We have already established the "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". I meant something else here. What I meant is that for me in that picture the girl itself is not that pretty and a lot of the sexyness is clothes and the way she is positioned. I could be wrong and in another picture she is a mind blowing babe, but in that picture, I don't find her irresistible.
I agree with you. It a lot of girls in VNs have a better look. The image as whole grabs my attention. To use the crazy-hot scale again (6-7 hot, 8+ crazy), I would for certain put her on the crazy side on not safe level. But on the same time this is what is attracting me to the picture.
Or you can much likely give a girl a longsword and good look, also made her look a little devil and dangerous and put "Hey c3p0. I'm very much intressted in you. Care to join me on this kamikaze mission?". And my logical part of my mind - I tend to believe the logical part of my mind is 95 % and the emotional part is 5 %, yet the uncertainty is also 5 % - would cease to be working.
Long story short: what I meant is that just because she is dressed in hot clothes does not mean I will like her, that is what I meant with "I am a slut but I have good taste".
All I say is good taste is also open for debate. Not saying you don't have and I do.
Try to resist Calisto? That is madness! I want to give in to her!
We could try it, least to for the fun. I'm sure she like a little entertainment. Yet, she could most likely see straight through us.
Although what can I say, if Calisto say jump, I would only ask how high.