
New Member
Mar 21, 2018
Yeah, he can post anything he wants on Trello, and that won't make it true. Look, even if Fek were actually working really really really hard, and those latest updates were true.... this game is FAR from being finished and released, so..... consider that the project began in 2016, we are already finishing 2018. Has Rack 2 reached at least Beta status? In addition, every single build he's released has been full of glitches he didn't even care to fix. So if your counterargument is just a mere Trello link, check the facts beforehand so we can have a proper discussion. Even though there's nothing to argue about , Fek is just being lazy , that's a shared opinion by many of us.
Now.... am I going to be an irrational, obnoxious person and insult him? Or just disacknowledge his work till now? Of course not, as I stated before, I believe this game has great potential and even these early builds are better than many other already finished furry xxx games. The problem? Fek isn't doing this as a hobby, but he's being paid to develop Rack 2, and by a big group of funders. So yes, concluding, I think Rack 2, should be more advanced that it is.
After reading through your post I can completely agree that it is taking an impossibly long time to finish, but to my knowledge and from what I have seen, Fek has been working on this project entirely by himself. Now sorry if i'm getting this wrong I really don't know much about game development, but I would think that making 3d models and bug fixing for a game like Rack 2, where almost the whole game is able to be customized in some way whether it be characters, the lab itself, subjects, or even the layout of the chambers would be incredibly difficult for even a group of 5 people working on a game. If what he said on the website is true and he really did work alone on the whole game, it is obvious that the game would have a lot of bugs and be taking a long time to make. With almost every release we see new bugs introduced and old ones fixed, so he does care at least to fix them when he notices them or when people bring it to his attention. You make a good point that a Trello link means nothing, but looking at past builds we can see most of the things he had posted on Trello have been completed and put in the game like it says they should be in the link the other user provided.

The last thing you say is that he is being paid to develop Rack 2 and he should work on making it more "advanced than it is", but it is already leagues above many of the games that have been funded through Patreon and other websites, and is being funded by people who want to see it completed. They may be paying for something that wont come out for quite some time, but to say Fek is being "lazy" with the game's recent updates is not true. You say the Trello updates mean nothing, then what about the things we CAN see him doing. If you go to his Patreon he gives status updates commonly. Though you may say these updates mean nothing and he could be just saying anything, the released builds again prove that he is constantly trying to improve the game to the best of his abilities.

This whole post doesn't mean I don't agree that the game is taking a long time to make, and I mean no disrespect towards you or what you believe, but I think you should at least think about what he would have to be going through working on a game as detailed and advanced as Rack 2 with little to no help, while also having to give updates to keep people's curiosity peaked as he works on a game that is still in early development stages. You asking him to make it more advanced is asking him to develop the chemical system further, better models and more choices for them, and adding more lab equipment. These are all things he was probably going to do any way, that you are asking him to develop now since he isn't making the game as a hobby and he is making it more as a job, even though all of his games would qualify as jobs under that reasoning, and Rack 2 is not the only reason he is being funded. Sorry for the short essay :/


Mar 19, 2018
After reading through your post I can completely agree that it is taking an impossibly long time to finish, but to my knowledge and from what I have seen, Fek has been working on this project entirely by himself. Now sorry if i'm getting this wrong I really don't know much about game development, but I would think that making 3d models and bug fixing for a game like Rack 2, where almost the whole game is able to be customized in some way whether it be characters, the lab itself, subjects, or even the layout of the chambers would be incredibly difficult for even a group of 5 people working on a game. If what he said on the website is true and he really did work alone on the whole game, it is obvious that the game would have a lot of bugs and be taking a long time to make. With almost every release we see new bugs introduced and old ones fixed, so he does care at least to fix them when he notices them or when people bring it to his attention. You make a good point that a Trello link means nothing, but looking at past builds we can see most of the things he had posted on Trello have been completed and put in the game like it says they should be in the link the other user provided.

