The "stop" button being on the bottom is still a huge issue. I need to watch the top of the screen to know when I need to stop, but then I need to scroll down to actually do it. Even without considering people who are using a resolution that forces them to scroll to use it, as a general rule, UI elements should be close to the things they're associated with, not on the literal opposite side of the screen. Maybe it could be incorporated into the action meter itself, perhaps as a little media player stop button on the left or right side?
Maybe having a hotkey for Meditate and Stop would be worthwhile as well, if they're both considered important enough to be visible at the bottom at all times. (Having hotkeys for everything else could quickly get messy, though, especially this early in development. Though it might be worth considering for some other things later in the development cycle.)
Of course, simply being able to select how many times I repeat an action would also help with this issue. At the very least, something like creating slime traps that are automatically consumed should give me the option to perform it exactly once with no repeats.
Hmm... Not a fan of the game not scrolling down at all on new events. I thought the new change was meant to immediately take you to the beginning of the new event text instead of the end, but now it's just making me manually scroll to even see if there's anything new to read. ...Actually, that might be a bug.
...Yeah, it's definitely a bug, since the "Spy on PetiPatelin" action properly caused it to scroll down. And then clicking "continue" didn't, and required me to scroll manually.
And then the "Infest PetiPatelin" action automatically scrolls down... to the bottom, making me need to scroll up to see the top line. Yeah, this change isn't fulfilling its intended purpose at all.
The sidekick type selection should probably tell you what stat changes each choice will make. I forget which one would be best for what I'm trying to do this run.
Huh. Somehow when I died to the fifth wave of Order scouts, it was followed by a sixth wave that killed me again, and gave me the "starting a new run" text twice.
I got the same bug with notoriety increasing on my second run. Based on how far it progressed for a full mana bar both before and after refreshing, it seems to have had a 2x rate. I captured PetiPatelin with slimes and then had the aformentioned double-death bug.
I'm guessing it was supposed to be subtle, but the purple text when Violet uses her mind control is so close to the normal white text that I honestly thought I was having a migraine the first few times I saw it. (Migraines make the center of my vision look distorted and off-color, so that's what I assumed was happening here.) At one point I actually stopped playing and tried to walk around until it wore off.
It seems capturing PetiPatelin has reduced my fighting power somehow? I'm not sure exactly how, since I don't seem to have lost any minions, and my sidekick bonus still gives me 1.2 to fighting. I somehow went down from around 100 to around 75, though. It may have also resulted from possessing a prisoner, perhaps, which I did right after capturing the town. But I think the most likely culprit might be something to do with Morgana getting added as a sidekick.
The "idle mode" stuff is actually really annoying when I'm trying to read things. It just keeps going until I die. Thankfully, it no longer clears the text log when you die... Now THAT would have been frustrating.
Some typos:
The word "ennemies" shows up at several points when you're attacked. It should say "enemies".
On the sidekick screen, the tooltip for Drain Will says "Drain her will to turn
het into a mindless slave."
In the Morgana event, " "Wake up now," I'm starting to regain my senses, the scent in the room... Mistress's hand caressing my cheek—oh, I'm so happy to be here. "
Also, "Even if you have something else to do, Even if you have something else to do, even if you think my request makes no sense, "
She also calls you Kai when you die, even if you changed your name.
" Humans, in my eyes, are a pitiful lot—lacking ambition "
" "You know the rest: they tried to kill me, I thought I was doomed. But then you came along, crushing the order like insects. Treating humans for what they are: mere slaves. Really I was in love...
Even though I agree, I find your disdain for humans quite amusing, considering you're one yourself.
I have nothing to do with them! I'm much more than that,
I DESERVE so much more!" " (Missing the parentheses to indicate that different people are talking here.)
The same issue crops up in the next paragraph.
And that's it. Guess I'll have to wait for the next version to finish this plotline. Hmm... I hope I don't lose all my progress when I get my new computer. Where all is it saved, again?