
May 1, 2021
I'm encountered and sovled a weird problem. On hoverfort appearance video with that was opened in a separate window. And after that the game cannot be continued.
K-lite Codec Tweak -> manage 32-bit DirectShow filters -> disable Elecard MPEG2 Demultiplexer (
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Mar 9, 2018
[continued impressions/ramblings of dumb hanny well into Chapter 5 by now...]

The highlight so far:
  • Rance burning down my shiny boy Pitten's tent.
  • Crook helping Rance burn down my shiny boy Pitten's tent, like yeah, that's cool. Let's do this!
  • ...

The H scenes:
  • I know some of you fags are loving this, but I didn't care much for Kanami's second - I love you, no, I love you, no I love you - H scene. The first was so much better and well played (out). Rance going all lovey dovey is one thing (still rather gay), but Kanami's writing/reaction here was just meh.
  • Second Russian H scene still needlessly rough. And while at it, her reveal came rather unmotivated (could have been played way better/to greater effect), and how she behaves - knowing her background - is rather odd, to say the least. Is it still canon that Helmanian cuties are still drugged the fuck out of their minds, or is that just a KR thing? Speaking of which... still no Pamela H scene. The fuck.
  • Tilda's first scene was great (fun writing/char motivation). Can't wait to see her proper sexual training. ghahahaha.
  • Dumb Shizu not following the rules, so no Nagi sexy times H scene. Come on. Can't wait to swap out shizu for nagi, just like in KR, especially now that Rance also does the lovey dovey stick with Shizu, fucking hell. GAAAY. NAGI OR RIOT.

The worst:
  • So chars have just two attacks/skills, out of which you're bound to use the primary for almost all the time. This sucks, what could we do? Shall we hand out proper gear and itenz and spells and all that ordinary RPG crap? Nah, that would be stupid. Oh, I know, how about we have a hoverboard fortress flying thing that you can build shit on, that's fun, right? Base building and shit, and you can only use it on a few specific maps, also all the shit needs to be bought again, and basically you get a laser, some shitty walls and teleportation magic skills as some end of turn fun. Sounds good?
    .... fuck no.
    Nothing about this sounds good. This sucks. Give me chars I can build up, equip and with a bunch of different skills over this fucking garbage any day. Who ever thought any of this was a good idea needs to be put in Papayas sex castle and buttfucked to hell and back (cue to VN cutscene where they elaborate about Hubert's special sword and blahhblaa.. fucking hell. At least come up with different attack moves for the chars, how about three + special? no? how about two? no? one single fucking primary attack is all you get... aaahhhhh).
  • The maps are all terrible, with "Holy Shroud Warlords" (Free Battle) being the worst so far, you can barely move, since the curve you need to take perfectly showcases why chessboard movement is unfair/unbalanced. Other maps still aren't much better, it's like they weren't even trying. Instead they fuck around with the perspective for no fucking reason (some are so bad/extreme, what's even going on...), other than making things hard to see.
  • How many more times do you get to fight a losing battle, only for some more chars to arrive just in time? Holy shit. That's it. That's all they came up with to spice things up a bit. Let's do it again. And another time. Ah, and enemies can scroll of the map or run out of it, very fun. They really didn't try very hard...
  • I still can't get over the absolute smokes and mirror nonsense that is the weapon upgrading gacha. It's just so fucking dumb.
  • Similarly, why do I get shiny golden items all I can do with is sell them for gold. What's the fucking point? Just give me the gold right away, holy shit. This is all so stupid. And then drop me some proper loot, gaaaahhh.
  • Chapter 5. Still not a single hanny. Not one.

Even shit like "Helmanian Fort 1" (also Free Battle) which should be fun - now that Senhime showed up, gahaha - is plenty boring. Boing, boing, boing, waiting for Shizu to nut her white beam all over the place and some more boings and maybe a heal until shizu is ready again. This isn't fun. And the fort shit is a fucking joke. Any of it, from its weak laz0rs to silly walls (we tower defence now, or what) and boring teleportation shit. All that jazz (with magic stone farming and fort building/minaturizing) for this? FUCK OFF.

The gameplay is a terrible low-effort mishmash of a bunch of shitty ideas, all mixed together and nobody even tried to give a fuck. The pot ugly low poly 3D graphics are just the cherry on top of this bullshit.

Yeah, I don't like it. As a visual novel, it's all very nice, it's Rance. He's the best.
But as a game it's absolute trash made with no love. No soul. Let me guess, Alicesoft outsources the game part to some random chink studio, isn't it... fucking retards. And if Rance X also sucks, I will officially declare KR as canon. GAHAHAHA.

