I keep reading how if Laurie is turned It needs to be by Sharon and the reason given is to save Laurie or the MC or both.
I'd be tempted to say Sharon needs to be the one to turn Laurie if she is to be turned simply for Sharons sake.
Simply look at the way Laurie acts with Sharon now despite the fact Laurie knows Sharon could easly kill her.
And now just Imagine what Laurie would atempt to do to Sharon If they where even only on a slightly more equil footing and despite Sharon being the Archon or not.
Just for peace and sanity and mostly for Sharon's sake she needs to turn Laurie.
If she is turned atleast that way Sharon should have some influence over Laurie and we may yet avoid the constant cat fights.
Becuase lets face it nothing would ever get done as the MC would be costantly having to play referee.
And the repair buills to the house alone would be scarry.
Just Saying
Howdy fellow Bloodsuckers, both chocolate and vanilla!
I want to revisit the above quote because it had some discussion regarding very important theory points.
I know there was other discussion on it, but just for the fun of it, I thought I would lay out what I think after replaying the entire game again 3x with slightly differing choices. My favorite results ended with the following
Stealth-25 (invisibility/obfuscation-possibly influencing other passive traits)
Charisma-32 (Presence ((which is evident if you pick the right training) and Whispers)
Prowess- 37 ( seems to be a combo of Claws, Potence, and Speed/Celerity)
Sharon Saves Laurie 12ish give or take, with no slave points.
Atsr=0 (Can someone else confirm that touching Astrid in the cage is trigger? That is my guess as I did not touch her except in one play through and then I got a 1 there but am not sure something else did not do it 100%)
No soul stain as I did not use Whispers on Miri for sex. You get a 2 point Charisma bump if you do though.
I have been nice to Carmen so I got her trigger 2/3 of the time for sex. I usually do not treat her like food, because as is evident from my signature I really like her. As a result I comfort her and have sex. I did in one play through this time (did in past as well but for this I did 2 as kind and 1 as food)
Whenever possible I have been good to Laurie and have withheld the blood.
Note that interested me in this update is the first time the Thralls were called Ghouls (which is the VtM name for them)
So the question above is about Sharon and her well being and why she must be the one to embrace Laurie. Also another point addressed who the main girls/mistress/Blood Dolls might be.
Main Girls- There are a number of characters in the game which definitely have some influence, and to use the label main girls is somewhat inaccurate. Love Interest's is what both Ptolemy and LikesBlondes have used in discussions about this, but important "main" type characters are varied and of both genders...... so here are my best guesses for the
Love Interest category:
1-Laurie-life long best friend and thrall. Jealous of Sharon and loves to irritate her whenever possible. Soft on the other humans present- Andrew, Carmen, Gregor. Her feelings on Carmen may well change after our update. I have avoided slave selections for her where possible. I believe she will make a great vampire if given the chance

As a thrall, Laurie seems to have picked up some prowess (which would be natural for a ghoul) as well as the unstated but I do believe is present trait of Auspex from her Regnant -Main Character..(deducing we have that power from the knowing where Astrid is, detecting or knowing when people are approaching, and the reading of surface thoughts in blue script of Mirri when we first go to the police station. So if we the MC have that trait, she could as well) (She might be a multipoint follower as she seems to be skilled beyond what might be expected.)
2-Sharon-Mentor, gentle, kind, humane, and has indicated she will allow the MC access to full sex with her if he has a blood doll. Many have complained a lot about the lack of sex with her, so this should be welcome news to them, and this may well be the promised 1 guaranteed sex scene we have been promised. For those who have been mad about her behavior, this update revealed that she spent Decades with Astrid, and so this built a considerable amount of her resistance to instant sex with the MC, and explains it quite well.
Sharon seems to exhibit the VTM traits of Presence, Domination, and Fortitude with a small degree of Auspex. High Charisma and Appearance, fairly high Manipulation. High Stamina. Middle intelligence, perception, and slightly higher wits. She has one Thrall (Andrew) who may take up a couple points as a follower as he is very tough. She also has resources (wealth) Allies a point or two for the Nos, Status (Archon) (All of these make it extremely likely she is Ventrue-ish in her clan) There is a persistent trait of Sharon Saves Laurie which is key to a lot of the theory crafting that we do on here I think.
