So I played the game, unlocking about 90% of the content before I finally admitted to my penis that this is not gonna get any of us anywhere. It's a colossal waste of my precious fap time is what this game is. But for those of you who are still undeterred I decided to write up this basic guide into the functions of the game so that you can see for yourself how hard you have to work, only to receive no wanking reward.
First up is the Control Room. This is where the upgrades are. You will notice it has four monitors, the two top ones with the female faces all lead to the same place. The list with the girls in their apartments. It's the bottom monitors you need to focus on. That's where your upgrades are that will progress the game. Before you do ANYTHING in the game, it's imperative that you do all the upgrades.
Bottom left monitor with the Asian chick's face is your assistant/secret agent/seducer. Upgrade all of her syringes. That will ensure that each interaction of her with one of the residents through the Social Network will decrease certain stats by good fair amount. In one case, she plays a more serious role in the seduction progress.
Bottom right monitor has various chemical liquids of different colors inside lab bottles. Those are your mods and they affect two things. First, some social interactions require those mods. Second is the Regulator and I will come back to it in a couple of paragraphs. Upgrade all of them.
Once you've done all the upgrades, it's best you move to the women themselves. Now, you will not have enough time to conquer all of them, so pick the one (or more than one) that you want. The reason for this is because once you've reached a certain day (the clock traces backwards) your girls will leave the apartment. Those are your time limits and time itself passes whenever you perform an action with one of the women- activating dreamscope, progressing through the social network contacts' storyline (but NOT simply browsing through them), using the Regulator and even picking up items scattered throughout the apartment.
To ensure overall progression, which the dev has decided to make as annoying as possible, you'll need to follow certain steps... again. Like the last minute or so of doing upgrades wasn't tedious and boner killing enough.
Go to the Dreamscope (rainbow brain icon) and unlock everything. This affects the Regulator (not yet) and the Social Network (progression). So you need to press all the puzzle pieces.
Next go to clothing and click on everything. Sometimes there's a lot, other times not so much. Some of them can unlock new people to meet in the Social Network. Others can reduce the three main stats- those are Body, Mind and Spirit; now keep in mind that reducing those to 0 has no effect on progression by itself.
So, go to the Social Network. This is where the progression happens through the various interactions with other characters. Click on each of the characters and the buttons that subsequently unlock, one after the other. Among the paths, you will notice something called "Grant Stipulation" or something like that. Of all of the characters you meet, there are only two (per resident) that will give you grants. Once you accept a grant from one social network contact, you can't accept a second one, so choose based on whatever you want. Accepting said grant makes the grant giver your chosen character's sponsor. Or their master, or pimp. Eventually they will unlock "House Rules" or as I like to call it "Slutification". In some cases, completing the house rules completes the character story, but not every time.
And finally, the Regulator. What actual purpose does this have you ask? Simple, some social network character interactions requires a certain amount of the three main stats (Body, Mind and Spirit) to be low enough. So as its name suggests, it regulates said stats to the desired number. Having all of your mods installed, every click on each of the 3 circles will decrease each stat by 10, also using up 5 days (per use). So use that wisely and don't just clickity-click it until your woman is as 0 stats, because that won't change anything. The stats themselves are only to progress the storyline through the Social Network and has no impact on the final score. That's the job of the Market Value stat you'll notice. Higher MV, higher score and payout.
That's basically it. If I've missed anything, feel free to ask me. I might be too optimistic, but the game folder does hold in its title "Early Test V1.4 - Bell Alpha - Storyline output". There could very well be hope for a more fleshed out version in the foreseeable future.