Played through twice, once on my own, once with the walkthrough enabled. Fave chars are Sandra and Anya (even if Anya went from hated to a fave fuckmuppet in a day; her looks just strike my fancy).
MC needs to plow Sandra early and often. Ming needs to be Linda'd. Veronica can be placed in charge of security in corp "1".
IMO, a second house would be useful, for 'Satellite' girls. Karen and Jessica, Keira and Megan, maybe even Veronica. Could stick a ton of electronics in the second house, make it a semi-workplace. Radar, drone pad, drone helicopters, etc.
That way you could keep main house to:
Mary, Khloe, Kayla
Jennifer, Lisa, Nicole, Linda (could move Linda out actually to a secondary location), Jill
Emily, Sandra
Or add stories to the main house.. so that level 1 and 2 could be the central 11 and levels 3 and 4 the newbs.
I don't think a "rewrite" can make things much better; need to just complete the plot as is. Days to chapters, as suggested earlier, isn't a bad idea.