Deleted member 2767565

So the once lowly horny mc, a fast becoming has been in the marriage stakes, sacrifices and betrays the Love of His Life, the main li, who he has known, grown up with and clearly adored while, at the same time, crossing the girl's lordly uncle, one of the most powerful men in the region and an old friend of his beloved now departed father, all because one noble, wealthy, radiantly gorgeous and totally devoted young woman (otherwise doomed to an arranged marriage with some wealthy, limp-dicked fop) is not enough for his rampant, dick-brained libido.

Yep, conflict in a relationship between man and woman...all making sense.



Active Member
Feb 23, 2020
Il is one of the few games where I right now have difficulty to see how it could become a harem with out being an uter dick not worthy of Maria. thow the dev seams to know what he is doing, it is one thing to make a storry in your head and an other to put it on paper. There is a lot of stories that make sens in my head but would fall apart if I where to put them in ink.
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Deleted member 2767565


Well, perhaps it just depends on how much realism we feel we want or need in these tales in order to be satisfied by them (in all senses of the word, I guess). Are we looking for a fiction or a fantasy? How grounded in reasonability and rationality does it have to be in order to meet hopes or expectations.

Many stories in this VN genre are focused primarily upon creating as many sexual situations and encounters as possible regardless of the feasibility of their circumstances in the context of the reality in which we (seem to*) exist.

This is, after all, entertainment so maybe we should not judge so harshly and merely enjoy the story as it unfolds, whatever our reasons for following. Price of Power has, thus far, been an excellent yarn. Hopefully that excellence can be sustained through to the end without stretching the suspension of belief beyond breaking point and leave us all happy and satisfied with this creator's generous offering.

* Matrix reference lol


Active Member
Feb 23, 2020

Well, perhaps it just depends on how much realism we feel we want or need in these tales in order to be satisfied by them (in all senses of the word, I guess). Are we looking for a fiction or a fantasy? How grounded in reasonability and rationality does it have to be in order to meet hopes or expectations.

Many stories in this VN genre are focused primarily upon creating as many sexual situations and encounters as possible regardless of the feasibility of their circumstances in the context of the reality in which we (seem to*) exist.

This is, after all, entertainment so maybe we should not judge so harshly and merely enjoy the story as it unfolds, whatever our reasons for following. Price of Power has, thus far, been an excellent yarn. Hopefully that excellence can be sustained through to the end without stretching the suspension of belief beyond breaking point and leave us all happy and satisfied with this creator's generous offering.

* Matrix reference lol
My coment was more a testament to how well the relationship of the main protagonists was riten and how I feel right now as a player rather than a jugement on anyone else or the future. I agree about the realism and suspention of disbelief, however it is a realy hard thing to balance. Endevours with milions of dolars in budget sometimes can't even get it right. The context in witch we play this game alows for a lot of suspension of disbelief in regards to sexual situation.

The game has already provided us with a world and environment in witch the characters interact. Presently the characters have gone as far as decency in their world allow and maybe a bit further. They needed a thunderstorm to have an excuse to pass the night under the same roof without supervision and even then it felt like not everybody (in their world) would let it slide like the uncle did. I look forward to the twist that will allow a harem to blossom.

I should probably edit my last coment the last sentence was more about me than the dev as I think he has done a wonderfull job so far and know what he is doing.

Deleted member 2767565

Il is one of the few games where I right now have difficulty to see how it could become a harem with out being an uter dick not worthy of Maria.
I totally agree with you. After the first two episodes and the lengths taken to emphasize the devotion and irresistibility of the magnetism between the two friends, barely constrained by the mores and conventions of the time, it seemed jarring to say the least to then even suggest the possibility of the woodsman's desire straying, even for a second, beyond the mesmeric beauty of his life-long friend.

Pandaman Games

Developer of Price of Power
Game Developer
Mar 10, 2018
Interesting premise and the main girl looks fresh.
The writing is a bit redundant so far :
- I love you.
- But I love you much.
- We have to wait.
- Yeah, this is wrong cause we're not married.
And so on.
Idk, tell us about the world, its religion, races, history or just start the journey.
A couple of victorian age lovebirds dialogues aren't that interesting.
Chapters 3 and 4 will be very much driven by the plot. You're going to be getting a LOT of world-building, exploration, etc. I just really wanted to make sure the MC-LI relationship was fleshed out well, since it's kind of important. :D

In terms of harem content, it'll a) be completely optional, so you can just be with Maria if you want and b) it'll only lock you out of some Maria-only content, but won't change the overarching plot. For example, if you're spending a night doing something fun, then obviously you'll get different activities if there are three ladies you're with instead of just one. But the big main plot is structured so that either option is fine.

The lead up to that bifurcation scene and the scene itself is something I'm thinking a lot about in terms of how to manage and execute it. I doubt EVERYONE will love it because someone will always say they dislike x, y, or z, but I'll do my best to make it logically consistent (ie. Maria won't suddenly want to watch MC fall for other women), emotionally consistent (ie. she won't go from pissed to joyful in 7 lines), and (hopefully) an interesting way to progress the plot and the story arcs of the ladies involved. I'll of course be running it through alphas and betas with my testers before general release, so all of that together should make the scene work well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2020
Interesting beginning.

