
Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
Alright so with all the debating and stuff going and amount of pages, I have a question and there is way too much to read to know if this has been answered already.

So what I want to know and ask is this,

I have read on a few pages that there is a possible actual sex scene at the poker event with mr.wilson, I see a lot of people have the same few outcomes I have already got and some say they found it in the image rips or whatever that it is there,
And someone else wrote about getting it while playing full slutty route, Also depending on certain choices the MC may or may not have done certain things.

So what is the slutty route choices ( since we got no walkthroughs, heard his patreon has a hint system or whatever but I cannot find shit on that unless it is hidden behind a Patreon post.

If she indeed does get penetrated at the poker game how and what choices has one made and are they in a relationship with hank or not ? Does the Slutty route involve being in a relationship with hank or not or does this not matter ?

I like this game but it is a mess for me currently as there are so many branches and choices etc that if you want a certain specific thing that you do not even know exactly what route you are on or not. I wish this was a bit more clearer and yes a gallery system would have been perfect. Not saying this has to be done by the Dev but a mod like JMOD for kingdom of deception or The Tyrant is well done and brings up the scenes unlocked and locked, don't remember if they give hints but it this would be cool as fuck if he picks up on it or someone that can and has time do it here.

If a walkthrough is not a priority right now no worries, I am however hoping someone can explain or make a mini hint system or what decisions put you on what routes.

PS: I am not a patreon of his, I am however patreon on other dev's and while people may say I "pirate" I say I am more of a give and take person, as in exchange and or share. obviously so many games out there and unless you have millions you cannot support everyone so take it in whatever way you will.


Feb 11, 2019
Threaten somebody with calling cops usually is a desperate measure when you out of options.
You presume that Andrew is afraid of cops. You are wrong – he is not. Why should he be? He has experience blackmailing girls into sex (Paul said it earlier in the game). He is smart not to get caught on tape when Amy tried to record their conversation. The site with naked Amy photos doesn’t prove anything; especially that Andrew was blackmailing Amy. It is only her words against his. If chosen “All men are pigs”, there is no evidence at all of blackmailing.
Andrew turns the site off line not because he is afraid of police but because otherwise he will loose opportunity to force Amy into having sex with him. By putting Amy pictures online Andrew seeks that Amy would realize - her naked photos online are real thing and she has to change her attitude towards Andrew or his demands. Amy threats after she sees her photos online shows that Andrew succeeded and there is no more reason for him to keep site online. He would turn site off line anyway – either she threaten him with cops or she dropped on her knees and started to cry.
On the other hand Paul is beginner. He might actually be afraid of cops but he is not in charge. His words don’t mean much.
Overall, it is very well played scene.
It’s wise to think and discuss before putting accusation of any sort.
Another person who clearly clicked through the game without reading.
If you are going to comment on something. Maybe you should have at least red the dialog. Both Paul and him clearly are by this.
As soon as family is out of house this is the conversation. She clearly has the upper hand.

Her "Take it offline! now!"
Andrew "Why are you so angry?"
Her "I'll shove that phone up your ass if you don't start using it now!"
Her "Then I'll see what that smug face turns into!"
Andrew "Don't make threats you can't back up."
She starts dialing
Her "Then I can call the police since I have nothing to lose now."
Paul "Are you serious, Andrew?"
Paul "Please don't let the cops be involved..."
Andrew uses phone takes site down
Her "I can't believe I've lost myself like that." ~ Grammar error included.
Andrew "All right..."

As for calling the cops being a last resort. Total bullshit. I'm X Navy from a military family. After the Navy I worked for DOD.
I'll call the cops rather than waste my time on small shits like scum like them.
Most bitches like them will run for the heals and get down and beg when they realize they're going to jail.

Granted most people aren't a hostile asshole like myself who actually likes fucking people up when they do shit.
I look it as a way to get my aggression out relieve stress. Most people would rather not deal with that type of confrontation.
For some it's not just a first its an only option. Simply they don't have any other way of dealing with such issues.
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Active Member
May 4, 2018
After the release of v0.17c a interesting forum start´s up here:
In any post there are some truth of course, but to make a " Steak " out of this, the Dev need the brain of " Albert Einstein ".
I quest he went home after the release and relax for while, and thinking about v0.18. If I have conclusion or smart advise I´ll post on his Patreon page. So, I relax a while too until all post here left my brain.


