4.10 star(s) 9 Votes


The Dark Side loves Da Booty + Naughty OoOooo
Game Developer
Sep 20, 2017
Wow what a fun looking game, ima check it out :D


Nov 8, 2019
One of my women went to sleep and won't wake up again
Check her status, maybe she's injured or sick, both heal with time, she'll recover faster if you have a Hospital and put her there, even faster if you have a girl with Medic I or II skill to treat her


Jul 24, 2018
I downloaded the game, put it in full screen. And there, I can't click on anything anymore, the resolution has messed up everything. Someone help please ?
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Engaged Member
Jul 23, 2017
How can you fuck the slaves. She is at a pillory and gave her an oral skill but I can't do shit

EDIT: Found out. You need to spend a lot of your money on the first demon. Why the fuck don't you have one to start with. A wagon drives around on itself.
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May 14, 2018
Ive played about 20minutes the game looks very promising and I do like the art but theres alot of issues that need fixed in my opinion I hope the creator sees this as Ill give some examples of fixes.
1) Have a pop up tutorial at the start so the player isnt completely lost.
2) Either I couldnt figure it out or its an issue, in camp its very difficult to move the minions like from what i see is you click them and there like a 5% chance it will allow you to move them.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2019
It is a decent start for a slave management game and I'm liking what I see from the graphics to the future potential that is hinted in the different elements. But that's it for now: it's literally just a start and there ain't much to see yet, only basic systems, no sounds, etc. It will require a lot of good work put into it, but the good framework is there.

I won't get my hopes up just yet because I've been disappointed before, but I'm cautiously optimistic and will definitely watch this with great interest. PROTIP: Futanari demongirls would fit like a glove in the theme.


Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
Is this male or female protagonist? It needs a tag. Judging from the comments...I guess it also has lotsa bugs to work out.
I like this style of renders. I'll check back in 6 months or so. :)


New Member
Nov 7, 2019
How do I assign girls to the mattress?
The girls need to be in the right mood for it. Every mood with the description: "Your minion is ready to follow your orders and will not try to escape" will work.

This has no sound?
It is a very early build. Sound will be added in future.

1) Have a pop up tutorial at the start so the player isnt completely lost.
2) Either I couldnt figure it out or its an issue, in camp its very difficult to move the minions like from what i see is you click them and there like a 5% chance it will allow you to move them.
1) The Dev knows about this and said that he will implement it in future.
2) It is drag and drop. Hold your mouse button down and move your minions. The areas where you can move them is highlighted.

Is this male or female protagonist? It needs a tag. Judging from the comments...I guess it also has lotsa bugs to work out.
I like this style of renders. I'll check back in 6 months or so. :)
There is no protagonist for now. It's a management game without a protagonist.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
Are you... are you saying that banning rape/beastiality from a site is "political correctness"??
Pretty much, yes. I mean, let's be real here. It's a video game with crudely modeled characters. The only people who would reasonably be offended by it are people that dislike unity games and people with a stick up their ass so rigid that you could use it as a foundation for a space elevator. Well they and people with serious mental issues that can't distinguish fantasy from reality.

And don't laugh at the last bit either. If recent events are any indication there are a lot more of those than is healthy for the human race. Like all the people that believe in justice, truth, happiness, love and even money to name a few.

On the plus side, for the rest of us that are sane the void is available in two shifts on weekdays and from 9 to 12 on saturdays . :)
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May 12, 2017
Gameplay tips:

Clicking on your wagon in the main map allows you to either move or pitch camp.
Left Click and drag to move/assign units to an location inside a map such as your camp or a mission.
Can't click and drag? your minion might not be interactable due to certain issues like status. I have had a bug where i couldn't move a minion at all and restarting the game fixed it.
You can interact with locations by being next to them.
After 10 days you must go to the demon army to move on (can take your time). You will be sent to a crossroads with 3 different castles. This will tell you the unique locations that the area has, as well as how many humans are defending the castle. Click on the castle you want to attack to exit the screen and start a new map.

