I initially played and reviewed this game when it was only a demo, at the time I found it to be a diamond in the rough, lots of great ideas with questionable execution. Happy to say that has changed, and I am bumping the game up to a full 5 stars. The game is genuinely kind of funny, and its pretty hot. Love the setting and magic system, and slavery is always fun. One of my main gripes with the demo and the main thing I hoped would improve was the renders, they weren't great in the demo. So I am happy to say that the game looks great now, no notes on the visuals fr. Its great to see that the dev put in the time and effort that his creation deserved and needed to reach it's full potential.
OLD REVIEW (for the old demo):
This is a somewhat rough first release, but the basic idea and premise are great. I see a lot of potential here, hopefully the dev keeps it going and improves his render game. It's seriously a really cool world being set up though. There's barely any lewd content so far, the first release is mainly setup, but with time and effort this could really turn into something great.