Feb 11, 2019
Alright so with all the debating and stuff going and amount of pages, I have a question and there is way too much to read to know if this has been answered already.

So what I want to know and ask is this,

I have read on a few pages that there is a possible actual sex scene at the poker event with mr.wilson, I see a lot of people have the same few outcomes I have already got and some say they found it in the image rips or whatever that it is there,
And someone else wrote about getting it while playing full slutty route, Also depending on certain choices the MC may or may not have done certain things.

So what is the slutty route choices ( since we got no walkthroughs, heard his patreon has a hint system or whatever but I cannot find shit on that unless it is hidden behind a Patreon post.

If she indeed does get penetrated at the poker game how and what choices has one made and are they in a relationship with hank or not ? Does the Slutty route involve being in a relationship with hank or not or does this not matter ?

I like this game but it is a mess for me currently as there are so many branches and choices etc that if you want a certain specific thing that you do not even know exactly what route you are on or not. I wish this was a bit more clearer and yes a gallery system would have been perfect. Not saying this has to be done by the Dev but a mod like JMOD for kingdom of deception or The Tyrant is well done and brings up the scenes unlocked and locked, don't remember if they give hints but it this would be cool as fuck if he picks up on it or someone that can and has time do it here.

If a walkthrough is not a priority right now no worries, I am however hoping someone can explain or make a mini hint system or what decisions put you on what routes.

PS: I am not a patreon of his, I am however patreon on other dev's and while people may say I "pirate" I say I am more of a give and take person, as in exchange and or share. obviously so many games out there and unless you have millions you cannot support everyone so take it in whatever way you will.
Na there really is only one actual out come Wilson is a limp dick that can't get it up and was able to penetrate her.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2017
Alright so with all the debating and stuff going and amount of pages, I have a question and there is way too much to read to know if this has been answered already.

So what I want to know and ask is this,

I have read on a few pages that there is a possible actual sex scene at the poker event with mr.wilson, I see a lot of people have the same few outcomes I have already got and some say they found it in the image rips or whatever that it is there,
And someone else wrote about getting it while playing full slutty route, Also depending on certain choices the MC may or may not have done certain things.

So what is the slutty route choices ( since we got no walkthroughs, heard his patreon has a hint system or whatever but I cannot find shit on that unless it is hidden behind a Patreon post.

If she indeed does get penetrated at the poker game how and what choices has one made and are they in a relationship with hank or not ? Does the Slutty route involve being in a relationship with hank or not or does this not matter ?

I like this game but it is a mess for me currently as there are so many branches and choices etc that if you want a certain specific thing that you do not even know exactly what route you are on or not. I wish this was a bit more clearer and yes a gallery system would have been perfect. Not saying this has to be done by the Dev but a mod like JMOD for kingdom of deception or The Tyrant is well done and brings up the scenes unlocked and locked, don't remember if they give hints but it this would be cool as fuck if he picks up on it or someone that can and has time do it here.

If a walkthrough is not a priority right now no worries, I am however hoping someone can explain or make a mini hint system or what decisions put you on what routes.

PS: I am not a patreon of his, I am however patreon on other dev's and while people may say I "pirate" I say I am more of a give and take person, as in exchange and or share. obviously so many games out there and unless you have millions you cannot support everyone so take it in whatever way you will.
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Active Member
May 4, 2018
To Goldgear613 you get the answer from L7bear and grtrader , there isn´t any sluty route yet, only with Hank " lover route" or reject him to call this maybe slut-route .
0.17c ends on both way " Wilson not get a boner to fuck her ". I can send you a save with Hank if don´t want to play twice.
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Mar 4, 2018
If I am one of those you are referring to as a hater you got it wrong. First, off I think the game has a hell of a lot of potential with a little bit of work to fix it. Yea, and maybe I am a bit rough in how I deal with people.

