4.00 star(s) 206 Votes


Sep 30, 2020
You don't like it, cool. So, see you, bye.(y)

And The Bite, I haven't played the lastet update, but I agree is a good game, although some may disagree.
Bite well, I have given up on it during the intro, therefore I strongly disagree with you here.
If I am totally honest, The Bite is really the only one that is actually good featuring the vampire angle, so agreed, it would be probably unfair to compare it to Bite...but I still stand with the rest of my statements.

Ofc I would never expect people to follow my opinion, but I do hope patreons hold the developers of games the like to a higher standard...not just here but everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2020
This isn't the official Patreon forum, there's nothing wrong with posting constructive criticism. And I agree with him to some degree, Rebirth started off strong but it's been languishing for a while now.
Constructive criticism yes, but he did that quite unconstructive ranting already multiple times here and on other threads. Even on the beloved The Bite he's complaing about the updates and calls the dev a milker...


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2019
Well for those who truly want to make a difference and advance their constructive criticism you wont find a forum here on F95. Iif what you say is truly your heartfelt belief Discuss it on Discord. if you are attempting to address the Dev's then you won't find them on this thread. If you have noticed the Dev updates are from those other that the one's at the reigns.

Otherwise knowing that there isn't a forum to advance your criticisms on this thread. Knowing this makes you come off as petty and rather droll and is perceived by many as an attempt to degrade the hard work of the Dev's.

If you truly want to make an impact write a review. To continue in this so called constructive discourse only shows your true intentions and We enmass see through it.



Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
This isn't the official Patreon forum, there's nothing wrong with posting constructive criticism. And I agree with him to some degree, Rebirth started off strong but it's been languishing for a while now.
So, we're is the constrictive critics here?
I have been at this game for some time now hoping it picks up but honestly this developer is one of those
that string their patreons along with BS updates where nothing really happens. Its like watching a soap opera that redoes the same shit again without anyone getting anywhere really interesting or meaningful, only a few years later maybe...

The story is really nothing worth remember or interesting and tries desperately to create something only to cause more distraction and ultimately have really no substance to it. The dialogues are stupid, not thought out and conversations are strings of nonsense that one should be able to assume in any normal dialogue. In the recent patch the MC find his old landlady in Sharon's house and they get fixated on her being in the house in such a cheesey empty way it just feels disconnected and "Try hard" is the best way to describe it.

If you want a better game check out The Bite or even Bite which has more thought provoking dialogue and story with an MC that is interesting and does act like a total asshole that speaks in obscure ways that only sever the developer for adding "lines of dialogue" yet no person talks that way...stop the bullshit and get on with this game developer.

I highly recommend skipping this game until the Dev gets his head out his ass and gives something worth paying for
From what he wrote and I understand:
First part, general rant that the games is not to his liking, as well the devs, their release schedule, Patreon and their supporters. I do not see anything helpful in this part.
Second part, stating that the story sucks as well as the dialogue, general statement again, so limited helpful for possible improvements of the game.
Third and fourth part I skip as it is certainly not helpful for the game.

So all I can take, is a general statement that the story and dialogue sucks, what is highly subjective.
Hildegard does a better job in explaining, what in his eyes, are weak points of the game, even though I don't agree with him.

And as others have written the devs aren't active here, so even a constructive critic would fall on deaf ear, if no supporter of this game would relay the message to the devs. As I don't see any useful in it and it wasn't requested, I don't see that this complain would reach them - I for myself won't do that.


Oct 15, 2018
This is a thread for discussing Rebirth. If you think there's no point to discussing the strong and weak points of the game, then why are you even posting here? Some here seem to think that this thread is a not a place for criticizing the game, but is a place for criticizing other posters. That's exactly backwards.
There are a number of people on this thread who seem to come out only to jump on any kind of perceived criticism of the game or of their fellow patreon/discord buddies. That's a very toxic attitude and it's unfortunate that the thread has degraded to this point.


