Eh, while I get that mini-games and puzzles break up the monotony of playing a game- that could mean one of three things;
- There isn't a great deal of content to begin with and it's designed to "stonewall" you, so after you beat it- then it feels like you've made progress.
- The puzzles and mini-games are used purely as a distraction to detract from or obfuscate your attention from other aspects of the game that may or may not be polished. (No offense, Dev)
- You're trying do something new and unique to your game, so that it stands out or is more memorable. You're just trying to run it up the flagpole and see if it flies.
I'm not trying to say anything too disparaging, but other games have done this as well and some have succeeded and some have not. As several other users pointed out- it would be best if the puzzles unlocked hidden content, bonus scenes, maybe outfits/costumes, stat increases, etc.,.- not halt the progression of the game altogether.
I can think of two games, off the top of my head, that did this- one worked, the other not so much. DFD (the last few chapters) had little mini-games, but if you couldn't complete them- you just weren't treated to bonus scenes or timed-content. DISpurity attempted it, but the games were almost "rage-quit" inducing to the point that somebody had to create a MOD cheat just to bypass them- as you had to complete them with increasing levels of difficulty to unlock scenes within scenes within those scenes (it was infuriating).
I'm not saying that mini-games/puzzles are a bad thing, but if you cannot complete them and cannot progress the story/plot/game- you're most likely going to lose a lost of your audience. (I'm honestly surprised that no one has created a HOG/FROG H-game, in the style of Mystery Case Files- now THAT would be something, sorry got a bit side-tracked there.)
Please just keep in mind, going forward and with future updates, that
nothing enhances fapping more than a rousing game of Kasparov's GrandMaster Chess before or right in the middle of a scene that starts to get "interesting"- nothing could make you more reviled (also loathed and despised) than Checkmating someone's "sexy time".