1. Sorry, i only was there to pick the 3 girls up, so i dont know
2. There are multiple Items that push your Luck
3. Dont use Wards, Robes and Armor that slows you down...assassins are fast and your background cant handle magic...at least for now, maybe you can train yourself more further in the game. But usually you can use all you can use (you cant equip absolutly unfitting items) + pure assassinweapons, check out the hidden village in the woods near the town
Ok, no i have 2 Questions by myself ^^
1. I made the stupid mistake to simply assume i can build all in the Explorers Guild and didnt checked the needet/available space...well, after building the healing springs i have no more space for the stables...ok, i can edit the Buildung to provide more space, but is there ingame a way to remove the springs and build the stables instead?
2. Is there a console command to give girls the virgin trait? I am a Blood Master and since i didnt knew it before (random girls from various locations) i gave a few non-virgins jobs...well, i dont want to fire them again, but i cant use the my tactical advantage on them -,-