Unique Interactable Locations

Slave pillory - Can buy slaves after a demon army defeats a castle
Human town - Allows you to buy general goods (clothing and food). Access to tavern - Two whores for sale (won't run away decent mood level 4+) + beer + jobs. Mission - Allows you to capture a woman if you find her and capture her. Search location. Minion will point to correct bush. Find bush. reveal her, and catch her before she leaves map. Definitely need more than 1 minion for this.
Demonic Altar - demons for sale, So far only 1 male and 1 female each time i've tried. Mood is random
Wagon Stall - Allows you to buy chairs, cages or chests to fill up 1 of 8 slots.
Food stall - Cheaper food than town, access to meat meals as well which helps improve mood of minions
Lakes - You can mass wash your minions all at once.
Blacksmith 1&2 - Can buy more facilities for your wagon camp (2 has access to more facilities)
Sewing Stall - Can buy comfy clothes or more sexy outfits for minions (sexy outfits allow them to work upper tier rooms in a brothel)
Brothel - Allows you to earn gold daily by assigning minions (forever? i was still getting gold even after i left the map) Need sexy underwear to assign to fancy room ( whore outfit not enough). You can reclaim minions but so far leaving them lets you earn gold indefinitely even if you leave the map.
Demonic Cave - Allows you to start a mission to recruit demons. 6 POIs in the mission 2 discipline chairs (vaginal), 2 glory holes (BJ only), and pillory (anal or vag skill). You must use attract ability at chairs or glory hole as demons will not auto use them. They will auto use a minion at a pillory. Filling their sastifaction will recruit them to the army. You also earn gold per demon recruited. Sex tutor is very helpful here.
Prison Tower - Can rescue a demon(male or female its random. don't like the gender? abort mission and try again). Use human girls to distract guards and allow demons to walk by to break the chain. I don't think this mission works as intended and is quite easy for now.
Demon army - Mission available. You can whore out your minions to improve morale and earn gold. Demons will pay extra for triple hearts or higher skill (vag/anal for bed. BJ for pillory). They will beat up girls they don't like (broken heart icon) for -10 stam. So try to use attract or move a girl out of the way if you can by making them walk around or reassigning their location. More successful whoring = more morale/more money


Different Moods allow you to do different things with or changes the behaviors of your minions allowing you more or less control or determining whether they will escape. While typically the farther right/up you go in a mood tree results in more control over a minion, it can be tedious to maintain lots of loyal or respectful minions, and sometimes the submissive/acceptance behavior is more useful as there is less upkeep to maintain the mood.

Facilities can have different effects on mood. Tied to a post, resting... etc.. Just experiment. Statuses also have an effect on mood such as Dirty, naked, or exhausted(not fed for a long time). Food affects mood as well, simple meals is usually neutral but scraps or luxury meals can be beneficial depending on the mood you want. Drinking Ale is by far one of the fastest ways to improve mood or reach the far right of a minions mood area. Drink too much ale = drunk/knocked out. Party perk applies here and can improve minions opinion of each other (but i'm not sure if this is even useful yet). Being dirty too long can lead to sickness.

Curing diseases faster requires a hopsital/nurse.

Male minions will rape tied up females/females in pillory if they are not sastified sooner or later.
Unsatisfied females will masturbate.


No level cap as far as i can tell, but skills need to be spec'd out fully before they do anything. EX. Putting 1 point into oral sex 3 won't do anything, you need all 4 points for it to do anything.


Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
Pretty much, yes. I mean, let's be real here. It's a video game with crudely modeled characters. The only people who would reasonably be offended by it are people that dislike unity games and people with a stick up their ass so rigid that you could use it as a foundation for a space elevator. Well they and people with serious mental issues that can't distinguish fantasy from reality.

And don't laugh at the last bit either. If recent events are any indication there are a lot more of those than is healthy for the human race. Like all the people that believe in justice, truth, happiness, love and even money to name a few.

On the plus side, for the rest of us that are sane the void is available in two shifts on weekdays and from 9 to 12 on saturdays . :)
Disliking bestiality and rape means a person has a stick up their ass or doesn't like Unity? Nice. I'd love to know who fed you that crazy jargon. lmao
No...I just can't wax my carrot to a dog fucking a hottie who I also would dream about fucking, and watching rape makes me wanna reach through the screen and shove my fist through the rapist's face. Can't exactly wack it while feeling murderous, now can I?
4.10 star(s) 9 Votes