cal. surfer teen I doubt many would understand wtf I was trying to say. I mean it would be TOTALLY BOGUS MAN.
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2020
I loaded my save game from Dec 2020...and it doesnt progress beyond it. Has there really been no update for 1 1/2 years???
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