3- Carmen-former hunter. Her boyfriend was murdered by a vampire and she sought out and became a vampire hunter. She is socially skilled, intelligent, plays piano, has high charisma and sex appeal, is somehow linked and important to the main character (MC-us) and has persistent presence in our visions and associations with happiness and sunshine. Some have stated they thought that the scene with her was rape(ish). She has given many signs to the MC she is becoming interested in him from the start, and if you are kind to her, there is more. (and implies an interest on our part) She is presently a non ghoul/thrall follower of the MC, and may be multipoint already as she has some fighting skills and is a natural charmer.
4-Ivy. Even though Ivy was just introduced at the pretty much Middle point (that is where we are now, hard to believe) of the story, we know from Patreon posts that she is definitely a Love Interest. At this point she does not have much going for her to compete with the other girls but I expect that to change. She seems to have a scientific and explorer personality, cares for her parents, has enough social skills to make an impression with the EMTs in case she ever needs rescuing. Has a high courage and possibly willpower, and obviously intelligence. Her domination by Sharon does not diminish anything in my eyes, and her recounting her antics with Jimmy is amusing.
For number 5 we have a few options-
Inanna - a clan founder (states that all the MC gifts come from her, more than 1 time) likely the Sire of Calisto. There are a lot of pretty deep assumptions when it comes to what is going on, but some things have been confirmed by Ptolemy in discussions with him. That is why I was labeling Vision Girl Inanna after he shot down our Artemis theory. In later years Inanna becomes Ishtar, as well as Isis. She is definitely a deep and important character, and in fact probably one of the two primal driving forces of the entire game.
Calisto-Leader of the Temple, Sire of the MC, has deep influence in all goings on in the area surrounding her Temple (city etc) She has at least two members of Roland's court as her moles (Fabian and Cindy). She is (in my feverish ranting) the Sire of Virgil as well. (guesswork for more details scroll back a few hundred posts). She did not hesitate to get naked and bring the MC into a pool of water where it appeared she was penetrated as she was embracing him. She used Domination, not Whispers to get him there. I think Whispers profoundly affects people as demonstrated in it's use, and since she wanted an amusing toy (or was forced without her knowledge by Inanna) and or agent, she used domination rather than mess with his mind longer term. (this is actually a fact as far as what she used as the colors of the scripts indicate the powers used-as well as the eyes turning to snake like vertical slits when using the dominator power) (this also indicates that since the MC has her blood running through him, he could learn domination as well-not to mention the blood from Sharon)
Cindy-very unlikely. Presumably a member of the bloodline much further down, or simply a vampire who is very devoted to the Temple and Calisto.
Malia/Kassandra- potentially though there is a lot of building up necessary to put her in the same league of attention as the others. I rate this a low possibility.
Zephir- Sadly...very sadly, I rate her chances as nil.
Eloise- Ventrue(ish) Bad assed fighter. Not a likely candidate. She is a Hound (which implies that there is a huntmaster, which may well be Virgil) which would be used to maintain Roland's power in the city (Virgil's-my theory).
Astrid- Well, there is a potential for this I guess. The fact the game has a value for her indicates something. Influence over the MC later on is my guess. Personally I doubt that she can overcome the negative that we SHOULD feel towards her. I know that I won't be romancing her in my game even if I end up being wrong and she is a choice.
There is a trait for you to want to destroy your sire...... the fact that you either have that or do not have that means that romance is pretty unlikely if you choose to destroy your sire. If you decide not to, I think Calisto is still too close to ennui to really make a suitable lover. She needs to take a bit of a torpor I think.
If we actually manage to serve Inanna and assist getting her out, help destroy the dark presence that is no doubt an enemy of hers, help defend Calisto from Virgil/Plubius, then I guess this would be a Queen of the Damned kind of scenario.. so strangely of all the options, I am going with her for the fifth choice.
Anyhow, have a good day/night