The last thing you say is that he is being paid to develop Rack 2 and he should work on making it more "advanced than it is", but it is already leagues above many of the games that have been funded through Patreon and other websites, and is being funded by people who want to see it completed. They may be paying for something that wont come out for quite some time, but to say Fek is being "lazy" with the game's recent updates is not true. You say the Trello updates mean nothing, then what about the things we CAN see him doing. If you go to his Patreon he gives status updates commonly. Though you may say these updates mean nothing and he could be just saying anything, the released builds again prove that he is constantly trying to improve the game to the best of his abilities.

This whole post doesn't mean I don't agree that the game is taking a long time to make, and I mean no disrespect towards you or what you believe, but I think you should at least think about what he would have to be going through working on a game as detailed and advanced as Rack 2 with little to no help, while also having to give updates to keep people's curiosity peaked as he works on a game that is still in early development stages. You asking him to make it more advanced is asking him to develop the chemical system further, better models and more choices for them, and adding more lab equipment. These are all things he was probably going to do any way, that you are asking him to develop now since he isn't making the game as a hobby and he is making it more as a job, even though all of his games would qualify as jobs under that reasoning, and Rack 2 is not the only reason he is being funded. Sorry for the short essay :/
You don't have to apologise because you are not being disrespectful at all, it's just that you have a different opinion. Ok now my counter argument is the following: Why doesn't Fek hire some help? Now, I know what he already wrote in furryscience, claiming he "works better alone". Ok that's perfect, I work better alone too, now, If I had to build a replica of the nervous system (I use this example because I'm currently studying in medicine) and I knew that someone were funding my costs I'd try to only focus on it and work as fast as I can. Now suppose that my replica was taking too long, let's say that I claim everyday on social media that I'm working as fast as I can and as hard as possible, I even upload some pictures of said replica every 4 , 3 o 2 months, but all you can see is that I've only built the brain or neocortex , haven't even starting manufacturing the nerves, nor the other parts of the encephalon. Well that'd be dissapointing right?

Now what I would do because I'm a responsible person, and I don't want to keep taking advantage of my funders or sponsors, well, if the job is too overwhelming I'd use some of my budget to hire some people that could help me finish earlier. That's what any responsible or decent person would do. Did Fek ever tell us what is he doing with the money? Do we really now what is he using the money for? What equipment does he need to work on Rack 2? If he's working alone, he doesn't really need more than 1 computer , design software , what else? Well he needs to survive of course so maintenance expenses I guess like food, water, clothes. Rack 2 is an overfunded project. Fek's monthly income is totally unjustified. If he were receiving 1000 a month to work on Rack 2 well... I'd say that is perfectly normal that the project is taking so long, but Fek is earning 23000 dollars a month that's 276000 dollars a year.

So back to my first argument. Fek has free time, money, he doesn't have to deal with people to finish Rack 2. Why is the game advancing so slow that in 3 years it hasn't even reached beta status?
I know Fek fans will defend him, but for just a second, lets be rational people, lets employ logic. If time, money and resources aren't a problem, what could possibly be the cause of any project to be taking so long?

Now I won't really continue with this argument, because this is not the reason why I visit f95zone or this thread. But my opinion is consolidated and unless Fek suddenly changes his work ethic, it'll remain the same. It's a shame, because I'm really looking forward to the day when Rack 2 will be finally finished and released, I'd even buy it. But I guess we'll have to wait for a really long time for that to happen, and that is just Fek's fault no one else's. And even if you disagree with me, you people know, very in the deep, that I'm telling the truth, just that you don't want to accept it.


New Member
Game Developer
Aug 29, 2018
every single build he's released has been full of glitches he didn't even care to fix
Why is the game advancing so slow that in 3 years it hasn't even reached beta status?
Based on these comments, I think you might have a misunderstanding of how game development works.

Some games only take a a few months to make, like Rack 1 and my other finished games. But bigger and more complicated games take longer to make. Even professional studios with hundreds of employees sometimes take several years to make a game, and I'm working alone (which I'll discuss in a moment).

Rack 2 isn't in beta testing after 3 years of development because 3 years of development hasn't been enough time to get the game presentable enough for a beta testing stage. It's as simple as that. This project is bigger than my previous games, so it's going to take longer to finish than they did.

