With the timeless version I can finally test some shit.
1. Swapping weapons while reloading will hold both weapons in the same hand until you try to swap weapons again, at least it's an easy fix, though the ammo will still be stuck in your hand until you reload.
2. Being hit while reloading will complete the reload anyways.
3. Fall damage seems a bit awkward. I fell in two different areas that are seemingly the same drop distance, taking no damage in one area and straight up dying in the other. Is it just fully living or straight death being the only options?
4: Having a weapon out while climbing a ladder will make the weapon float away.
5: I hope the parkour elements are expanded on, seems like it could add a lot to the game. The basic jump from running at a ledge is pretty good, but some rolling animations when landing from high jumps, and maybe ledge gripping would be cool too. Right now it's pretty difficult to tell if she can make jumps and potentially survive if she fails. The instant faceplant deaths over a certain height hurt my confidence in that. I tested some risky jumps though and it was pretty entertaining.
Similar to the fall damage issue though, I tried to leap across two similar looking gaps at what I thought was full speed and one time I made it and the other time she just did the "drop carefully off the ledge" animation instead of the sprinting leap. Maybe that should have its own jump button? I can't tell if the leap failed because I wasn't at 100% sprinting speed or if the game just decided the gap was like an inch too far away.
Most of these are probably known, but I just want to be thorough.