Also which codes would you recommend that I should use or is it safe to use all or most of them with out breaking my saves?
> You can start with the games.rare + db.rare download I provided page 24. None of your save gonna be broke using them unless you think you have cheated too much ^^. If thoses codes are not enough maybe you can ask here for more and I'm gonna ask DarkTL if he plan to add them or not.
+ For the items earned by your exploration party they should be inside the MC inventory.
A lot of the items from exploration are being turned into bottles of milk in the PCs inventory rather than being the item they're supposed to be. I'm assuming that's a bug and isn't supposed to be happening?
That or they're simply disappearing and the milk is coming from somewhere else (do lactating slaves produce milk bottles?)
> What ? ^^ Indeed lactating girl produce milk, no item are turned into milk, the items eaned should be in the MC inventory.
how to get the faerie equipment and get the most powerful weapon and rings
> Arena mostly, the higher the lvl of the opponant the better the reward gonna be. Exploration can lead to cool items aswell as fishing (even if fishing get nerfed in this current version you can probably won some valuable items). But the quickest way is imo to train a lot your MC and to climb the arena survival
Yes I cheated my ass off. Some ridiculous level. I thought the cheat only affected the stats in the pentagram and level. By maxing stats, am I also increasing the stats on the left hand column? Thanks for the reply, excellent game.
> Hum I am not sure I understand your question correctly.
Let's say you try to lvl up naked ^^ : you gonna have a stat increase provided by your class + the max value who gonna increase.
If you leveling up with a good equipement
you gonna have the same + your good equipement gonna help you (not all the time : as long as the equipement is powerfull enough) to make you catch up the difference, in short.
How do you make the console work? Every time I try to use a code, the game just crashes.
> I recommand to you to check my post on the page 24. There is the official cheat engine inside, I think it should be enough.
(The features (who are all usable in just one click) includ : 10000 gold / lvl up/ max stats / all the items/max disposition/ replenishment of action point, pv, mp, vit/ arena reputation gain + if you using it on a girl profile screen you can lvl her up aswell etc)
What I get from his reply is that the 5 stars rest to 0 with each new level.
> Not 0 ^^... Let's say you have 1000 points in one skill, the max value for you at this point. You reach lvl 20 and so go to the next tier. You still gonna have your 1000 points, but the cureent max you can reach gonna be 1500. All the number used were arbitrary just for the example

Can you make your slave to do other jobs that different from her class. For example, can a slave class maid works as a stripper. If so how can I do that. I just cannot seem to choose any other jobs for them rather than their class

> Nah I don't think it's possible, iirc. But even a dual class (so stripper/maid for ex) gonna be less efficient than a mono class stripper. But you can change their work in the JSON, I don't remember if it's creating bug, so better change all the girls job and start a new game to be sure. If you don't want to start a new game^^: just keep the old files just in case it doesn't work.
How to use the exploration guild? it does not allow me to assign characters to teams
> I don't know at which point you are locked. Have you try to definie their working place, and indeed set them on exploration guild ? After that go on the screen for the team and click in "..." (iirc) in the bottom center of the scren, then drag and put the members.