
May 17, 2017
I'm going to be honest the whole new system sucks and only drastic amounts of changes can save it while it might sound cool to have a more engaging system around kingdom management this system drags people away from the core gameplay into a system that is trying to compete with mobile games, the turn based system while not great was largely ignorable after you got the important places letting you get back to the actual game


May 27, 2017
- The country overview map now has a real-time based system instead of a turn system. This means all productions and constructions happens in real time while the game is running.
Nooooooo! Real Time ANYTHING Isn't an Upgrade! Why?! Its a horrible mechanic that mobile games use to siphon more money from you to avoid. Its not for RPGs! Especially not Single Player RPGs! Why would we want this instead of just pressing the next turn button a bunch of times?!

If you wanted an upgrade you could have just made it so we didn't have to go one by one T_T (The construction team thing does that I'd assume but it coms at the cost of the real time shit)

David doesn't give you gold anymore, real time cooldowns on bonus battles, seriously, most of these 'upgrades' to the kingdom system suck!

(Note, have you fixed the bug of the command upgrades not registering when you have an elven artifact at least?)
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Jun 20, 2018
I really don't like the new country overview system.
The new system is built on the idea to be active on it all the time you're playing to not waste resources and not lower other parameters while you're doing other activities in game, which means that you're going to stop your progression every few minutes to go the map, collect resources and use them because every slight excess of any resource is wasted.
The rewards for keeping it maintained are not worth it because there are already a lot of skills in game, not only it bloats the already big list of them but it's redundant with the amount of characters and playstyles you can adopt.
That in itself wouldn't be so bad but the whole scope of the game is much bigger so stopping like that means that it becomes much dragged on than it needs to be, generating frustation and making players to abandon that whole part completely.
My suggestions would be:
1) making a build schedule of, I don't know, 5 buildings max, using every resource that is generating on them without needing you to collect them.*
2) instead of collecting youself the resources you can put the number you need and it will only generate that number, also going to the stockpile themselves.
3) excess resources will be sold for budget.
4) removing global resource limit and keeping only individual.
5) security doesn't drop over time and it will rise slowly over time but random events can drop it harshly and not make it rise again until you take action on them, like it happened with fires before, those events can stack up to a certain amount.*

*these mechanics would have a notification on the screen similar to achievements to let the player know when the building stopped or a event reduced your security


Shameless Dev
Game Developer
Mar 18, 2018
More grind things... Looks like someone get the fall of the tree and started milking. Sad moment when this happens to a old and fun game.
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May 27, 2017
More grind things... Looks like someone get the fall of the tree and started milking. Sad moment when this happens to a old and fun game.
I mean, technically, we've been stuck at the timeskip part of the main storyline for years already, so its not really recent, it's just that the usual side content is entertaining so we don't care. This on the other hand...


Apr 11, 2022
Just my two cents on the kingdom management system as I like systems where you build up a base/team from essentially nothing. However, I have not played much so that from that what you will.

I do not think that production of resources should be tied to real time. Instead I would prefer to see a system where resource production and construction of buildings be tied to some like number of battles fought. As an example, a piece of wood is created after 2 random battles or something like that. If this is what is meant by the old turn based system, sorry :)

For the trading routes, there should be some sort of automatic system to dispatch traders according to parameters set by the player. Instead of the player having to go to the merchant to dispatch caravans, I should be able to tell the merchant that "as long as I have over X amount of gold after the caravan is sent, send caravan to this destination". Or have it set that the caravan be auto sent on the same trading mission a certain number of times, say 3 times, before the rewards are given. Obviously, the player should not be able to automate all routes and it should not be a set and forget type of thing, otherwise it would be a finance policy at that point.


Feb 9, 2019
Hm... The new overview map is bugging out on me. Says my storage is full at 75, but I've already grown away most stuff. As soon as I leave the storage it temporarily shows the real amount but then goes back to 75 and I can't gather anything else.
There are another two bugs: bandage crafting is forever at 60 seconds left and Witton's requests don't pop up, they show on the map but pressing them doesn't do anything.

