Ahahaha... aha... no. There hasn't been. I grew up farming, there isn't a single human on the face of the fucking planet that could bare fisted knock a bull out with a punch. I have seen a COW twist a corral panel when she freaked out and they aren't made to ram full force into bears like a bull is. Even bears only go after young bulls, and if you think you could knock a bear out you are fucking out of it lol. You live in a fantasy world, ironically. A bull can shatter your shoulder without even meaning to hurt you, it can just try to warn you and it would literally rip your shoulder from its socket.
BG1/2 mostly keep the blatantly rude options for things that aren't narratively important... a better example would be Arcanum, but even then it gets connected to a bunch of things like intelligence, charisma, speech checks etc. With the writing team we have we give as many options with meaning while confirming to the character of Redic. Providing this set for everything gets old and laboured/forced
- Meanie Bo Beanie: "Grrr, I mad, I edge, you suck! Grrr!
- Nice: "Uuuu, I nice, you nice. We nice!"
- Neutral: "Pointless option that leads to Nice outcome"
- Speechcraft: "Pointless option that leads to Nice outcome"
So... we don't. It improves our options and writing a lot.
Funny that the fanbase for Trump is so heavily skewed with flat earthers but you seem to worship him but... Trump is a good example actually! How many of his former staffers are with him? Why isn't he running with his former Vice President? Why does everyone in his administration and even his wife seem to hate him and speak badly of him now? With Musk, Confinity outright ousted him because of his general behaviour and they were afraid he'd kill the company (He wanted to detach from Ebay which was their lifeblood at the time). But these two men have one very important common factor! They had nearly a billion dollars in family money.
Eminem is a pretty nice dude in person, most accounts of fans and people in his personal life say he is a good guy who tries to do right by everyone around him. When it comes to dictators in Africa, do you realise the ones who aren't charismatic in some form typically fall to assassination or ousting by another junta etc? You need to be a reasonably likeable/loved/feared person and that almost always requires some form of institutionalised power that sets you up to get there. The ones who survive manage to sway enough people to follow them, at least immediately... or they get deposed. One thing they taught us in the RCMC, you can be competent... you can be firm, the toughest son of a bitch out there, but if your men won't follow you'll charge alone.
Wat... there is, kobolds suffer from a lot of prejudice in general and it created a loop where kobolds are basically held in a disadvantage spiral. They are small and can't compete with most labour jobs that underprivileged people rely on to get by, and often are forced into lives doing the scrap work people see as beneath them/demeaning, or crime. There's some suspicion around ogres because of their diminished sense of guilt compared to other peoples, and they are often typecast as brutish hulks despite them not being any less intelligent than any other people. Novencians are seen as rich, haute, and spoiled... and this can affect them in negative ways.
But it is a trade city that is a major cultural mosaic. Contact exposure is one of the best and undeniable ways to acclimate and make people more comfortable/accepting of other peoples, customs, and cultures. The Ottoman Empire is... a really shit example. Before the Ottoman Empire, during the Byzantine or Latin eras, the place was a hub of various peoples and even cultures. YOu can see architecture from all across the ancient world showing up in Istanbul, and while there were some cultural hubs where people gravitated towards, before the Ottoman Empire it was one of the most accepting places, especially as Constantinople. The Ottoman Empire was inherently isolationist and an extremely fundamentalist state that attempted to reject the world in general and establish a fucking Caliphate. So... nice try, but I know my history, habibi. Like, no shit. A caliphate wanted to eject and segregate people.
Constantinople even kind of languished after the fall, most of its academics, wealthy, etc fled and spread across the globe.[.. did you know the fall of Constantinople is actually credited for the spread of science and innovation that would move across europe in the late 1400s? Post WW1 and the fall of the Ottoman empire and mandates would open the city up again.
Ah, never played monster girl quest. Not into the whole shota thing personally, so I have no idea if his character has any depth to him or not.
Again keyframes I mentioned in my first response to you, keyframe is different from rigged. Zone has a lot of rigged stuff earlier when you originally cited, and our rigged animations look a lot better than the early zone rigged ones, but now Zonemixed keyframe with rigged and yeah it's hard to match keyframe animation with rigged. But tbh... looking through some of your examples, we honestly have more amplitude to our stuff which is surprising as the main advantage of keyframe is how much amplitude and deformation you can do. So yeah I am actually even more confident in the amazing job our animators have done after your examples. A lot of our rigged animations look as good, or even better, than some of this keyframe. I honestly would have never thought that was possible. More than proud of the job Zla and Krawa have done.
Akshually, there are venereal diseases in our setting and there's even a joke about banging Iski, though humans and Lizardfolk don't really have many shared STIs. But one of the best ways to stave-off STIs is... surprise, hygiene. STIs in the Roman Empire were actually pretty rare, same as the Greeks... despite the fact they stuck their dicks into anything, and their women would stick anything in their vag. Because of good hygiene. That's actually one of the major contributing factors to the increase in prevalence in STIs all the way to the 1800s when disease all across the board frankly spiked because people's hygiene actually got worse between the 1500-1900s. Personal hygiene is pretty common in our setting, and Redic honestly doesn't stick his dick in places you generally wouldn't want to. He's not fucking slums prostitutes, for instance. But yes, Syphilus, gonorrhoea, and chlamydia are a thing. As well as crabs, obviously.
Yujiro created nothing, he just exists. His existence gives nearly no value to the world. He is literally a parasite who never lived up to his own father's life and never was fulfilled as he was. Hence why he moves around nomadically, leeching from other people's lives vicariously. He is one of the most dangerous things in the world the zenith of so much, but he has... nothing. He is, nothing. He even feared just the sight of his own father and flipped out being judged by him and... his
entire life became nothing but trying to leave a legacy. Because he know he has achieved and built nothing.
Except for Baki. Who has out grown, out achieved, out done his father in every facet of life.
And he made the miso soup.