About Saves and a Separate Season 2
The point of a save file or save system is to be able to store your progress - meaning you can save at a given point, stop playing, then later start again from that save point.
There are 2 aspects to progress in a game - how far you have gotten in the story, and what route or choices you made in getting there.
In Series 2, Episode 1, where you are in the story is already known - you're starting the session picking up from the final event of Series 1.
Think of S2E01 as being automatically like a 100% save of the first series - except for one thing - we lost track of which girl(s) you chose at the various points of choice in Series 1 (e.g. which of the choices you made for Clothes shopping, Shower/Bath, Beach scene, and Night visit).
Rather than ask you about each scene, we therefore ask you to simply let the game know which girl you chose most often, or if you tried to keep it balanced, to choose "Neither" to say you had no preference so far and had chosen each of the two equal times.
That's it. You already have the save of the point in the story - you're at the start of Series 2. The only thing the code didn't know on it's own was which girl you'd chosen at the various points where there was a choice.
Now, sure, we could have picked a more immersive way to poll you for that info, like having Jensen reviewing his recent actions in some delirium dream sequence, but (1) that is kind of just making it take longer without adding anything actually fun or story-driving, and (2) that's extra code meaning we either make a little less progress, or take a bit longer, all for no extra fun or story.
So we went with the practical and pragmatic approach of just asking you, and one click does the lot.
question.. if i already have the season 1 downloaded and play it all from beginning can i then carry over the saves to season 2?
also how do i get the season2 game to find season 1? cause when clicking on the image ingame to play season 1 it just opens up googledrive.. even though i have it already installed...