
May 21, 2019
anyone know how to trigger these below events??? only 3 left for completing all characters event, so plz help

View attachment 1109450

I had dragged Copandon to many places but it's not working, not sure it's bug or something

View attachment 1109455

Im not sure this Crook's event was triggered before or after her coronation, maybe I missed it??

View attachment 1109456

I think this Biscuitta's event depend on number of items in vault, but not sure how much, I only have over 1500 items (and that's quite lag for open vault now, lol)
For copandon dungeon, just bring her and rance along and change scene, it will happen. 1616938224433.png
For crook 2nd event, you need to complete the Punishing the Pop event, then get her to the level enough for H-ing her in castle, go check chappel. 1616938203887.png
Idk about the last one.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
System -> Config -> Other 2 -> Display Data Log
then select a character and click on her Skill Screen to see her data in the log.
Any Idea what the Magic Idiot do? Where can i find the abnormal bloomers? And For armors like Orgarhythm If you got it the first time can you get it multiple times too? Does that apply to unique armors? Or and will restarting a new game plus refresh all those armors?


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
is there a point in playing world 2 and 3 does it add more to the story than what i got in world 1
Any Idea what the Magic Idiot do? Where can i find the abnormal bloomers? And For armors like Orgarhythm If you got it the first time can you get it multiple times too? Does that apply to unique armors? Or and will restarting a new game plus refresh all those armors?
World 2 and 3 add a few more items and quests to the game and a few characters, but nothing earth shattering as such. It is mainly same story and quests for 99%, just in world three the yellow and white skills partly change and a few skills are added to one or two characters and of course the difficulty changes. Items mainly stay same except for world three bonus if available for that type of weapon like Lia's whip, but for that you will have to donate and find it again in world 3.

Magic idiot I can not immediately recall what it is, but sounds like it is a negative skill. Abnormal bloomers can be found in two quests, one is the quest you get after clearing the four quests where you can only use rangers, healers, immatures and such. Other one is shepherds base quest in a chest (I found it there multiple times by repeating quest, since can also be a nice place to find treaure dango if lucky).

Most items can be found again if donated, only the unique items though might be found upgraded, and a few can only be found through the treasure dango. I would advise to check the alice soft fandom wiki rance Quest item page at bottom for those. They are not reset by changing worlds, if donate them any talent or talentR on the items does go back to 0 though.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
World 2 and 3 add a few more items and quests to the game and a few characters, but nothing earth shattering as such. It is mainly same story and quests for 99%, just in world three the yellow and white skills partly change and a few skills are added to one or two characters and of course the difficulty changes. Items mainly stay same except for world three bonus if available for that type of weapon like Lia's whip, but for that you will have to donate and find it again in world 3.

Magic idiot I can not immediately recall what it is, but sounds like it is a negative skill. Abnormal bloomers can be found in two quests, one is the quest you get after clearing the four quests where you can only use rangers, healers, immatures and such. Other one is shepherds base quest in a chest (I found it there multiple times by repeating quest, since can also be a nice place to find treaure dango if lucky).

Most items can be found again if donated, only the unique items though might be found upgraded, and a few can only be found through the treasure dango. I would advise to check the alice soft fandom wiki rance Quest item page at bottom for those. They are not reset by changing worlds, if donate them any talent or talentR on the items does go back to 0 though.
So those items only appear once on the magnum? Like how do you get those with a talent or Talent R anyways? Do i need donate the Hideo Sword? Or something to get the Talent?
Oh you mean the challenges quests? That's where you found the abnormal bloomers?


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
So those items only appear once on the magnum? Like how do you get those with a talent or Talent R anyways? Do i need donate the Hideo Sword? Or something to get the Talent?
Oh you mean the challenges quests? That's where you found the abnormal bloomers?
Yes, there is a quest after you finish those where you can find a pair of them. For the Hideo sword and other regular items whatever their level (A, B, Cc or AA and so on), every one that drops can have talentup or bodyboost once you pass certain quests in game. I am talking about the unique armors and weapons you can have only one of in game like Lia's whip, decapitation sword, Champion or Buddha for example. First two can be found again as drops in chests or from red star fights. Latter two can only be found as a drop from Treasue dango and can get upgraded to level 9 that way.

It seems that if you have passed the bodyboost quest the unique items will always be found with bodyboost 10%, talent and talentup seem to be pure RNG on any item unless it is an item like Buddha and a few others that has it standard. In that case any version that drops after donating it will have it as well.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
Yes, there is a quest after you finish those where you can find a pair of them. For the Hideo sword and other regular items whatever their level (A, B, Cc or AA and so on), every one that drops can have talentup or bodyboost once you pass certain quests in game. I am talking about the unique armors and weapons you can have only one of in game like Lia's whip, decapitation sword, Champion or Buddha for example. First two can be found again as drops in chests or from red star fights. Latter two can only be found as a drop from Treasue dango and can get upgraded to level 9 that way.