In short I'm not the guy who is going to hold hands and coddle someone and tell them shits going to be ok. When you do something stupid I'm going to tell you just that.
just got to point out how Fing stupid the dialogue and logic in this game is.

Seriously. WTF is wrong with the author?
Again what the fuck is wrong with the author?
(granted that is because the author of this doesn't give to fucks about reality).
You would have to be a mental fucking retard not to see that issue.
Hell I feel dumber for having just read this crap.
You may truly not be a hater and you may also genuinely believe in the potential of this game.
However, you have gone more than just * a bit rough * and you gave your constructive criticism more than just * telling * , it felt like full on bashing on Paperwork. Did he honestly really deserve all that swearing and degrading?

Yes you are ex military and your tone of language may be the norm but if you truly respect Paperwork and want to help improve this potential game, you could have lower the tone of your language with these suggestions. Not asking you to sugar coat it but as a decent human being, surely you can try to be a bit more sensitive in your choice of works when dealing with game developers.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
I really liked the previous updates but this one? Even tho it had shitton of renders and stuff like that, wasn't that much interesting in my opinion.

It's like a lot of events were covered but nothing really happen or moved forward, half of the update is basically a one big scene with a little different outcomes or outfit(i liked the dress tho).

Also not really a fan of the tanlines. :rolleyes: Especially on this model, it looks so awful and even comical.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2017
Another person who clearly clicked through the game without reading.
If you are going to comment on something. Maybe you should have at least red the dialog. Both Paul and him clearly are by this.
As soon as family is out of house this is the conversation. She clearly has the upper hand.

Her "Take it offline! now!"
Andrew "Why are you so angry?"
Her "I'll shove that phone up your ass if you don't start using it now!"
Her "Then I'll see what that smug face turns into!"
Andrew "Don't make threats you can't back up."
She starts dialing
Her "Then I can call the police since I have nothing to lose now."
Paul "Are you serious, Andrew?"
Paul "Please don't let the cops be involved..."
Andrew uses phone takes site down
Her "I can't believe I've lost myself like that." ~ Grammar error included.
Andrew "All right..."

As for calling the cops being a last resort. Total bullshit. I'm X Navy from a military family. After the Navy I worked for DOD.
I'll call the cops rather than waste my time on small shits like scum like them.
Most bitches like them will run for the heals and get down and beg when they realize they're going to jail.

Granted most people aren't a hostile asshole like myself who actually likes fucking people up when they do shit.
I look it as a way to get my aggression out relieve stress. Most people would rather not deal with that type of confrontation.
For some it's not just a first its an only option. Simply they don't have any other way of dealing with such issues.
I wasn't trying to call anyone out specifically in my earlier post. There were a lot of recent posts and they all kinda blurred together so I was just responding to the things that caught my attention. Like the general tone of recent posts has gotten more emotionally charged and combative. It's not just you. I don't think any of us want the conversations here to become toxic.

She spent most of her life in another country, so maybe there are cultural reasons she is disinclined to call the cops except as a last resort. Even as someone from the USA, I grew up in an area where "ratting someone out to the authorities" was had such a negative connotation. Imagine someone who was getting bullied as a kid and went to parent/teacher/etc for help and was ridiculed and told to handle it themselves. We see a bit of that culture in the way Grandpa George talks to her. I also saw it IRL as a kid. As an adult I know there were violent situations when I was a teen when I should have called the cops, but it didn't occur to me because that would have shown weakness. She wants to deal with Andrew & Paul herself, and only call the cops as the last resort. That's part of her personality. She seems to want to negotiate and feel like she is in control, and feel like calling the cops is a last "I have nothing to lose now" resort. Paul is afraid of the cops. Andrew may be reacting to the threat of cops or the "I have nothing to lose now" and realizing that he'll have no hold over her after the photos go public.
That is plausible enough for me.
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Active Member
May 4, 2018
You may truly not be a hater and you may also genuinely believe in the potential of this game.
However, you have gone more than just * a bit rough * and you gave your constructive criticism more than just * telling * , it felt like full on bashing on Paperwork. Did he honestly really deserve all that swearing and degrading?

