Why would the women be an asshole in this case? It would either mean that the guy is fine with being in the friendzone (called being friends) or that he is too much of a pussy to ever made a move and get an answer, than he deserves any kind of friendzone.I didn't say gf, I said "your girl" specifically bc I meant literally anyone you have feelings for, regardless of their relation to you.
It's not about logic, it's about feelings. If you give any shit about a woman, then you pay attention to how she feels about you, regardless of what your explicit "contract" is.
If you say a woman is an asshole for leading a man on when he's in the friendzone with her;
He could make the free choice if he want to stay friends or not.
Same applies here, as long as the guy is open about being only interested in casual fun and not a relationship its on the woman to make the decision if thats enough for her or not.Then a man is equally an asshole for leading a woman on when she's in the fuckzone with him.
Jake and Veronica are (imo) just at entirely different stages in their lifes despite being close in age, he had everything she wants already (and in a better version *cough*) and threw it away