I'm pretty happy to see this game and DEV are back since this game was quite promising and unique, but coming with an update yet not fixing any problems the game has or not upgrading lacking features is kind of disappointing, in my book this update should have fixed and add some of the features I'm gonna talk about, yet I'm still hoping DEV will fix and add features the game needs with next update at least, otherwise, the game potential will be wasted with the current rate, and I really wouldn't wanna see that.
- We have only 9 save pages, and all Renpy games have 999+ save pages, having only 9 is like a joke, we need more save pages, 999 like all others preferably.
- We can't skip time without clicking the bed, and to reach the bed we have to pass all that way in the house, terrible decision, there should be an option to skip time on the main hub, like clicking a picture on the day should work that way, it's already there, why not make functional?
- We can't look for tips without clicking the laptop in our room, so every time we need tips about the game we have to pass all that way over and over again, we need a tips button on the main HUB and not gonna lie have more clear tips might be better as well, currently some of them are annoyingly vague.
The rollback feature doesn't work as it should, it's only rollbacks 10 dialogue backward, not good enough.
- The sex scene we had was even bad for 2018, it did not have enough pictures/angles/positions, and even in those days animations were a wanted feature for sex scenes, and for today it's very bad to not have it, DEV really has gotta work on those sex scenes if he wants to call this game adult game at all, preferably well-made animations are needed, since DEV can do animations as we can see with other stuff, he really should spend time on sex scenes as well.
- The left click and ESC buttons do not open the save menu, it's something most of the Renpy games have and makes things far easier.
- There is still no gallery feature in the game, but it's always good to have for checking scenes you might have missed or if you want to check some scenes again.
- Before this game had problems with the updates and the content, updates were taking too long and giving us a pretty short amount of content. I hope this time things will be different.