
Apr 21, 2019
So I've managed to go to 4 classes and that's it. The time flow is too slow.
The same Vicky scene is shown everytime I enter cafeteria...
The "wait 1 hour" option from EQ gives +1 minute not +1 hour. Do I have to wait 1 hour real time? It's 3:2:10 day 1 and I'm already bored. Nothing to do. I can't even sleep to pass time. I'm stuck:
"Find a way to take the strange paper." - will this be standard quest description? Hard pass.
"Search everything." - are you serious? You want me to spamclick everything? Hard pass.
"Try to go to bed before 12 am (0:00) to prevent problems in the game" - This is embarrassing and ridiculous in a game with time management.
This game is a mess, no wonder people want Ren'Py.
EDIT: In 2nd playthrough when I figured out the "2" in 2:17:17 is day, not hour (are you serious, dev?) the schedule got stucked in the center of my screen... I've actually checked everything (for puzzle pieces) just like you wanted ("search everything" tip) and got PUNISHED for it because there is no time, LOL.
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Game Developer
Oct 27, 2017
Who can use mind control?
When spacecraft appears, Alien girl will give you a mind control device to switch your mind to the truck driver to hide the spacecraft. For now, you can only control two people, the truck driver and Alex. With the driver it automatically scans and with Alex when the quest asks for it you scan it in her room by clicking on it. And to switch the mind, click on the mind control device in the inventory and select Load scan 1 for the driver and Load scan 2 for Alex.