... life is far too short to waste it doing things that no longer bring joy or pleasure.
Not just that.
In the long run, it's about making something "of your own".
I do mod games when I can (been doing it for a long time... I remember spending hour modding Star wars Jedi Academy with tons of upgrades, and even made some naked Jedi to run around lol). But after a while, it feels like wasting time, because you don't really can claim any type of property.
I actually considered long ago to help you out, by fixing mostly the basic pics (anathomical issues mostly), but again... not really much point since it's not really my game.
If at some point you're interested on doing some game and want help, lemme know.
I'm good at drawing, but I'm not tech-savvy, so that's were your PS skills can come in handy.