Thank you Ubik for the upload.
In the event that the game developer/creator happens by, I'd like to say that I'm enjoying the game thus far although it seems to be a little buggy for me.
I say buggy for me because the has hung on me many, as in more than five time, now. It always seems to happen after about ten minutes of play. I've usually enable several Mods, give my assistant the psychopathy and bi-sexual enhancements, and have gone though over four social networking character choices.
The screen I'm in when it hangs is always one of the Resources screens, usually the wardrobe screen. When I go to exit that screen is when the game hangs.
I hope this information helps you. Good luck with your game.
In the event that the game developer/creator happens by, I'd like to say that I'm enjoying the game thus far although it seems to be a little buggy for me.
I say buggy for me because the has hung on me many, as in more than five time, now. It always seems to happen after about ten minutes of play. I've usually enable several Mods, give my assistant the psychopathy and bi-sexual enhancements, and have gone though over four social networking character choices.
The screen I'm in when it hangs is always one of the Resources screens, usually the wardrobe screen. When I go to exit that screen is when the game hangs.
I hope this information helps you. Good luck with your game.