
May 26, 2017
the 0.4.1 html file points to pic name/location that dont exists in the pics folder so none of the pics gets shown in the browser.
My firefox couldnt even show the correct formating of the page. Chrome was ok on text and formating but the pic links dont work in either
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Dec 8, 2017
Discovered this game today and am a big fan!

@Rmaximus: Keep up the solid work and thank you for communicating with your audience! A disk save feature (similar to Fresh Start or The Company) is +1 from me, too. I would also echo @Southron in seeking a list of events or guide - something an OCD completionist (like me) could use to ensure they've seen all the tasty content. Cheers!


Feb 14, 2018
Where are the save files saved?? Knowing this will be usefull to others to keep their saves atleast "saved"


Monster girls and big tits lover
Game Developer
Sep 11, 2017
so, very noob question.
How do i make the pictures match with the game? i am clueless on this, since this is my first time doing html as a game/VN.
I got the html working so far, but the images dont show at all when i begin it, and i have extracted media update file, i just dont know what to do with it now.
The pics folder and the HTML file have to be in the same folder, for example if you make a folder called rol you can put both of the inside and it should work. But remember to extract the base and all of the updates and replace the files that you are asked to because I changed some things from the last update.
Grandma pics don't work. More younger actress appear.
Emma use to be one or the other , but it was slowing me down on making content for her so now Emma is always Sophie see and Darla crane became a teacher.
I cannot seem to get the images to show i start the game and no images
Same is above,.
Seems there's something wrong ..:(
Only Google Chrome give correct picture.. IE11(too high) , Edge17 (nothing!), Safari5.1.7 (too wide), Opera57 (nothing) and FF 64 (64b) give at best images that are too high or too wide, completely distorted. Even Chromium fail
Too bad .. seems a good faping game .. :cry:
Testing on Win10, with v3 replace by v4 then replace by 4.1 ..
Internet explorer??? I would not suggest playing the game on explorer or edge for that matter because I never managed to make the browser open correctly on my computer so I can't test the game there. Now I tried on opera and it's working fine from what I could gather, what version did you test in? Now Firefox...the first two pages are a bit deformed but those are the only ones the rest is working fine here, if you guys are having problems send me some screenshots so I can try to theorize the problem.
Guys I can't install it. I extract the media folder in the same folder of the HTML FILE but when I start the game no images appears, just text
Just to clarify, the HTML file should be in the same folder as pics, not inside pics. Not saying that's what you did but I'm having a lot of complaints in that area so, it might help some. If that is not your case send me a screenshot of the game if you can.
Huh, surprised I haven't seen this one before.
That Transformation and Mind Control caught my eye real fast so I gotta ask how are those implemented?

Does transformation only mean that the MC turns sexy at the beginning, but no actual transformation mechanics are used within the game or can that be used on the girls?

Also what is the "level" of Mind Control in this one? Is it just light corruption like "You really feel like banging so next time you'll be more okay with it." or the outright "You do as you're told and change completely right away." type?
Like someone described here before it's more a change in the perception of normal. There are transformations , most are imediate but one is directed by the MC. The initial corruption takes place over 4 days and only you and your aunt are aware of it .
Is there a way to create a permanent save file?
Because currently if I close the game (the tab or the whole browser) the save is completely gone and I have to start the game from the beginning.
So...this subject is complicated, I had intended to add this feature on the 0.4 update but I'm having problems implementing the feature, I'm still going to do my best to do it but I can't promise a date.
I dunno, the sex didn't seem to have any weight to it at all, like one minute you're normal, the next you're banging your grandma.... and you definitely need to get rid of that step-cest crap, mom needs to be mom.
Patience my friend, finish the first week, you will be pleasantly surprised.
I have a problem in Chrome with the map icons not lining up with the actual links

Need to download update 4.0 and 4.1 to ensure that all images are included
I changed the maps from 0.3 to 4 so you have to replace the images when prompted in the 0.4 update media folder.
Icons dont work for me. I use chrome but I have no idea how to fix it. Help pls
Just icons? Or images too?
i also have the issue involving the map and images related to new releases not showing up in new game launcher
Same as above. Of the problem continues try extracting them all again.
Hey Dev - not played yet but this sounds my type of game.

