Well, hello there.
If you have more feedback/suggestion/remark/etc, go for it.
How do you choose OC characters?
Configuration file -> ShowOCs:1
It's an option because the fandom produced some ... controversial OCs; this way people only see them if they asked for it.
hard to read/understand the icons
Yeah, I should probably redo them with at least a different color for each character. Or maybe give up on screenshots and just draw stylized versions with stickponies in MSPaint, like CM3D does.
the fact the menu moves with your head in VR makes it very hard to use
I will look into adding an option for non-HUDs menu then.
The pre-set camera angles range from OK to utterly worthless
Tried to be creative with them at the beginning, but the recent maps do tend to be basic front/back/left/right/joker. Should probably redo the old ones then, unless you have problems with all of them. I was mostly expecting people to use the orbital camera and find their dream view themselves.
Some of the rooms are obviously community assets
All of them except the campsite, actually. Mostly found on DeviantArt.
this needs a big empty room
Can do. Pure darkness with a spotlight in the middle or something less abstract ?
I would say the game is bad but not bad... It sucks!!
Gonna need some more details if you want to see improvements, fren.
will there be graphics settings before starting the game
All things like that are via the config file. I should make a proper in-game menu for it, but that always end up pushed at the bottom of the ToDo list.
Constant crashes around 10 to 15 seconds after start please help
What's your operating system / VRgear / GPU ?
Does anything load or nothing ?
Does the "Log.txt" file in Ramage_Data says anything interesting ?
PoV stuff
Gonna be honest: PoV was more of a "meh, why not" feature. Clean PoV is an absolute nightmare to do in 3D, especially if the head is allowed to move around. Also, could you post a screenshot of the "orb" you mention ? Not sure what exactly you are referring to.
basic free camera
Was hoping the orbital & exploration ones would be enough. I'm also not sure how to pilot of fully free 3D camera using only one VR controller.
Crouch boobs?
The only pony models I ever found with those were using very outdated versions of the SFM line, and the modelling was ... meh - and slapping a separate boob model just give visually weird result.
I would have already added Milky Way otherwise.
Deep gameplay
not much of a game but more like an interactive animation viewer
Currently working on an actually interactive character, but that's a long, long term project.
Still trying to get headpatting to work correctly for now.