It seems that if you have passed the bodyboost quest the unique items will always be found with bodyboost 10%, talent and talentup seem to be pure RNG on any item unless it is an item like Buddha and a few others that has it standard. In that case any version that drops after donating it will have it as well.
Body boost quest? You mean Quest 51? What number is it?

I should donate it then xD Only one donation per time so the one you want will easily appear


May 21, 2019
Magic idiot do nothing, only add 100 magic, and some body boost stats at best, not worth having, cuz your mage can be oneshoted without def and mr. Only use that if you face non aoe opponents or you know what you are doing.


Sep 23, 2019
Any Idea what the Magic Idiot do? Where can i find the abnormal bloomers? And For armors like Orgarhythm If you got it the first time can you get it multiple times too? Does that apply to unique armors? Or and will restarting a new game plus refresh all those armors?
Abnormal Bloomers can be found once (for your entire game) in quest #143 and once per world in quest #176.

Magic Idiot is the second highest tier of clothing item for mages, just like Iron Armor is a low tier item for fighters. You'll find something better eventually, plus, like nobitand9 said, it initially comes with very low defense and resistance stats, so you might not want to use these clothes until you find them with better traits.

Hideo Swords are also just a high tier sword, yet not the highest. Just like with any common item, feel free to donate it if you have something better. They will keep dropping for you until your level is high enough to get an even better kind of swords.

Malgrid 10 would be the "body boost quest". Once you complete it, you'll have the chance to find the Body Boost 5% or 10% on items. It's one of the best traits you can find on an item.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Magic idiot do nothing, only add 100 magic, and some body boost stats at best, not worth having, cuz your mage can be oneshoted without def and mr. Only use that if you face non aoe opponents or you know what you are doing.
Body boost becomes a very strong item skill if your characters are over lvl 100 in world three, since it is 10% of your stats including items. Often easily will beat a few extra 100 att or defence or mr on an item. Not even talking about enemies that ignore def and MR. Another rare but very useful thing on items is -20 all damage, Reset also has a white skill like that skill. Besides in world three the trick is through speed, stun and crit to beat the opponents before they hit you. Just trusting on your mages gets dangerous there.


Mar 9, 2018
Magic idiot do nothing, only add 100 magic
Get one with talent, level it up/boost that talent. Notice how the robe all of a sudden becomes pretty competitive with reasonable def/res values and the bonus of 100 magic. It's a fine robe, but only with talent to the max. Of course that's for an "early" game, where 100 magic actually means anything. It's rather insignificant later on, same as a small atk boost.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
Abnormal Bloomers can be found once (for your entire game) in quest #143 and once per world in quest #176.

Magic Idiot is the second highest tier of clothing item for mages, just like Iron Armor is a low tier item for fighters. You'll find something better eventually, plus, like nobitand9 said, it initially comes with very low defense and resistance stats, so you might not want to use these clothes until you find them with better traits.

Hideo Swords are also just a high tier sword, yet not the highest. Just like with any common item, feel free to donate it if you have something better. They will keep dropping for you until your level is high enough to get an even better kind of swords.

Malgrid 10 would be the "body boost quest". Once you complete it, you'll have the chance to find the Body Boost 5% or 10% on items. It's one of the best traits you can find on an item.
I see you're quite knowledgeable about this thanks I thought It was the Alice coins But looks like that's not it If I donated the ones at the shop it will become better right? But is it dependent on Rance Level or the whole party's level?


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
Body boost becomes a very strong item skill if your characters are over lvl 100 in world three, since it is 10% of your stats including items. Often easily will beat a few extra 100 att or defence or mr on an item. Not even talking about enemies that ignore def and MR. Another rare but very useful thing on items is -20 all damage, Reset also has a white skill like that skill. Besides in world three the trick is through speed, stun and crit to beat the opponents before they hit you. Just trusting on your mages gets dangerous there.
Who's your best team that you usually bring?


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Who's your best team that you usually bring?
Not one team per se, I change it up depending on floors and leveled up quite a few chars well above level 100, but when fight real tough bosses I normally go with Rance with Chaos and Champion or Persiom if want him to have more hp (Main difference between Persiom and Chaos except for fiends is that Chaos gives way more crit while Persiom gives more HP and actually due to the bodyboost on Persiom it will also have higher attack when Rance is real high level and more def and MR) , Crook with the tree armor and Buddha or the broom, Suzume (that 1/3 damage can be a lifesaver) with that hits always at least twice shortsword and a miko armor with bodyboost, Urza with Stronger (Make sure to have encourage equipped on her so your healer(s) can focus on either healing or full reviving as needed) and either a mage that is good for that boss (all mages can have magic skill 2 in world 3) or add a fighter/guard with spear or another gunner (Reset if real high level and 100% evasion can be surprising effective due to her skills slap and mysterious reset instead of Urza, just her hp is a problem that is why you will want 100% evasion on her if use her) or healer depending on the boss, whether it does AOE, is immune to magic and such.