As a newbie it would be handy to just have an all in one mega link rather than a main + a number of updates. Think whats its going to be like for a new person in 5 or 10 or more updates time.

I think you should have a full file and then obviously the latest update only file form the last version to the new version and maybe the update file from the past 2 or 3 updates as people tend to not play every update.
I'm going to rethinking the update system, but I will probably need to upload some more files so I will have to wait until I'm home again.
Is the bad end on Sunday avoidable or is it the end of the current content?
You have to corrupt the four targets until Sunday, then you get to play the real content. Those are Lauren, Asa, Kara and Siri.
If I Talk to Jane in late 4.1 something goes very wrong. I have to leave by the map icon and there is no pictures. It remains like that til she goes to school and then it resets.
I will take a look.


Aug 5, 2016
Just found this and really enjoying to so far. I'll add in my support for a 'save to disk' option.

My only real complaint so far is how our MC reacts when the witch (who he met in the school shower) first shows up in his room. Our MC was a complete pussy like two days ago; even actively running away from anything sexual. The witch admits to being from a family who wants to murder him... and the 'Queen' helping him has given him power and turned his life around. So the first thing he does is believe the woman from the family who wants him dead and goes all "TELL ME THE TRUTH!" on the source of his power like he's Jack Nicholson. That he is correct doesn't make it better, and may make it worse. Why would he believe the woman who admits her job is to kill him? Why isn't he pissed that she's doing magic in his room without warning him? Why isn't he scared when the 'queen' can't teleport that the witch is about to murder his ass? Why isn't he scared to go off on the 'queen' because she may remove his power and reverse everything?

Some of that can be explained by "he's an easily manipulated dumb-ass acting in the moment", but his conversion from total pussy to top dog alpha male is way too quick and way too complete. I just don't buy that he didn't question a fucking thing for days, but the first hint that someone isn't 100% truthful with him (and his zero questions) and he just blows up and suddenly forces her into submission? Feels like lazy writing in order to force the plot forward.

*edit* Still haven't finished. To the part where Bonnie just teleports into the midst of their dinner uninvited. That he trust her is completely insane. That he's all like "the 'queen' is useless" after she changed the fucking entire planet is equally insane, if not more so. I understand that she's not who she said, but literally the only thing he has done is get his dick wet and rape Lisa because he was too impatient to wait for her to give in to her lust. He's no room to talk. /end rant (still enjoying the game, just venting at character's being terrible)

*edit2* "My life is anything but convenient." Can our character never speak again? I dislike him more every time he opens his mouth to remind me that he's taken no positive action in his entire life, but is still bitching.

Lil Siren

Dec 16, 2017
guys, i'm extracted in the same place, the 0.4, 0.4.1, and the html file but my game dont recognize the pics, someone know why?
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Jan 28, 2018
maybe im blind but, how can i save?
After a certain point in the game there will be a floppy disk icon on the left side of the screen - click that to save, and the folder below that icon to load.

The story itself sounds interesting, but the game is still very rough, the way it delivers the story leaves more questions than answers, for example Bonnie according to the game walked in on me taking a shower, but that didn't happen, another example Mrs. Smith offered me an assistant job, that didn't happen either.
It may just be a grammatical thing, but the Bonnie/shower scene does happen, it's just the MC that walks in on her, not vice versa. As for the teacher
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Game have a feeling of shounen light novel and MC is like japanese beta protagonist, don't have will of his own and do everything random girls told him to do. And whines. I almost chocked, when he said that nothing can be convinient is his life after suddenly turning into superhandsome macho/god from virgin nerd and banging half of the time.
But it's not bad I think. Although it's a common japanese type of story I never seen this in pure western setting. So it has unique and fresh feeling.
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Like someone described here before it's more a change in the perception of normal. There are transformations , most are imediate but one is directed by the MC. The initial corruption takes place over 4 days and only you and your aunt are aware of it.
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A lot of the questions being asked (not pertaining to images/icons, etc.) become evident/get answered as you progress in the story - and those that don't, well, the game isn't done yet, and part of the fun is the journey in finding out the answers to certain questions! ^_^


Aug 6, 2016
Generally I enjoyed the game. There are few bits which I think can be improved to get a better feel with the game. First of all, I did a second run out of pure curiosity. Durign the first stage of the game I got a bunch of stuff (like checking gym more often) that I didn't get in first playthrough, I think it woudl be nice to have some sort of check stating you haven't seen all possible scenes yet.