I know that the past five months, especially, have been very frustrating for people. I took a couple months to refresh my head by working on a side project (which, for the record, was another furry porn game [Pawstitution], because that's what my patrons pay me to do).

Then, after that side project, I came back and jumped straight into a massive, slow update (performance optimization overhaul) instead of pumping out something quick (like a few more placeholder interactions/toys), because there had been a lot of complaints that builds were becoming too sluggish and unstable, and I really wanted to get the game presentable enough that I can start releasing free/public builds.

In retrospect, I'm not sure if either of those things were the correct decision, but that's life, and that decision is almost in the past. Lesson learned. And I can say with absolute certainty that, in spite of the frustration it's caused for some of my supporters (which, in turn, frustrates me), the side project was tremendously helpful for clearing my head, and the performance optimization has been tremendously helpful for smoothing out the remainder of the game's development cycle.

if the job is too overwhelming I'd use some of my budget to hire some people that could help me finish earlier
So here's the thing.

You've already found my answer(s) to this: I prefer working alone, I don't think adding more programmers will actually make development go faster (it usually doesn't), and I don't want to risk adding drama/politics to the game's development (look at Breeding Season and Cathouse Tale, both of which were promising projects that eventually sank because of politics/drama). I might look into hiring an artist, at some point (as I've said elsewhere, but not here on F95), but I'm not going to do that until I reach the content development phase of this project.

This is all stuff that I have known from the start, and have made public from the start. From the very first day I set up a patreon account, I told people that no matter how much money they gave me, I would not be hiring anyone to help me on Rack 2. But people kept giving me money, anyway. That's really cool, and I appreciate it more than I could possibly express, but I'm also not going to change the way that I work because of it. I've made it this far by sticking to the plan, so I'm gonna stick to the plan.

I can promise that it's not a matter of not wanting to pay someone, and I can back up that promise with a fact: I'm already paying a programmer. I have been paying Draite, the programmer for Sexy Mad Science, for almost a year now - to work on his own games. Because I do think that all this extra money should be put to good use (in addition to a lot of charities), and that it should be used to fund more furry porn games that I think my supporters would enjoy. I just know that paying him (or any other programmer) to help me on Rack 2 is not going to actually make Rack 2 happen any faster, and I don't want to introduce potential drama where there doesn't need to be any.

Yeah, he can post anything he wants on Trello, and that won't make it true.
If the implication is that I'm lying about the work that I'm doing, I'd encourage you to swing by Picarto some time! You can literally watch video evidence of me working on the stuff you see on the Trello board. It even saves recordings from the past couple of weeks.

I don't always stream when I work (for instance, I spent almost the entire day working offline yesterday), but when I do, you'll be able to see that I'm not just making stuff up for Trello. If you're feeling particularly studious/skeptical, you could actually compare the patch notes for the game to the Trello activity log and see that they line up almost 1:1.

But anyway, I don't blame you. I know that the furry community is filled with lies and broken promises, which is a really big part of why I got into it in the first place. I don't blame you for being skeptical, and I appreciate that you're remaining civil. <3

I think you'll be happy to know that the next update is very close to finished - probably a few days away. I'm working on the last project card for this update ( ), and it's about 3/4 done. After this update launches, the next one will be focused on new content, which means it should come out at a normal pace.

But anyway, sorry for the wall of text.

On a closing note, I really want to reiterate something: if you (or anyone else) is not happy with how the game is being developed, I encourage you to cancel your pledge and save your money. The game is going to be free when it's done, and you can always pirate the development builds. I'm making plenty more than I need. I'd rather my players were happy than have more money I don't need.


Mar 19, 2018
You don't have to apologise because you are not being disrespectful at all, it's just that you have a different opinion. Ok now my counter argument is the following: Why doesn't Fek hire some help? Now, I know what he already wrote in furryscience, claiming he "works better alone". Ok that's perfect, I work better alone too, now, If I had to build a replica of the nervous system (I use this example because I'm currently studying in medicine) and I knew that someone were funding my costs I'd try to only focus on it and work as fast as I can. Now suppose that my replica was taking too long, let's say that I claim everyday on social media that I'm working as fast as I can and as hard as possible, I even upload some pictures of said replica every 4 , 3 o 2 months, but all you can see is that I've only built the brain or neocortex , haven't even starting manufacturing the nerves, nor the other parts of the encephalon. Well that'd be dissapointing right?

