I mean Vivian already smashed him in ep9 and is attracted to and teased MC sexually the whole sequel.
Ughh, I fucking hate Vivian.

Dumbest, laziest hypocritical bitch in porn game history, at least in those I played so far... and those were quite a lot. Either the devs unintentionally screwed up her character big time, like they did with Shackbang, or they don't have any idea what a friendly banter really means, cuz that bitch was straight up obnoxious and annoying asf. I liked it soo much when the MC put that sleeper on her in Ep9, but was terribly disappointed there was no option to knock her the fuck out like Mike Tyson.
I'm vehemently opposed to violence against women IRL, but since this is fiction, I would've loved to get the option to beat the living shit outta her in front of everybody or simply leave her ass to be killed by that lunatic in this Ep just cuz she was a walking talking lesbian nuisance. Leave it to Inceton to disappoint their fans over and over again.

Her and grace are the dopest chick's in so I could care less about mia.
I understand liking Grace, but Vivian ?? Fucking Vivian, of all the other women ??

C'mon, man. You can do way better than that. I bet not even her own mom likes the cunt, and if I'm not mistaken, it was specifically stated in the story she doesn't, and I can't blame her for that lol. Can't remember in which episode tho.
Not just that, she realized she was in love with him
She was ?? They sure had an
interesting way of starting things off, considering they hated each other prior to the beginning of Summer with Mia, but that's what a good dicking usually does to a woman.