In a society where almost every woman over 20 is married, virginity tends to be tied to a maiden-like appearance. It's about looking the part of a virgin.
But she didn't look like a waif. She's always portrayed as a strong, atheltic female, other than when she was a child.
No, but when you look like a teen-age girl, that shortens the list of goddesses people will assume you to be considerably.
I don't know who you're referring to as looking like a teen-aged girl.
Artemis is not portrayed as such. (See above.)
She's a huntress who killed many men, which to me is close enough. My point isn't that this or any of my other points somehow prove Dreamgirl is Artemis, so much that there is enough for a frightened ancient Greek to believe she is Artemis.
Close enough? It's entirely different.
Hunting men for prey means killing them and eating them.
She never, ever did anything close to that.
Hunting men for vengeance or retribution makes them her quarry, not her prey.
She is not known as a huntress of men, she is specifically known as a huntress of animals.
Of any of the men that she hunted & killed for transgressions, I don't know of any reported to have been drained of their blood, before, during or after their defeat.
Evidence and proof are not the same thing, and you really shouldn't use the words interchangeably. I never said it was proof. Evidence doesn't need to prove a theory, just fit it. It's the big difference between theories and facts.
It's not a theory. It's not plausible, so does not qualify.
Evidence is a component of proof.
Without evidence, there is no proof. Therefore an absence of evidence "proves nothing".
Saying "this proves nothing" is transposable with "there is no evidence here."
There is no evidence for her being Artemis, only against.
The fact that this character does not meet any of the established character traits for Artemis, is evidence against her being Artemis.
If, in a future update, one of those traits is displayed, then it will be able to be considered as evidence for her being Artemis.
So far this has not happened.
We'll have to agree to disagree. What I consider evidence you consider complete speculation. What you consider evidence I consider completely irrelevant. I think the only thing we can agree on is that it isn't proven that Dreamgirl is Artemis. I will continue to consider it the best fit for the data points we have while you will go on considering it entirely speculation.
What I consider evidence is written in her history. That's why it is evidence.
What is being speculated upon, is not supported in the game, or her written history. There is zero evidence in support of her being Artemis.
You're welcome to consider it a good fit.
It's evidentially, factually not, but feel free.
I am not trying to tell you what you should think. I am simply presenting facts. You can do with them entirely as you please. That's absolutely your prerogative.