For absorbed items I would say that depending on char and item they use that speed, high evasion, crit and stun are most important and that you want to make sure resillience is at least above 20.

Also resetting skills with item or have a char reset to lvl 1 can be quite wise when in world three after level 80. The way white skills work in world three and the new attack 5 at level 80 may well want you to redo your skill points more efficient and useful. :)

Also if intend to play world 3 from start, do not grind too long in other worlds and donate the unique items preferably to level 8 as soon as possible in old worlds. Especially the Talent R weapons you want to raise talent only once and much easier in world two or three and for the unique items that are not treasure dango exclusive you want to donate them at least once in world three to get the world three bonus level at level 9 weapon upgrade.
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Sep 23, 2019
I see you're quite knowledgeable about this thanks I thought It was the Alice coins But looks like that's not it If I donated the ones at the shop it will become better right? But is it dependent on Rance Level or the whole party's level?
Nah, if you donate your Abnormal Bloomers, they'll just be gone. :LOL:
There's a list in the game that shows you which items can be donated to upgrade them: Go to Trivia -> Rare items to see which ones you can safely donate and find randomly again. Also shows which ones you already have.

According to the wiki, Rance's level decides the quality of gear you can find. Might just be the highest level in your party in general, but yea, by and large, the higher your level the better the items that drop.


Sep 23, 2019
a mage that is good for that boss (all mages can have magic skill 2 in world 3
Would love to know how you skill your mages. With the massive exception of Torako, I found them all to be useless in world 3. Unless you fight bosses that have sword resistance, I'm really struggling to see their utility. I don't even bring them along on any dungeon runs because everything except civilians outdamages them. It's like Magic or Shizuka on level 80 seem to play damagewise like any fighter on level 50 or so. Plus it seemingly only gets made worse by making stuff like Quick Casting not only costly but also requiring an active skill slot.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
I see you're quite knowledgeable about this thanks I thought It was the Alice coins But looks like that's not it If I donated the ones at the shop it will become better right? But is it dependent on Rance Level or the whole party's level?
Items available at shop depend on Rance's level. Buying the regular ones will raise their level in shop and also level of how they drop from red stars and chests. You will want to buy each weapon and armor of that kind 9 times if can afford that (copandon helps in party for money earned). This does not work for the items that go in bottom slot or are unlocked with donations like the sengoku Rance armor or that pink dagger.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
Nah, if you donate your Abnormal Bloomers, they'll just be gone. :LOL:
There's a list in the game that shows you which items can be donated to upgrade them: Go to Trivia -> Rare items to see which ones you can safely donate and find randomly again. Also shows which ones you already have.

According to the wiki, Rance's level decides the quality of gear you can find. Might just be the highest level in your party in general, but yea, by and large, the higher your level the better the items that drop.
Yeah I've seen that list on a youtube let's player too so yeah I know what to donate xD

What about Am? What is her class anyways? And How useful is she?


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Would love to know how you skill your mages. With the massive exception of Torako, I found them all to be useless in world 3. Unless you fight bosses that have sword resistance, I'm really struggling to see their utility. I don't even bring them along on any dungeon runs because everything except civilians outdamages them. It's like Magic or Shizuka on level 80 seem to play damagewise like any fighter on level 50 or so. Plus it seemingly only gets made worse by making stuff like Quick Casting not only costly but also requiring an active skill slot.
Well Shizuma's highest level fire skill firelaser and Magic's snowlaser will do great damage as long as boss is not immune and they are still pretty nice nukes with their maxed light and darkness all skills or thunder for magic. So quite useful if have used their items to increase speed and evasion instead of magicup and use fast pass in bottom slot.

Remember also if you reset their skills they need only three levels in old skills to get to higher level and if set as many of those as you want you can remove old skills to make room for other ones. Yaeh Torako with kenshin and the other and that hanny drill skill can be fun. :p Also very easy to level up in world three due to fact that 50% exp boost works there again.

Another tip, if you make a custom char. One of the skills you can buy is with Kenshin, that way the custom char also gets bonus of full hp and a boost to attack or defence in fights if with kenshin. Can make for a very nice team if make a ranger and guard and give them that skill. :p Also for quick leveling those 20% bonus items for bottom slots are quite nice and a civilian with 20 exp boost and do not forget that they can wear those +30% exp boost armors from brawlers. A civilian with battle book equipped can be quite useful or agricoale if do those higher as 10 levels of the dungeon to help with those hanny canons a bit.
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