Eh, just, didn't feel it I guess. Was kind of boring. The dialogue felt so dull and robotic, like just going through the paces. Can tell this isn't a native English game, and felt like it was just machine translated and then rough checked. None of the characters really feel... good I guess? Not sure what word I would describe it. Just so bland, and feels rushed?
And what is the point of the sandbox when you are forced to interact with everything just to progress? Just streamline it in that case without a sandbox, as the way it is now, the sandbox is rendered completely pointless except to just waste your time. And why doesn't this have a sandbox tag in the first place, when the first thing the game tells you is that it is a sandbox game? Tag your game properly.
Everything was just forced and the game just drags you along. Forced to kiss the girl at the bar, forced to console the crying girl, forced to go to the party with some girl you just met, forced to dance with some girls you met earlier, forced to get in the hottub and get licked on by some slut, etc etc etc. You don't have really any choice in this game, just forced to do everything (this is true for the "sandbox" as well, as you can't progress unless you do everything available).
Overall, just didn't like it. You're just rushed along at a fast pace and forced into everything without really any choice. Renders are decent at least (although could do without the overabundance of depth of field everywhere). Maybe I'm just tired of College games, I don't know, but this just wasn't enjoyable.
Still, best of luck with your game regardless and hope you find your audience.