I'm also missing some way to actually be more in control of what is happening. Right now it kind of feels like cicking random places, getting random stuff. There is no way to actually slow down or speed up the corruption of people in town or don't touch some and so on. I think you can actually input some sort of stats like in a second phase of the game.

While I understand the game is still in development there are like options when you visit characters after corrupting them and that is nice (I'd love to be able to replay previous scenes too), but why the hell when you do all quests you can only save and there is no more freeroaming...


New Member
Aug 2, 2017
I enjoyed this game quite a bit and wish you well on the future. Thank you for making some of that premium shit.

Anyone know anything else like this? Finished it through, feeling some more in the same style.


Jul 3, 2017
I got a glitch whereby with the new map system I cannot travel to Street 2 and 3 it literally prevented me from progressing the storyline so going after the witches was not an option.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, that did not work.

Ironically with the previous version of the game, i was able to navigate the maps freely. Sadly this means no new content. Nevertheless still a good game
Jul 9, 2017
Question: Is there a decision that locks you out of content with the mom(not step-mom), or is it simply a slow burn no matter what choices you've made?


Sep 1, 2017
Internet explorer??? I would not suggest playing the game on explorer or edge for that matter because I never managed to make the browser open correctly on my computer so I can't test the game there.
You may have the same "security" problem I had with IE not wanting to play Twine games correctly. To get around that, make a text file called "IESecurityFix.bat" and put this text in it:
cd %~dp0
icacls *.* /setintegritylevel L
then save the .BAT file to the folder somewhere where you can easily test to see if it worked (like the "pics/locicon" folder). Now, right-click the .BAT file and choose "Run as administrator". If your problem is the same as mine was, then that should fix the security permissions on those images so IE can open them properly. If that works, then you'll need to repeat running the .BAT file in each of your other images directories.

Now I tried on opera and it's working fine from what I could gather, what version did you test in? Now Firefox...the first two pages are a bit deformed but those are the only ones the rest is working fine here, if you guys are having problems send me some screenshots so I can try to theorize the problem.
The problem is that you set both the "width" and "height" properties in the CSS on those images, which usually distorts the images' aspect ratio. Normally you should only set the width (not the height), and then the height will automatically be set correctly, maintaining the proper aspect ratio. In your Stylesheet section, remove the "height" setting from ".image", "img.general", "img.general4", "img.general5", "img.portrait", ".icon", and possibly ".max img" as well (not quite sure what that last one is used for; were you trying to set the "max-width" and "max-height" properties?). Once you've done that then the images should display correctly in Firefox.

So...this subject is complicated, I had intended to add this feature on the 0.4 update but I'm having problems implementing the feature, I'm still going to do my best to do it but I can't promise a date.
Unfortunately you did this in the Harlowe story format. If you had used the SugarCube story format in Twine then saving to a file would have been built-in.

I don't know Harlowe well enough to answer this question, but you could try asking at the , the , or the . (The first and last of those three links are probably your better options.) Someone else at those locations can probably help you figure out how to save to a file using Twine/Harlowe.

I hope that helps! :)
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Active Member
Jun 25, 2017
top dog alpha male is way too quick and way too complete.
I agree with rest of your review, but where he is top dog alpha? Even that scene was just child throwing a tantrum. Alpha is someone with his own agenda and with ability to lead and take control. MC just swims in the ocean of convinience and only reacts to actions of the other characters. He would die, deservedly so, if game wasn't wish-fullfiment fap-fic.
But the game doesn't aspire to be more than that so it's fine.
However I just couldn't play any longer after
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Active Member
Jul 1, 2018
this game has a nice idea and a good performance when it comes to the choosing of the pics and clips, even if some are barely compatible. in example you shower with the trans in school and in the next moment she blows you in full lingerie.

but what makes it unplayable for me is how easy it is to break. i like to save so i can go back und try something else, but there are multiple scenes where when you choose to save the event is lost and you have also no map anymore.

in fact of this i sadly must stop playing this. for everyobdy else i wish very much fun with it.
3.30 star(s) 23 Votes