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
This is a thread for discussing Rebirth. If you think there's no point to discussing the strong and weak points of the game, then why are you even posting here? Some here seem to think that this thread is a not a place for criticizing the game, but is a place for criticizing other posters. That's exactly backwards.
There are a number of people on this thread who seem to come out only to jump on any kind of perceived criticism of the game or of their fellow patreon/discord buddies. That's a very toxic attitude and it's unfortunate that the thread has degraded to this point.
Than you can show me the constrictive critics in his post? Or can you show me, where have I written, that I don't welcome (constrictive) critics?

I only given him a comment on his comment on a puiblic forum - or is that not allowed? And stated that the game "Bite" is not one I would compare to the other twos.
After that, he posted again and somehow agree that the "Bite" isn't a good example for a "good" vampire game.

Then someone comes and stating that I wish to forbade constrictive critics, what is not my intention and never was. But my request to point out, where this constrictive critics was in his post, was not answered. Instead of it another assumption on my person and believe was done.
So, if you can't tell me, where the constrictive critics in his post are, I must assume there isn't one it it. Therefore your argumentation is invalid as yourself has written:
This isn't the official Patreon forum, there's nothing wrong with posting constructive criticism. And I agree with him to some degree, Rebirth started off strong but it's been languishing for a while now.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2019
This is a thread for discussing Rebirth. If you think there's no point to discussing the strong and weak points of the game, then why are you even posting here? Some here seem to think that this thread is a not a place for criticizing the game, but is a place for criticizing other posters. That's exactly backwards.
There are a number of people on this thread who seem to come out only to jump on any kind of perceived criticism of the game or of their fellow patreon/discord buddies. That's a very toxic attitude and it's unfortunate that the thread has degraded to this point.
There are those who have legitimate Grievances (those grievances should be given context ) for a foundation to base ones opinion. If you say something sucks give us a basis for your evaluation. To do otherwise turns the criticism into what is called a gratuitous statement and not a criticism leaving it empty of any value ie. worthless. Anyone can post on this thread and can do so freely. If one wants to input something of value that is awesome, if you want to disrupt and trash this thread that's your prerogative as well. I too have a voice as well and I intend to use it. I am inquisitive and seek the opinion of others as we all should be, but to make aspersions without context especially after knowing how hars the dev's work borders on being vindicative.

Harem Trooper

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
To be honest, I prefer "The Bite" over "Rebirth" but that dosent mean I hate one over the other. Rebirth plays more like a kinetic novel and to this update ( Ep. 4 Update 7 ) there is nothing for me to hate.
I mean I know I will get a Harem, Laurie got turned into a vamp, cave-vamp-girl wants us and Ivy got to suck on MC thumb. :devilish:Sure, the story seems to get streched and the sex, erotic or lewd stuff is rather lacking, very lacking. But its one of the few games where the story is interesting enough to come back to see where its going ( since im a vampire fan lol ) and the sex stuff is the juicy spice on it. In Rebirth its only added where its needed and IMO for a porn game its doing a good job.

Compared to The Bite, in Rebirth you see a story unvolding with the MC being the main point surrounded by chicks, but the world around plays also a big role, at least for now. To this point, I didnt felt the MC takes part in this vampire society but is rather a observer then a participant. Does it make sense tho in the story ? Yeah since the story jumps form one big plot point to another big plot point without time to "relax", "unwind" or "experience" being a vamp, while the MC is still green behind his ears.

In the Bite you are also the main point surrounded by chicks and while also the world seems to play a bigger role, the MC feels as you was more in control of the action in the game, even tho he is also green behind the ears and sticks to Zoey like toddler to his mom, which is also understandable from the story. Just two different games with the same genre but told differently. Some people will prefer the other for a reason.


Oct 15, 2018
Than you can show me the constrictive critics in his post?
He gave particular criticisms of the game: whether they are "constructive" or not is a matter of opinion and is a perfectly legitimate thing for you to argue. Claiming that I need to defend his cricisms is just a red herring: I don't even agree with most of what he wrote!
What I take exception to is you trying to shut criticism down with "You don't like it, cool. So, see you, bye.(y)" or claiming that he shouldn't post things that are "highly subjective" I especially take issue with the notion that people shouldn't post criticisms here because the devs don't read this thread.
People who don't like Rebirth are just as welcome to post here as anyone else is. Those are the rules. Deal with it.


