That's obvious when you read the dialogue,
Hate to ruin your imaginary world, but "obvious coz of dialogue" is not a gamedesign. In games "obvious" is where highlighted markers placed. Or at least, when your taskbar tells you to search for doors. Or at least , HIGHLIGHTING the doors. There is issues with contrast settings. While in comix you can use that blurry 50 shades of beige, in games where player INTERACTS with your world, you should at least make decent contours. AT LEAST. Or kill that filthy thief who stole colors, leaving only that 50 shades of beige.
Characters SHOULD stand out from surroundings. Interactive objects SHOULD stand out from interior clutter - or there SHOULD be "highlight interactions" button. Videogame industry is more than 50 years old now, it has its own rules and tips. If developers choose to ignore that rules - well, the end is predictable. Examples is hundreds.
Though yeah the combat has much to be desired but it is in it's early stages with the art and story being the main focus at the moment dev wise.
There is Fire Emblem Heroes where seasoned devs implement a simple Rock-Paper-Scirsoss system. And AFTER THAT they begin to complicate things. About a year and a half after the complete release. Here we have unnececarry overcomplicated shit instead of battle system. Is it contributes to story? No. Is it maybe somewhat emphasizes artstyle? No. Maybe it is highlights character backgrounds? No. Then why the fuck it is here at all? What for? To frustrate? It is one of the most basic rules of gemedesign - WHAT THIS ELEMENT IS FOR?
From what I see, simple Rock-Paper-Scirsoss system would be more than enough for this game. Ok, if too simple, then 1>2>3>4>1 systemm but it would rise a question about 1&3, 2&4 interaction. And after that - introduce character skills of weapons which somewhat changes the usual Rock-Paper-Scirsoss order. Period. No body part focus, no wierd bleed mechanic, armor which resets and all that.
Tip for the future, when YOU are the problem, it's best not to make it obvious by trying to blame the devs.
Say hello to Concord devs for me. It seems, they are your dear friends with all that "No-no-no, you're lying! It is not like we made shit, it is gamers who is guilty".