Now what I would do because I'm a responsible person, and I don't want to keep taking advantage of my funders or sponsors, well, if the job is too overwhelming I'd use some of my budget to hire some people that could help me finish earlier. That's what any responsible or decent person would do. Did Fek ever tell us what is he doing with the money? Do we really now what is he using the money for? What equipment does he need to work on Rack 2? If he's working alone, he doesn't really need more than 1 computer , design software , what else? Well he needs to survive of course so maintenance expenses I guess like food, water, clothes. Rack 2 is an overfunded project. Fek's monthly income is totally unjustified. If he were receiving 1000 a month to work on Rack 2 well... I'd say that is perfectly normal that the project is taking so long, but Fek is earning 23000 dollars a month that's 276000 dollars a year.

So back to my first argument. Fek has free time, money, he doesn't have to deal with people to finish Rack 2. Why is the game advancing so slow that in 3 years it hasn't even reached beta status?
Based on these comments, I think you might have a misunderstanding of how game development works.

Some games only take a a few months to make, like Rack 1 and my other finished games. But bigger and more complicated games take longer to make. Even professional studios with hundreds of employees sometimes take several years to make a game, and I'm working alone (which I'll discuss in a moment).

Rack 2 isn't in beta testing after 3 years of development because 3 years of development hasn't been enough time to get the game presentable enough for a beta testing stage. It's as simple as that. This project is bigger than my previous games, so it's going to take longer to finish than they did.

I know that the past five months, especially, have been very frustrating for people. I took a couple months to refresh my head by working on a side project (which, for the record, was another furry porn game [Pawstitution], because that's what my patrons pay me to do).

Then, after that side project, I came back and jumped straight into a massive, slow update (performance optimization overhaul) instead of pumping out something quick (like a few more placeholder interactions/toys), because there had been a lot of complaints that builds were becoming too sluggish and unstable, and I really wanted to get the game presentable enough that I can start releasing free/public builds.

In retrospect, I'm not sure if either of those things were the correct decision, but that's life, and that decision is almost in the past. Lesson learned. And I can say with absolute certainty that, in spite of the frustration it's caused for some of my supporters (which, in turn, frustrates me), the side project was tremendously helpful for clearing my head, and the performance optimization has been tremendously helpful for smoothing out the remainder of the game's development cycle.

So here's the thing.

You've already found my answer(s) to this: I prefer working alone, I don't think adding more programmers will actually make development go faster (it usually doesn't), and I don't want to risk adding drama/politics to the game's development (look at Breeding Season and Cathouse Tale, both of which were promising projects that eventually sank because of politics/drama). I might look into hiring an artist, at some point (as I've said elsewhere, but not here on F95), but I'm not going to do that until I reach the content development phase of this project.

This is all stuff that I have known from the start, and have made public from the start. From the very first day I set up a patreon account, I told people that no matter how much money they gave me, I would not be hiring anyone to help me on Rack 2. But people kept giving me money, anyway. That's really cool, and I appreciate it more than I could possibly express, but I'm also not going to change the way that I work because of it. I've made it this far by sticking to the plan, so I'm gonna stick to the plan.

I can promise that it's not a matter of not wanting to pay someone, and I can back up that promise with a fact: I'm already paying a programmer. I have been paying Draite, the programmer for Sexy Mad Science, for almost a year now - to work on his own games. Because I do think that all this extra money should be put to good use (in addition to a lot of charities), and that it should be used to fund more furry porn games that I think my supporters would enjoy. I just know that paying him (or any other programmer) to help me on Rack 2 is not going to actually make Rack 2 happen any faster, and I don't want to introduce potential drama where there doesn't need to be any.

If the implication is that I'm lying about the work that I'm doing, I'd encourage you to swing by Picarto some time! You can literally watch video evidence of me working on the stuff you see on the Trello board. It even saves recordings from the past couple of weeks.