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
He gave particular criticisms of the game: whether they are "constructive" or not is a matter of opinion and is a perfectly legitimate thing for you to argue. Claiming that I need to defend his cricisms is just a red herring: I don't even agree with most of what he wrote!
What I take exception to is you trying to shut criticism down with "You don't like it, cool. So, see you, bye.(y)" or claiming that he shouldn't post things that are "highly subjective" I especially take issue with the notion that people shouldn't post criticisms here because the devs don't read this thread.
People who don't like Rebirth are just as welcome to post here as anyone else is. Those are the rules. Deal with it.
Yeah, you don't have to deal with others, I too, you only have to deal yourself.
But thanks, that you can't show me where the constructive critics is in his post and just moving your argumentation. And also stating things that I haven't written.
So, care to explain to me, where I have written, that you need to "defend his cricisms"?

Also all things we say are subjectiv, but is is very different if I wrote about why I find the scene bad and wrote in detail, so others can write back and agree, disagree or explain, instead of "last update bad".
But then, I don't think that this conversation will move forwad, so go your way, have a nice day, post what you want and think what you want, I will do the same.
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Jun 10, 2017
Yeah, you don't have to deal with others, I too, only with myself.
But thanks, that you can't show me where the constructive critics is in his post and just moving your argumentation. And also stating things that I haven't written.
So, care to explain to me, where I have written, that you need to "defend his cricisms"?

Also all things we say are subjectiv, but is is very different if I wrote about why I find the scene bad and wrote in detail, so others can write back and agree, disagree or explain, instead of "last update bad".
But then, I don't think that this conversation will move forwad, so go your way, have a nice day, post what you want and think what you want, I will do the same.
You might disagree with his assessment, but his main complaints seem to be that the plot isn't really moving anywhere and the dialogue is poor. That is constructive criticism.

I do overall like this game, but I do think there's a kernel of truth in his complaints. The plot does seem to have stagnant for a while, partly due to the main characters just acting dumber than believable (though I think some things will get rolling in the next few updates). The dialogue has always been a weak point in this game, always came across as rather stilted. I assume because the devs aren't native English speakers.

When comparing to The Bite the world just feels less alive to me. In this game it doesn't seem like anything is going on if our main characters aren't involved, while in the other I get a sense that there are machinations happening all around (but the game is still far too early in development to say whether or not it will maintain that feel -- this game did feel different in the first chapter as well).


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017

Have to work on Sunday, I'm afraid. So the update will have to be on Monday. I'm free on Saturday. But I doubt I'll be able to get it done tomorrow.
One more thing before I go. One of you. I apologize, I can't remember the name off the top of my head. But one of you asked us if we could make a glossary in game, to help players keep track of all the characters as they meet them. Seemed like a good idea. Well, we've looked into it, and it's witihin our skill limits. Only problem is, one would have to restart the game from the beginning. The variables that would keep track of all the people the MC has met, would have to transfer from one episode to the next. Which means a complete restart.
I'll make a poll about it sometime in the next couple of weeks. See what everyone says. But it's doable.

Best regards


Engaged Member
Mar 24, 2021
if we could make a glossary in game, to help players keep track of all the characters as they meet them.
the idea seems great, but then...
Only problem is, one would have to restart the game from the beginning. The variables that would keep track of all the people the MC has met, would have to transfer from one episode to the next. Which means a complete restart.
we would have to restart all 4 chapters just so the game could register characters we meet once or twice. (Liam,Glitter, Miri) that's 4 downloads to go for something that isn't really worth the effort.


Jan 26, 2019
Seems interesting game... can someone point me to first three episodes of the game so I won't start playing with last one. Thank you in advance. :)
4.00 star(s) 206 Votes