And as for secret springs,
1. There is one elf girl in Ebron, near tree house, the singing elf. (NPC name Lela, hair somewhat orange or whatever )
2. There is an elf in Witton near the snowman. (NPC name Tyana, Characteristics: greenish hue hair and a scarf, Required member Mirel)
3. There is a woman in Paverhill in westmost building (building is near the sign and woman is always in-front fireplace, Characteristics: Green hair covered with blue (idk)scarf.)
4. There is a man in Thremten (House location: southmost house along the main road, Green roof, banner on right and city signboard on left, a woman infront of the house. Enter to get to man. Party member required : Vampire.)
5. There is a guard in Red keep on the right side on the wall near tent.
6. Two women in the Inn in Aldlyn. (on the right side of the entry. NPC required Mira)
That's all the NPC and their requirements for getting the dialogue, besides clearing party members' side quests. After that go to Calbridge Stronghold, don't go through gate, go to gambler (Hiroku, red haired Catboy), and there is a path forking left of his hut, get to the end of the path. If you go through, then it's fine. If not, try pressing 'Z' key.
Hope that helps