I don't always stream when I work (for instance, I spent almost the entire day working offline yesterday), but when I do, you'll be able to see that I'm not just making stuff up for Trello. If you're feeling particularly studious/skeptical, you could actually compare the patch notes for the game to the Trello activity log and see that they line up almost 1:1.

But anyway, I don't blame you. I know that the furry community is filled with lies and broken promises, which is a really big part of why I got into it in the first place. I don't blame you for being skeptical, and I appreciate that you're remaining civil. <3

I think you'll be happy to know that the next update is very close to finished - probably a few days away. I'm working on the last project card for this update ( ), and it's about 3/4 done. After this update launches, the next one will be focused on new content, which means it should come out at a normal pace.

But anyway, sorry for the wall of text.

On a closing note, I really want to reiterate something: if you (or anyone else) is not happy with how the game is being developed, I encourage you to cancel your pledge and save your money. The game is going to be free when it's done, and you can always pirate the development builds. I'm making plenty more than I need. I'd rather my players were happy than have more money I don't need.
Well of course I always remain civil when arguing in any context, I mean being unpolite is just useless. I appreciate the time you took to answer me. Hope you can prove me wrong anytime soon, I really do, greetings Fek.


Jul 4, 2017
Based on these comments, I think you might have a misunderstanding of how game development works.

Some games only take a a few months to make, like Rack 1 and my other finished games. But bigger and more complicated games take longer to make. Even professional studios with hundreds of employees sometimes take several years to make a game, and I'm working alone (which I'll discuss in a moment).

Rack 2 isn't in beta testing after 3 years of development because 3 years of development hasn't been enough time to get the game presentable enough for a beta testing stage. It's as simple as that. This project is bigger than my previous games, so it's going to take longer to finish than they did.

I know that the past five months, especially, have been very frustrating for people. I took a couple months to refresh my head by working on a side project (which, for the record, was another furry porn game [Pawstitution], because that's what my patrons pay me to do).

Then, after that side project, I came back and jumped straight into a massive, slow update (performance optimization overhaul) instead of pumping out something quick (like a few more placeholder interactions/toys), because there had been a lot of complaints that builds were becoming too sluggish and unstable, and I really wanted to get the game presentable enough that I can start releasing free/public builds.

In retrospect, I'm not sure if either of those things were the correct decision, but that's life, and that decision is almost in the past. Lesson learned. And I can say with absolute certainty that, in spite of the frustration it's caused for some of my supporters (which, in turn, frustrates me), the side project was tremendously helpful for clearing my head, and the performance optimization has been tremendously helpful for smoothing out the remainder of the game's development cycle.

So here's the thing.

You've already found my answer(s) to this: I prefer working alone, I don't think adding more programmers will actually make development go faster (it usually doesn't), and I don't want to risk adding drama/politics to the game's development (look at Breeding Season and Cathouse Tale, both of which were promising projects that eventually sank because of politics/drama). I might look into hiring an artist, at some point (as I've said elsewhere, but not here on F95), but I'm not going to do that until I reach the content development phase of this project.

This is all stuff that I have known from the start, and have made public from the start. From the very first day I set up a patreon account, I told people that no matter how much money they gave me, I would not be hiring anyone to help me on Rack 2. But people kept giving me money, anyway. That's really cool, and I appreciate it more than I could possibly express, but I'm also not going to change the way that I work because of it. I've made it this far by sticking to the plan, so I'm gonna stick to the plan.

I can promise that it's not a matter of not wanting to pay someone, and I can back up that promise with a fact: I'm already paying a programmer. I have been paying Draite, the programmer for Sexy Mad Science, for almost a year now - to work on his own games. Because I do think that all this extra money should be put to good use (in addition to a lot of charities), and that it should be used to fund more furry porn games that I think my supporters would enjoy. I just know that paying him (or any other programmer) to help me on Rack 2 is not going to actually make Rack 2 happen any faster, and I don't want to introduce potential drama where there doesn't need to be any.

If the implication is that I'm lying about the work that I'm doing, I'd encourage you to swing by Picarto some time! You can literally watch video evidence of me working on the stuff you see on the Trello board. It even saves recordings from the past couple of weeks.

