I have 32gb ram, m2 and ssd as hd but game still lagging

really dunno what to do
Well there is one part of the problem.... after 24Gigs memory starts to slow down at least in WIn 10...
You might also look into if you have your video drivers installed, cause windows default drivers are bad... not enough to even watch full HD youtube videos without lag.
Also.... try changing "page file" to ON (as memory buffer.... great for work loads and reading BIG files, i have mine at 16)... usually memory dumps (long term) inactive programs back to hdd for cache, and same thing happens when you put PC to 'sleep'.
As i mentioned, try closing any useless apps that might use CPU time and/or memory, regardless if your CPU is at any load... sometimes antivirus software annoys the hell out of everybody.
Also mentioned that there might be an compiler issue, which is solved by installing python standalone package (exe/msi installer).
Other than those.... there is no easy fix.... if none of those worked.... you might want to make an clean windows install.... as the registry might be in a really bad shape.
For extra information: python is one of the least demanding game engines I have written games on, HTML5 being the least demanding. It takes 4-5 times less resources than unity.
My problem with ren'py, is that it also writes so much waste/trash data in the save files, and it has to have a set catalog structure and set files in them.... also, not very good to prevent hacking/cheating/theft in games and game files