Anyway, I'm personally fine with the new system since I started a new save from scratch, but I'd suggest the option to gather or craft multiples at once, and an option to gather all items and all rewards. Would also be nice if the kingdom statuses and budget would pile up instead of having to manually redeem each time.


Shameless Dev
Game Developer
Mar 18, 2018
I mean, technically, we've been stuck at the timeskip part of the main storyline for years already, so its not really recent, it's just that the usual side content is entertaining so we don't care. This on the other hand...
For me the update to a new dungeon, even whe already have one, was a down fall. Now this new kingdom system, even whe already have one, was another one. Im saying the dev instead progress the storyline, he started revamp things that we already have and its not the focus. Thats why i said about milking. It's sad a moment when it happens to a dev you like.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
For me the update to a new dungeon, even whe already have one, was a down fall. Now this new kingdom system, even whe already have one, was another one. Im saying the dev instead progress the storyline, he started revamp things that we already have and its not the focus. Thats why i said about milking. It's sad a moment when it happens to a dev you like.
I did it because I wanted to do it, and I had fun to challenge myself with something new I never tried before. I have no problem admitting that it turned out to be a stupid idea in the way I did it, and that in hindsight I could've spend the time better on other content, but don't make claims about "mikling" with a free to play passion project.

The more feedback I read, and the more I think about what I should do to save the system, the more drastic the changes I consider become. I need to sort out the feedback and ideas, to figure out what the best way to change everything is, but I promise things won't remain the way they are right now.


Sep 16, 2017
Speaking as someone who genuinely enjoys management games, the new overview map system just does not work, especially for those of us with late game saves. The single most glaring omission is the lack of any sort of automation. The fact that every resource needs to be individually produced and individually collected is tedious enough in the early game, and becomes utterly unmanageable in the late game when you're trying to deal with dozens of different production facilities, resources, and supply chains. The old system more or less managed itself in this respect, so to suddenly go from that straight to an entirely manual system where every single action requires multiple clicks from the player is a huge step backwards. Unless there's a research option that enables some sort of automation that I missed, but I looked several times and couldn't find anything to that effect.

Fundamentally, I'm not sold on the switch to a real-time system; the great thing about the old turn based system was that it allowed players to interact with it at their own pace. Considering how much content there is in the rest of the game, it was way more convenient that I could just drop in to the old system whenever I felt like it and spam a bunch of turns to make things happen, rather than being forced to return to it at regular intervals.

That being said, I think the real time system could be made to work, though I would personally prefer either a hybrid system or a return to a straight turn based system. For one thing, resource production and collection needs to be automated, preferably from the beginning, but there at least must be an upgrade to enable it. There's just way too much to manage otherwise. At a minimum, there needs to be produce all and collect all buttons, though my preference would be to have full automation options. Then the player just needs to check in periodically to fulfill requests, perform upgrades and research, and make sure all of the supply chains are working, while cutting out most of the mindless clicking.

I do think some of the other changes are positives; splitting budget from player gold makes a lot more sense, and I think the new resources and changes to the tech trees would be interesting if they weren't so horribly tedious to actually get to. It's just a shame that in its current state, it just isn't worth the effort to engage with the system, no matter how great the potential rewards.
Aug 8, 2017
It became too annoying, rather than too complex.
I'd rather grind raids than be stuck clicking in the overview map like i explained before.
I don't want to be stuck collecting all that faith, rep, etc manually, even if it gonna pop only every 30 mins.
I liked how it worked previously, namely, if you configure everything just right in the law screen, nothing will decrease at all.

IF you still want for things like Faith and Reputation to decrease, then do it this way:
1. Return the skip-turn system.
2. Every time player skips a turn in the overview map, there is a % probability of negative events happening.
3. These negative events will inflict damage on the overall amount of faith, reputation, etc the player has remaining.
Remember how fire event worked? Create similar events that will inflict damage on faith, rep, etc.
While you are at it you could also create positive events that will give the player various one-time benefits.
So instead of constantly draining things like faith and rep, they will be taking one-time hits.
This should make things far less annoying, and depending on what kind of events happen it could even add extra fun value to the game. You could create a bunch of those events with various probabilities of happening.
Some 1% probability, maybe some other 10% probability, etc.

