Gold and Sand =/= Avarice, and our estimate was end of 2024 but we have not sent a hard date. Hard to state/dedicate a time, especially since we will be working with Critical Bliss who will have input on when/where our window should be, too.
No idea if we will do an early access period or not. Early Access is only good if you have a short period of time. We'll prefer to have a free demo for Gold and Sand over an EA from everything we know about Steam and Early Access.
Paywalling quests is stupid...? We have 10 hours of content on average playthrough for the demo right now. That's uh, longer than some AAA games my dude! We have a paid version which is pretty under-priced comparatively, at $5 only, to actually sustain ourselves as a team. But as I said, steam will be the definitive version. Steam Income is almost always greater than Patreon unless you somehow tanked a launch.
I'm not saying PFF paywall is stupid, I'm saying the whole idea of paywolling crucial content is stupid. And quest is crucial in PFF, coz there is no interesting repeating scenes, nor there is any interesting game loop. Paywalling crucial content will never do any good to any kind of project, regardless of genre or company. EA says hello with Dead Space outlash. And they had all the money to forcemarket it.
Problem is - you paywalled character progression wich is even more stupid IMO. There is all kind of additional paywall content which can do good - skins, scenes, poses, even character. It can be somewhat logical to paywall a complete characters. Like in Princess&Conquest. But to show characters, start their loyalthy quest - and paywall the rest of a tory - it is so fucked up, I cant even find the right words for it. And I have a lot of words.
But the core of the problem with PFF - there is no core gameloop to grind except of that trashy hunting quest for 2,5 copper coin. End even if I did decide ti grind it - there is not a single reward for it.
Merchant sell useless trash. There is no new armor, weapons, potions to buy, no house to furnish, nothing.
10 hours of content? Dont make me laugh please. With all due respect to all that artwork, there is several linear quests with tons of shitty text to read. For example, Crimson Dervish quest:
And not just that one quest - that kind of wierd things is everywhere. Why the fuck all girls clings to MC? It would seem right if there was some kind of mystic event at the fertility shrine at the beginning – which in turn led do Lady Wolf choosing to make MC work for her. But there was no such event, so MC is just another knife-ear. Yet L.Wolf throw hersef on him(not his oblivious friend) and every girl he met do the same. Why? Coz of some secret reasons straight from the writers head I guess? Which is stupid and breaks immersion. (and you did say you want to create a good game, so immersion is your friend, why kill it?)
And with all my might I'm trying not to say all that colorful words I have in mind - about battle system. With almost identical characters. Useless skills and inadequate level of subsystems.
There is a game named "Regalia Of Men and Monarchs". It has the same party ptinciple as PFF - you have several characters, but in fight you can use only a few. and use them to fight in turn based battles. But the thing is - they are all DIFFERENT. There is a tank, a shooter, debuffer, mage, etc. About dozen of them. And their battle mechanics is FAR MORE simple and easy to understand. Yet, there is enough room for making any kind of challanges.
Oh, and - did you know - undo last move doesn’t work most of the time.
And that is not all. There is UI. Oh, UI. Left corner menu is so fucking small it is almost useless.
New game option IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE of main menu? Who came up with the idea? Check his skin for blue feathers, he may be one of Tzeentch acolytes. Apparently the same person who came to a brilliant idea - NOT TO SHOW your money while in trading menu. Tzeench indeed was happened there I tell you. Oh, and there is no way to overwrite saves. Only create new saves and load old onews. For whatewer mysterious reasons.
Changing active character in battle is invisible – should be indication so player see it with if only corner of his eyes. ESPECIALLY with thad f... alternatively interesting battle system where skills sometimes end turn, and sometimes not.
When I saw this game first time I thought something is off - coz of broken things here and there. But I assumed it is early alpha. So I decided to give it a chance. But things keep stockpiling. I never could guess that in porn game I have no way of repeating a scene with character, for example. It it not even wierd - it is outright stupid.
And today I found out that the project has been in development for more than five years. By the seasoned devs like you told me earlier. And battle system is STILL not shaped, like you told earlier.
It is not something off - everything is off. Except art. And music. If we dont talk about art (and most of animations), there is not even a single aspect which is not broken or twisted. And on top of that - paywalled quests. For the fucks sake. 1 scene, 1-2 fights and several pages of text. Pay-fucking-walled.
And with that pile of fucked up things, you say there is another ptoject you are developing? *Plop* Nice(c).