  • one of those rainbow quantum cubes showed up, and I even killed it, so it left something glowing behind (an ape/doll?) which I could not shoot, there was also a treasure dango which I had to shoot before it ran of, got him, but then the stage cleared, leaving the ape/doll behind. Was I supposed to pick that up (e.g. by moving a char over it or something)? What was that? Anything good?
    EDIT: just got another, and this time I managed to walk on top of the ape the hoky poky rainbow cube left behind - which is necessary to pick up an additional monkey ball. So that's what it is.
  • I still haven't improved/upgraded a single armor. hahahaha
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  • Angry
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Jul 9, 2017
Multiple endings are always daunting to me. I like linear stuff. But I still love rance games so Ima go ahead!

Is it like just, easy to see all the endings or is it at the level of sengoku rance endings where you have to do a hand full of playthroughs to see them all?


Oct 1, 2017
Well, personally it's the first time I see someone considering having several routes as a bad thing.
As I have explained, multiple routes is not a bad thing per se, it's a bad thing in a given entry in a serie with canon ending, where the true ending is actually not the true ending because multiple element from supposedly non-canon routes are actually canon, and where a long game has to be done 5 times in a row with very little gameplay variation (while it's already a slog to begin with) to make it worthwhile. Multiple routes in a VN is fine. Here, it's done extremely poorly.
Unfortunately, most people don't care about the history part though, it may have influenced the popularity in Japan, but it's also the most popular Rance in the west and most people in the west don't know what happened during the Sengoku Jidai.
Because it was one of the very first H-game translated, so the nostalgia is playing a large role...


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2019
I've got a small favor to ask for those who have/are ok with Cheat Engine:
Can someone cheat this save for me and send it back to me please?! Just the Gold and Spheres is enough! I'll farm the Skill Points and EXP myself! Thanks a lot...
Asking your help again please?!


May 1, 2021
Asking your help again please?!
- gold is pretty straight forward... scan > use some > scan > finish
- xp also easy scan > up some skill > scan > there pop a few 4-6 value...pick some of the list (usually top one work)
and change the value (example 999) > click other character then click back to see the old char > the value should be as you set it now (999)
gotta repeat this process for all characters :ROFLMAO:
- not sure if some stat conflict with each other but i feel patton counter less when evasion is too high... i u mess it up u can scan em > up some > and lower the lv
- now sure about the sphere tho
ps. some mention 2byte but i use 4byte... still work all the same


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2019
- gold is pretty straight forward... scan > use some > scan > finish
- xp also easy scan > up some skill > scan > there pop a few 4-6 value...pick some of the list (usually top one work)
and change the value (example 999) > click other character then click back to see the old char > the value should be as you set it now (999)
gotta repeat this process for all characters :ROFLMAO:
- not sure if some stat conflict with each other but i feel patton counter less when evasion is too high... i u mess it up u can scan em > up some > and lower the lv
- now sure about the sphere tho
ps. some mention 2byte but i use 4byte... still work all the same
That is not why I asked for help: I know how to use yet I HATE Cheat Engine! I'm asking if someone here that is OKAY with it to help cheat my save for gold and spheres and ONLY Gold and Spheres then give it back to me. In short, I do not want to install Cheat Engine on my PC.
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Jan 28, 2018
From when I posted this here, I love the contrast of the only two review of this game here. The first one adores it so much and the other hates it.


May 1, 2021
That is not why I asked for help: I know how to use yet I HATE Cheat Engine! I'm asking if someone here that is OKAY with it to help cheat my save for gold and spheres and ONLY Gold and Spheres then give it back to me. In short, I do not want to install Cheat Engine on my PC.
ah ok i can only help with gold tho since the monkey orb seem to have storage limit
put em in c: > my doc > alice soft > rance 9 bla bla bla > save data
Jun 22, 2017
Can you get true end in one walkthrough and does this game has ng+?
From the FaQ on the :

First playthrough can only unlock the True Route. If the ending is unlocked and seen, it will be unlocked permanently for future playthroughs.

Q. How do I get the girls ending?
A. You need to finish the Chapter 15 first. Then, the first door, for the True Route will show up. Open it, go to the last boss and beat it; a new save will be created. Load that save, you will be back in front of the doors, and those for the girl you can actually get will be open.