No we don't need that global storage limit at all.
Why can't you just sell or trade away the excess you produce for the benefit of your kingdom?

*Link production and trading into one system.
*Change storage so that it only allows to store, say... 20 units of every product available in the game.
*Then simply allow the excess to be sold automatically if the player produces more than the 20 units limit and goes over capacity limit.
*Allow the player to choose what the excess can be sold for, gold or budget. This way i can select what i need the most atm.
*Also allow the player to trade away or sell currently stockpiled products if the player wishes to do so even if they aren't over the capacity limit.

This way we won't need to throw anything away and can produce whatever we like and how much we like and nothing will be wasted.
Also we gain a source of income. Products in the game will need various gold and budget price tags put on them though, it will be fun finding out which product is most profitable to sell. Maybe you can even introduce a 'supply and demand' system, where product prices become cheaper or more expensive depending on how much demand there is for those products.
Thus, if the player oversaturates the market with bananas, the bananas will become dirt cheap and not worth selling so the player will need to find another product to sell. Etc. You could even let the other countries fuck around with the trading system as well so that market prices aren't only dependent on player actions alone.

They just not worth the effort, imo. Not because of X, but because they're JUST skills.
We have tons of skills offered by party members, why do we even need more?
The rewards should not be skills in the first place, i think, but something else.
Maybe the reward should be something that makes your kingdom or/and its army stronger overall?
I think that would be better reward than a bunch of skills you don't even need.

Or maybe the reward should be stats like crit boost for the entire party, and you will have these extra stats as long as you maintain the reputation or whatever above certain threshold. Sort of like an 'inspiration' buff due to the happiness of your people.
You could also add a negative 'debuff' for the whole party if that reputation falls below a certain threshold, reflecting your people's unhappiness with your rule, thus making this whole thing even more interesting.

You built, maybe. I was never really onboard with Brad and his rebel gang personally. :whistle::coffee:

Bukkake isn't really what i'd consider sharing but.. now that you mentioned it, i remember that girl.
She was indeed sort of shared between multiple dudes, but it was very light.
Ryen was the only one to sample her holes even though she did wank other dudes while he was fucking her and then they came on her.
I guess we do have just one sharing scene, although this girl isn't even his so it's prolly closer to gangbang. :giggle::coffee:
I was going to complain about it


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
I'd like to hear your thoughts on my current draft for the changes of the overview map:

- All resource production will happen automatically in the background once you have the necessary building for it.
(Advanced resources automatically consume the material they require for the production.)
This way, the players don't have to select productions and gather every single resource, and can come back after doing other stuff in the game to a full storage, to use these resources for requests, researches, or constructions.
- The max storage limit will be removed. The individual storage limit will remain, but could be increased if necessary.
- Explorations won't "consume" soldiers anymore.

Reputation and country variables:
- These values aren't reduced over time anymore.
- More Reputation from solving requests.
- The values you get from star icon events for country variables gets higher, but the cooldown until they appear again will increase as well. Once the country variables are at max value, you get a temporary party buff instead.

- Removal of construction teams as a limit to how many buildings you can construct at once.

The idea behind the changes is to reduce the micro-management, to not stress the player anymore about having to come back every X mins, and to make the progress stay instead of giving the players the feeling that it "crumbles" while they're doing other things in the game.


New Member
Jun 5, 2020
I did it because I wanted to do it, and I had fun to challenge myself with something new I never tried before. I have no problem admitting that it turned out to be a stupid idea in the way I did it, and that in hindsight I could've spend the time better on other content, but don't make claims about "mikling" with a free to play passion project.