There are many many many thousands of cases where childhood sweethearts are reunited after years, in some cases many decades, of separation and resume their love and spend their lives together. In some cases, one or both were wed to others, even raise families, then widowed before reuniting. Actions and internal responses (both of which we are privy to) speak far louder than words. Whether intended or not, the author has made clear that these two loved each other when 13 and 12 years old and still do in the present. Given what has been revealed about the MC's character and feelings, it's hard to see any path to a harem that includes Maria. If she's not in the picture, then a harem of others is easily workable. If she's with him, given what's been revealed about her, a harem seems a massive reach.

As too Maria being married to "a peasant". The MC becomes an adventurer and achieves greatness that justifies his being granted a minor appointment to the nobility. At that point there is no reason they can't wed. Assuming he's no fool, Sir Jacob probably has this in mind. He must of had many options for a third member of their group. Yet he sent her ahead alone. Surly it was to see how she and the MC interacted. If they were together then the MC joined them. If not then he'd have sent for a trusted fellow adventurer to fill out his group.

So the foundations of the key relationship has been revealed. It's time to get the story moving. I'm not saying that the MC and Maria need to start fucking like horny rabbits, but the story needs to far more rapidly progress along the line of their adventure.


Feb 23, 2021
The only way I can see Harem content making sense in universe is if somehow Maria accepts or is forced to accept a marriage proposal to another man after the duo have sex for the first time. They'll agree to keep it a secret while the MC feels like "shit if she's getting married I should try and move on" but Maria/MC continue to sleep together while MC sleeps with other women. Then down the line Marias engagement is called off for whatever reason so there is nothing keeping MC/Maria from being together (surely MC is going to get knighted or something for his role in the expedition making him a better match for her) and this is where you must choose to drop all other girls and go back to solo Maria or go the harem route.

@pandaman_games clearly has an arc in mind but this is how I would do it.

Love it so far though I really feel like the VN genre is missing good medieval stories. So far what we have Aetegenia, Long Live the Princess and Battle for Luvia which all have taken the comedic route so there isn't anything with high quality renders thats serious.

If you subscribe to his patreon how much of chapter 3 is currently available to people for alpha release? I always like subscribing to authors that actually release content on a monthly basis.

Pandaman Games

Developer of Price of Power
Game Developer
Mar 10, 2018
The only way I can see Harem content making sense in universe is if somehow Maria accepts or is forced to accept a marriage proposal to another man after the duo have sex for the first time. They'll agree to keep it a secret while the MC feels like "shit if she's getting married I should try and move on" but Maria/MC continue to sleep together while MC sleeps with other women. Then down the line Marias engagement is called off for whatever reason so there is nothing keeping MC/Maria from being together (surely MC is going to get knighted or something for his role in the expedition making him a better match for her) and this is where you must choose to drop all other girls and go back to solo Maria or go the harem route.

@pandaman_games clearly has an arc in mind but this is how I would do it.

Love it so far though I really feel like the VN genre is missing good medieval stories. So far what we have Aetegenia, Long Live the Princess and Battle for Luvia which all have taken the comedic route so there isn't anything with high quality renders thats serious.

If you subscribe to his patreon how much of chapter 3 is currently available to people for alpha release? I always like subscribing to authors that actually release content on a monthly basis.
I'm not going to spoil what happens, but there is ABSOLUTELY 0% CHANCE that Maria will get engaged to anyone that isn't MC. We do know she has other suitors, but I think it's pretty apparent what she thinks of them vs the MC. There won't be a hint of NTR in this game, and any "competition" you may have from some of the other people (which, like I said, is not much at all because Maria clearly prefers MC) will be dealt with in a clear and decisive way in the future. #NoNTR

In terms of alphas, I try to get them out weekly to every other week - I'm hoping to release one today or tomorrow, actually. I've just finished work on scene 2, so I'm about 30ish % overall done, though I expect the pace of work to increase now that I'm getting significantly faster at creating environment scenes. I'm targeting mid to late April for this release, but I can't give mor detailed timelines than that until I'm closer. Some of the scenes (especially water scenes) can be a real bitch, so I'm giving myself some leeway there.
Jun 19, 2018
Yeah, looks quite tempting at the first glance, but why so huge percentage has to be in the Huge Tits && Huge Butt realm? There's so little to Moderate Attributes || Petite Women fans... :/


Active Member
Dec 17, 2018
Yeah, looks quite tempting at the first glance, but why so huge percentage has to be in the Huge Tits && Huge Butt realm? There's so little to Moderate Attributes || Petite Women fans... :/
I think you may be commenting in the wrong thread, there's only one girl introduced so far, and she's not particularly huge anywhere

Deleted member 2767565

I think you may be commenting in the wrong thread, there's only one girl introduced so far, and she's not particularly huge anywhere
:unsure: perhaps inshaderweareunsurewhetherornottotrust
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