Hearts must be maxed for the girl in order for their respective ending to appear. Specific requirements for specific girls are listed as follows:
  • Kanami: Must have 3 hearts at Chapter 8 and 4 Hearts at Chapter 12+ and view all her events.
  • Shizuka: Must have 1 heart at Chapter 6 and 3 Hearts at Chapter 12 and view all her events.
  • Tillday: Must have 3 Hearts at Chapter 11 and 4 Hearts at Chapter 13 and view all her events.
  • Sen: Must have 1 Heart at Chapter 9 and 4 Hearts at Chapter 14 and view all her events.
  • Pigu: Must have 3 Hearts at Chapter 12 and view all her events.
  • Miracle and Sheila do not have any requirements other than their Hearts maxed.
For NG+, there is 1 extra event per chapter, and 3 events at Chapter 15. These are just side events which have nothing to do with the plot for the main game.

So, yes you can get the true end with one run through and the game has apparently, ng+.


Sep 22, 2017
[continued impressions/ramblings of dumb hanny well into Chapter 5 by now...]

The highlight so far:
  • Rance burning down my shiny boy Pitten's tent.
  • Crook helping Rance burn down my shiny boy Pitten's tent, like yeah, that's cool. Let's do this!
  • ...

The H scenes:
  • I know some of you fags are loving this, but I didn't care much for Kanami's second - I love you, no, I love you, no I love you - H scene. The first was so much better and well played (out). Rance going all lovey dovey is one thing (still rather gay), but Kanami's writing/reaction here was just meh.
  • Second Russian H scene still needlessly rough. And while at it, her reveal came rather unmotivated (could have been played way better/to greater effect), and how she behaves - knowing her background - is rather odd, to say the least. Is it still canon that Helmanian cuties are still drugged the fuck out of their minds, or is that just a KR thing? Speaking of which... still no Pamela H scene. The fuck.
  • Tilda's first scene was great (fun writing/char motivation). Can't wait to see her proper sexual training. ghahahaha.
  • Dumb Shizu not following the rules, so no Nagi sexy times H scene. Come on. Can't wait to swap out shizu for nagi, just like in KR, especially now that Rance also does the lovey dovey stick with Shizu, fucking hell. GAAAY. NAGI OR RIOT.

The worst:
  • So chars have just two attacks/skills, out of which you're bound to use the primary for almost all the time. This sucks, what could we do? Shall we hand out proper gear and itenz and spells and all that ordinary RPG crap? Nah, that would be stupid. Oh, I know, how about we have a hoverboard fortress flying thing that you can build shit on, that's fun, right? Base building and shit, and you can only use it on a few specific maps, also all the shit needs to be bought again, and basically you get a laser, some shitty walls and teleportation magic skills as some end of turn fun. Sounds good?
    .... fuck no.
    Nothing about this sounds good. This sucks. Give me chars I can build up, equip and with a bunch of different skills over this fucking garbage any day. Who ever thought any of this was a good idea needs to be put in Papayas sex castle and buttfucked to hell and back (cue to VN cutscene where they elaborate about Hubert's special sword and blahhblaa.. fucking hell. At least come up with different attack moves for the chars, how about three + special? no? how about two? no? one single fucking primary attack is all you get... aaahhhhh).
  • The maps are all terrible, with "Holy Shroud Warlords" (Free Battle) being the worst so far, you can barely move, since the curve you need to take perfectly showcases why chessboard movement is unfair/unbalanced. Other maps still aren't much better, it's like they weren't even trying. Instead they fuck around with the perspective for no fucking reason (some are so bad/extreme, what's even going on...), other than making things hard to see.
  • How many more times do you get to fight a losing battle, only for some more chars to arrive just in time? Holy shit. That's it. That's all they came up with to spice things up a bit. Let's do it again. And another time. Ah, and enemies can scroll of the map or run out of it, very fun. They really didn't try very hard...
  • I still can't get over the absolute smokes and mirror nonsense that is the weapon upgrading gacha. It's just so fucking dumb.
  • Similarly, why do I get shiny golden items all I can do with is sell them for gold. What's the fucking point? Just give me the gold right away, holy shit. This is all so stupid. And then drop me some proper loot, gaaaahhh.
  • Chapter 5. Still not a single hanny. Not one.

Even shit like "Helmanian Fort 1" (also Free Battle) which should be fun - now that Senhime showed up, gahaha - is plenty boring. Boing, boing, boing, waiting for Shizu to nut her white beam all over the place and some more boings and maybe a heal until shizu is ready again. This isn't fun. And the fort shit is a fucking joke. Any of it, from its weak laz0rs to silly walls (we tower defence now, or what) and boring teleportation shit. All that jazz (with magic stone farming and fort building/minaturizing) for this? FUCK OFF.

