I hope for you and your future supporters, if there is lesser support than you expected, that you will still develop your game if you have the time, unfortunately we already have so many games here that have not been continued.
Well on the surface it's a college setting game that looks to be supported by what's certainly the most universally appealing collection type of female models. Bonus points added for some unique model twists. Which today in 2021 and in itself is probably one of the most can't miss setup formulas for one of these games when it comes to generating random patreon support, assuming it's:
1. An english game written by somebody with a very firm grasp on the associated language, and one who possesses the rare ability (which 99% of foreign devs pushing out those canceled games don't) to write in female characters as actual individuals instead of foreign sex concept objects.
2. Something that doesn't drown it's game and story writing in overly copycatted from 2017-18 theme concepts like incest, literal harems, or extreme fetish inclusions that in theirselves sell a lot better to the 5 or so $1 donations any developer can realistically hope to pull out of the endless SUPER VOCAL forum discussion here then it will to that all important customer base found **outside** this forum.
3. They go to to add quality animations to the sex scenes latter.
To me this is screaming "wait for episode 2" though.