I don't always stream when I work (for instance, I spent almost the entire day working offline yesterday), but when I do, you'll be able to see that I'm not just making stuff up for Trello. If you're feeling particularly studious/skeptical, you could actually compare the patch notes for the game to the Trello activity log and see that they line up almost 1:1.

But anyway, I don't blame you. I know that the furry community is filled with lies and broken promises, which is a really big part of why I got into it in the first place. I don't blame you for being skeptical, and I appreciate that you're remaining civil. <3

I think you'll be happy to know that the next update is very close to finished - probably a few days away. I'm working on the last project card for this update ( ), and it's about 3/4 done. After this update launches, the next one will be focused on new content, which means it should come out at a normal pace.

But anyway, sorry for the wall of text.

On a closing note, I really want to reiterate something: if you (or anyone else) is not happy with how the game is being developed, I encourage you to cancel your pledge and save your money. The game is going to be free when it's done, and you can always pirate the development builds. I'm making plenty more than I need. I'd rather my players were happy than have more money I don't need.
From this wall of text you've convinced me you are heading in the right direction. I'm excited for the next build and I hope you can launch it smoothly.
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New Member
Dec 4, 2017
As a follower of yours I read the threads of the follow-up of your project, I am a 38-year-old man who is a technician in micro-computer systems, I study on my own java, android and now I am revising old programming languages like pascal, basic and others.

Throughout my life, I have received a lot of criticism, both positive and negative, and the one that abounds most today in the network. For my part I can only say that you continue with the project that those who criticize so much, is that they do not understand any programming, I always take time to see your improvements and annotations, encourage and forward that you have a long way to go yet.

Greetings and hugs from Spain, Andalucia.


como seguidor tuyo leo los trello del seguimiento de tu proyecto, soy un hombre de 38 años que soy tecnico en sistemas micro-informaticos, estudio por mi cuenta java, android y ahora estoy revisando viejos lenguajes de programacion como pascal, basic y otros.

A lo largo de mi vida, he recibido mucha critica tanto positiva como la peor la negativa y la que abunda mas hoy en la red. Por mi parte solo puedo decir que sigas con el proyecto que esos que critican tanto, es que no entienden nada de programacion, siempre suelo sacar tiempo para ver tus mejoras y anotaciones, animo y adelante que te queda mucho camino por delante todavia.

Saludos y abrazos desde España, Andalucia.
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Mar 19, 2018
Tecnico en sistemas de 38 años. Ese es el titulo con el que podés salir de una escuela tecnica despues de 4 años de instruccion de ESO. ¿No te alcanzó para sacarte la ingeniería?


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
@fek_ You should put in a support ticket (At the bottom of any page) and ask for the game developer badge.


New Member
Oct 10, 2018
FEK! I am so happy with the progress you are making. I have been following Rack 2 since Rack 1. I unfortunately am not a subscriber to your Patreon but you don't seem to be money driven at this point. Rack 1 is the best porn game of all time and Rack 2 is looking amazing. Most porn devs give up after a short while but you have proven both your talent and longevity. I know you have a great future ahead of you and I just wanted to thank you for spearheading quality porn games!
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Mar 19, 2018
The new version still crashes when trying to load the embellishment content on Windows 64. For those whose build won't boot just remeber to erase such folder from your appdata.


New Member
Game Developer
Aug 29, 2018
The new version still crashes when trying to load the embellishment content on Windows 64. For those whose build won't boot just remeber to erase such folder from your appdata.
Also, clothing is now handled the same way as embellishments. So if your embellishments aren't working, your clothing probably won't work, either. This is an issue with TriLib (a 3rd party plugin I'm using to load 3d assets at runtime) that I'm currently investigating.


Mar 19, 2018
Also, clothing is now handled the same way as embellishments. So if your embellishments aren't working, your clothing probably won't work, either. This is an issue with TriLib (a 3rd party plugin I'm using to load 3d assets at runtime) that I'm currently investigating.
I'll give it a try deleting clothing folder. Appreciate the quick answer :D.
Edit: Still stuck at the same screen T-T
3.00 star(s) 26 Votes