Yes you are ex military and your tone of language may be the norm but if you truly respect Paperwork and want to help improve this potential game, you could have lower the tone of your language with these suggestions. Not asking you to sugar coat it but as a decent human being, surely you can try to be a bit more sensitive in your choice of works when dealing with game developers.
Is just a question of time before he answer again. He is not rough, but he overview that over 90% give a shit about "dialogue in these games". For me it isn´t dialogue at all, simple a speech out of the story-line. If I want a smart dialogue then I read a book, over and out.
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Nov 18, 2018
Alright so with all the debating and stuff going and amount of pages, I have a question and there is way too much to read to know if this has been answered already.

So what I want to know and ask is this,

I have read on a few pages that there is a possible actual sex scene at the poker event with mr.wilson, I see a lot of people have the same few outcomes I have already got and some say they found it in the image rips or whatever that it is there,
And someone else wrote about getting it while playing full slutty route, Also depending on certain choices the MC may or may not have done certain things.

So what is the slutty route choices ( since we got no walkthroughs, heard his patreon has a hint system or whatever but I cannot find shit on that unless it is hidden behind a Patreon post.

If she indeed does get penetrated at the poker game how and what choices has one made and are they in a relationship with hank or not ? Does the Slutty route involve being in a relationship with hank or not or does this not matter ?

I like this game but it is a mess for me currently as there are so many branches and choices etc that if you want a certain specific thing that you do not even know exactly what route you are on or not. I wish this was a bit more clearer and yes a gallery system would have been perfect. Not saying this has to be done by the Dev but a mod like JMOD for kingdom of deception or The Tyrant is well done and brings up the scenes unlocked and locked, don't remember if they give hints but it this would be cool as fuck if he picks up on it or someone that can and has time do it here.

If a walkthrough is not a priority right now no worries, I am however hoping someone can explain or make a mini hint system or what decisions put you on what routes.

PS: I am not a patreon of his, I am however patreon on other dev's and while people may say I "pirate" I say I am more of a give and take person, as in exchange and or share. obviously so many games out there and unless you have millions you cannot support everyone so take it in whatever way you will.
What I call the slutty route it's for me where you make the most obvious sex related choices (without having Hank as a BF).

Attached a save where if you make the right choices, you will get the longest scene with M. Wilson (but no penetration, there is not in this update).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Well, looks like tanlines are here to stay but will be smaller... i guess it's a little win.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
Na there really is only one actual out come Wilson is a limp dick that can't get it up and was able to penetrate her.
Fair I got these, just that I was reading it and there was a talk of it being possible but it seems someone explained it that it was intended but taken out. So all good, was getting confused about it and thanks for replying, much appreciated

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Ah thanks man explains a lot, I was getting confused ended up playing it like 2 different styles seeing if I messed up somewhere, thanks for explaining seriously much appreciated.

To Goldgear613 you get the answer from L7bear and grtrader , there isn´t any sluty route yet, only with Hank " lover route" or reject him to call this maybe slut-route .
0.17c ends on both way " Wilson not get a boner to fuck her ". I can send you a save with Hank if don´t want to play twice.
Thanks man, I took some of the saves you have posted currently and renamed em, I got 3 different personal " routes " I am playing right now so am good for now, but thanks for offering though really appreciate that.

What I call the slutty route it's for me where you make the most obvious sex related choices (without having Hank as a BF).

Attached a save where if you make the right choices, you will get the longest scene with M. Wilson (but no penetration, there is not in this update).
Ah right gotcha, understandable, the thing is without a walkthrough or at least the Dev giving a list of Possible Routes etc it makes it hard to say if there is any real routes at all hence when I saw that I thought there was an actual route for that other then yes boyfriend or no boyfriend or wait for Chris route. I got all the poker scenes it seems, I have 3 " routes " or rather playstyles I have saved myself so going good, thanks for offering though much appreciated ;)
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