The gameplay is a terrible low-effort mishmash of a bunch of shitty ideas, all mixed together and nobody even tried to give a fuck. The pot ugly low poly 3D graphics are just the cherry on top of this bullshit.

Yeah, I don't like it. As a visual novel, it's all very nice, it's Rance. He's the best.
But as a game it's absolute trash made with no love. No soul. Let me guess, Alicesoft outsources the game part to some random chink studio, isn't it... fucking retards. And if Rance X also sucks, I will officially declare KR as canon. GAHAHAHA.

  • one of those rainbow quantum cubes showed up, and I even killed it, so it left something glowing behind (an ape/doll?) which I could not shoot, there was also a treasure dango which I had to shoot before it ran of, got him, but then the stage cleared, leaving the ape/doll behind. Was I supposed to pick that up (e.g. by moving a char over it or something)? What was that? Anything good?
    EDIT: just got another, and this time I managed to walk on top of the ape the hoky poky rainbow cube left behind - which is necessary to pick up an additional monkey ball. So that's what it is.
  • I still haven't improved/upgraded a single armor. hahahaha
I played Rance X twice in Japanese and it was super fun.


Nov 2, 2017
So, is there a good way to farm skill points? I dont want to use cheats, but Im at chapter 4 and didnt see any decent way to farm, those alt. battles give too few points and im pretty sure future chapters will be troublesome...


Apr 11, 2022
So, is there a good way to farm skill points? I dont want to use cheats, but Im at chapter 4 and didnt see any decent way to farm, those alt. battles give too few points and im pretty sure future chapters will be troublesome...
don't worry, there is only one character that might be under-leveled in the final battle
extensive grinding is not necessary
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Feb 18, 2022
Ok, a bit of a rant, but...

I keep seeing people saying Rance 7 is THE best. I honestly can't understand for the life of me why people do seriously believe that.

Rance 7 is probably the worst of the new generation (6 and above), because it's plagued by issues on multiple levels, it's insane.

- Time limited (which is something completely retarded in a RPG). Probably the biggest sin of them all. You don't do a game about collecting scenes and following a story by putting a time limit on stuff.
- Needing to be done at least 5 times (if you don't miss ANYTHING on any route), which is a gigantic time sink for nothing.
- The army battle has three mechanics which just don't belong, the time limit, the group limited amount of move, and the bar at the top. It's insane that for a game about army battle, destroying the enemy army is actually not an objective, but a mean. Because your objective is pushing this shitty bar at the top by any mean available, and destroying the enemy is only one of them. And you have to do it before some arbitrary time limit kick in, because why not, after all, everyone know that army battle is about pushing a bar before a time limit kicks in, right? The limited move here, I could have lived with, if we hadn't the other two mechanics.
- The facts you are insanely limited in move in dungeons or boss fights as well is completely non-sensical. The fact you can lose because Rance or Kentarou are out of move, and thus automatically removed is stupid.
- RNG, RNG everywhere.
- And ofc, a completely busted balance, hello Omachi.

- Without spoiler, the game has literally one relation to the rest of the story, the rest is completely irrelevant. It's a side story, not a main entry. Nothing happening here is important, outside
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. Outside of that, it's just rance gallivanting around with his old girls finding new girls.
-The true ending is not a true ending if you have to pick things from other routes into the main canon.
-The stakes are so fucking low, it's sad. Even the big bad evil is just a washed up demon from several generation ago. The consequences of winning are just "yeah, we saved the day!!!". Compare to the stakes of Rance 6...
- And obviously, the missed opportunities, like Genbou, like the Genbou castle we were in 5D. Zero mention of that anywhere.

I understand there is a lot of nostalgia because it got translated first and was alone for several years, but still, guys, try to have higher standard than that. Honestly, if you are replaying the whole serie for the story, it's a freaking easy skip for a lot of reasons.
People like Sengoku Rance because it's set in Japan, and pretty much only that. The game has, objectively, the weakest story and gameplay of the newer games. Far, far inferior to Leazas and Zeth ones (3 -Fall of Leazas and 6 - Liberation of Zeth). For some reason, Sengoku Rance has also been the first title in the series for many people, and, perhaps, that has made them think more of the title, in general. I'm not saying Sengoku is bad... It's just that it has an annoying gameplay loop and the story gets confusing with too many variations and non-canon paths that you can start even during your first playthrough.
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4.30 star(s) 23 Votes