
Nov 13, 2017
So, is there a good way to farm skill points? I dont want to use cheats, but Im at chapter 4 and didnt see any decent way to farm, those alt. battles give too few points and im pretty sure future chapters will be troublesome...
Im on Chapter 13 out of 15 now and I havnt needed to grind once yet in the game. All the battles have been pretty easy, ive been doing each free battle just 1 time to get the orb. You dont need to really worry about it being hard.
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Mar 9, 2018
  • Pitten, my boy, is teaching lewd Tilde some proper swordsmanship.
  • Tilde gives it her best, cuts that damn waterfall in half and learns a new move/skill!
+1000 skillpoints. Wait, what? You thought Tilde actually got an additional attack move or something? HAHAHAHA. No, are you stupid? The shitty interface wouldn't even allow for any of this. Also no, because fuck you!

First with the weapons/gear (Hubert's/Rick's swords scene) and now this fucking scene. They're fully aware how lacking their shitty game is, and now the VN department is making fun of us. They're mocking us. :cry:

  • Motherfucking Tourin Sanada shows up. Holy crap! Buff/debuff galore here we... Tourin Sanada's skill is to give you a full MOIST METER, and.. that's it. That's his skill.
They're absolutely a 100% guaranteed outright mocking us, and some of you retards are even paying for this crap. Masochistic whores! All of you! :(

The good:
  • Alkanese's boobies

The bad:
  • Alkanese's fucking haircut.

The oddly strange:
  • Pigu on the rape train. WHUIIIIEEEEEEE~


Mar 9, 2018
Oh look, it's a Miracle!

just look at all those spells and interesting skills and moves. it's a miracle.jpg

...and she gets the ordinary cross magic spell shizu already has, which is the same as maria's tulip but it's not magic that's another gril with the big forehead..., and another AOE spell which is basically just the same, but a bit bigger and most definitely way worse than shizus white infinity beam.

That's it. All the spells in all the grimoires...
They're really taking the piss now about just how much the game sucks monkey balls. Hilarious.


Mar 9, 2018
[warning: chapter 8 spoiler ahead]

  • Alright, Patton vs Lelyu final showdown time! Let's do this, and give this old lad a final goodbye.
  • ...Rance Attack. Die, fag.
Seriously? You don't match up Patton vs Lelyu (it's all VN talk, not actual shitty gameplay anyways) but go for a lame Rance Attack, for Patton only to show up late? I can't describe how fucking lame this just was. Whaaa, it's Rance. Come on. This was Pattons moment (to grow and best Lelyu). Fucking rance attack it is. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAME.

And another thing I'm starting to notice is all the recycled H pictures reused over multiple scenes that really, should all shine with their own pictures. Rance deserves fucking better than this shitshow that is Rance IX. Just how could Alicesoft drop the ball like this? I don't understand. Everything is halfassed and lazy - at best.

Also it's funny how the chars are falling apart into useful and absolutely useless. Rance, Shizu, Senhime and maybe Rick - the best. Crook is cool too. Good girl. And I also like Kanami, somewhat. She get's the useless ninja bonus, I guess. Anyone else is situationally/punctually maybe useful (my boy Pitton) to outright shit (maria, tilde, brogirl, pigu, hubert, tourin, even patton... they all suck dick).

What's the use of Pigu anyways? She's weak as fuck to begin with, if you split her, all mini-pigus will die to a simple AOE blitz from some faggot magician or what not. What's her appeal/strength?


New Member
Feb 24, 2022
How do you get the Monkey Orb from the free battle that gets unlocked on the 3rd Chapter? The game says to let an enemy pass but it seems letting the "Gameobear" mobs pass to the far left doesn't count, do i bait the regular mob to the left? 1677409862174.png


Jan 14, 2019
How do you get the Monkey Orb from the free battle that gets unlocked on the 3rd Chapter? The game says to let an enemy pass but it seems letting the "Gameobear" mobs pass to the far left doesn't count, do i bait the regular mob to the left? View attachment 2420310
You let one normal enemy e.g the yankee or boxen stuck on purple floor and end turn so they got warped. Do not use turtle or the gameobears, will not work.

Also Anyone has detailed stat build for all chara? would love to study one.


Nov 2, 2017
Im increasing attack for damage dealers and health for tanks and healers as main stat, then I spare some points to every character's highest defensive stat: Parry/evasion/Resistance
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Feb 16, 2018
I've been trying to get the true ending but the only scene missing is the scene with sill, straight after sheila speaks with patton it cuts to the alice room, can someone please point out what im doing wrong


Dec 16, 2016
anyone know if grade level actually effects anything as it seems it doesn't reduce the required skillpoints for further skills looking at the parameters page on the wiki

also anyone know if Victory HMP Bonus affects amount of skill points or items etc or is it just how many HMP points you get?


Mar 24, 2018
Grade level does not reduce skill point costs, it reduces the unit cost that you see on the top left.
So basically you get a bigger HMP bonus.
Jan 9, 2019
People like Sengoku Rance because it's set in Japan, and pretty much only that. The game has, objectively, the weakest story and gameplay of the newer games. Far, far inferior to Leazas and Zeth ones (3 -Fall of Leazas and 6 - Liberation of Zeth). For some reason, Sengoku Rance has also been the first title in the series for many people, and, perhaps, that has made them think more of the title, in general. I'm not saying Sengoku is bad... It's just that it has an annoying gameplay loop and the story gets confusing with too many variations and non-canon paths that you can start even during your first playthrough.
Please don't generalize something like this and project your thoughts onto others like me.

I like the game because of the strategy elements and also the free mode. It makes it feel waaaayyy less linear. All of which gives it a lot of replayability for me. What do you know....I like Kichikou Rance because the strategy elements. I later ended up patching it with an add-on and again I enjoy the free mode from that that gives a lot of replayability.

I'm sure there are many others that have similar reasons to me for liking Sengoku Rance and others that have their other reasons.
4.30 star(s) 23 Votes