The more feedback I read, and the more I think about what I should do to save the system, the more drastic the changes I consider become. I need to sort out the feedback and ideas, to figure out what the best way to change everything is, but I promise things won't remain the way they are right now.
Sorry mate, I love the game but I think this gameplay update is a bit of a dud; not only does it mess up the established economy (particularly in the early/mid-game - without tax income that 500k gold to retrofit the army goes from requiring a bit of saving up into being an obnoxious grindfest) but it also messes up certain storylines - like Palasha's story is about her learning from you how to be a roaming/adventurer monarch where the trick is to have good staff to look after the details - only now you chain us to the throne room like King Lancafew, constantly interrupting our adventures to go look after minor details on the management screen. Also, let's be real, forgetting to pause the game before running off to the toilet causing you to loose progress and potetentially get your hard-won reputation abilities nerfed mid-dungeon run would be annoying.

I'm glad you've still got the energy to experiment but you've already got a good story, a good line-up of characters, decent art/h-scenes and more than good enough gameplay to tie it together; all you need is to do is work on finishing it. Maybe what you've learned will help with your next project or maybe you need a side-project to blow some steam off, but I don't think real-time mechanics fit this one.

One aside though, I do think the idea of reputation abilities is cool - maybe you could tie it in with a morality/depravity system (as the game already has a plethora of pretty clear nice/nasty choices) that gives different (demon/dragon vs human/holy themed) abilities depending on your choices, but again it's not needed - there's already a lot of mechanics for a game oft played one-handed.

EDIT: Okay seems you've already declared some changes since I started writing this comment, will keep it as it's feedback on the previous version but it's cool to see such a responsive developer!

Demon Jhim

Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2017
You may be missing the private beach on the island Amaranthe. I think I forgot to mention that the beach needs to be unlocked for Jeanne's new events in the update news when I added that content.
That beach scene I am not getting it don't know why I can't trigger it


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
how do i get ellys 2nd scene?
The event sequence for all main characters can be found in the walkthrough or at bottom of the wiki page of the character:
You should be able to find what you need to do next there.

That beach scene I am not getting it don't know why I can't trigger it
You can buy boat tickets to Amaranthe in a building in Havaria Port, and then talk with the dock worker to get to the island. There you can talk with some NPCs to unlock the private beach. Once the beach is unlocked, you should be able to get the new events with Jeanne when you go to her room in Calterburry.

Demon Jhim

Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2017
The event sequence for all main characters can be found in the walkthrough or at bottom of the wiki page of the character:
You should be able to find what you need to do next there.

You can buy boat tickets to Amaranthe in a building in Havaria Port, and then talk with the dock worker to get to the island. There you can talk with some NPCs to unlock the private beach. Once the beach is unlocked, you should be able to get the new events with Jeanne when you go to her room in Calterburry.
After checking it seems I have the beach scene already, my mistake the only scence I am missing with Jeanne is the wedding and I can't seem to trigger the new story when I go to Jeanne she just ask for sex 1679860711150.png


New Member
Feb 23, 2019
I'd like to hear your thoughts on my current draft for the changes of the overview map:

- All resource production will happen automatically in the background once you have the necessary building for it.
(Advanced resources automatically consume the material they require for the production.)
This way, the players don't have to select productions and gather every single resource, and can come back after doing other stuff in the game to a full storage, to use these resources for requests, researches, or constructions.
- The max storage limit will be removed. The individual storage limit will remain, but could be increased if necessary.
- Explorations won't "consume" soldiers anymore.

Reputation and country variables:
- These values aren't reduced over time anymore.
- More Reputation from solving requests.
- The values you get from star icon events for country variables gets higher, but the cooldown until they appear again will increase as well. Once the country variables are at max value, you get a temporary party buff instead.

- Removal of construction teams as a limit to how many buildings you can construct at once.

The idea behind the changes is to reduce the micro-management, to not stress the player anymore about having to come back every X mins, and to make the progress stay instead of giving the players the feeling that it "crumbles" while they're doing other things in the game.
I have a question Professor.
How is this different from the first system with soilder training and equipment system add, knowledge add, crafting system adding and reputation system adding.
What kind of party buff? (Atk?Def?Overall?)
Can this buff use in Dungeon in Begus?
Why reputation didn't gain from quest too? (Mc kinda help a lot of floks around)

Demon Jhim

Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2017
How do I get builder knowledge for the new country management map, well not builder knowledge other knowledge too.
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