4.10 star(s) 60 Votes


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2018
Not quite right. If we don't have an update or post from Ferdafs by the start(~ish) of next month, I'll post more about my plans for the renpy game, but until we hit the 6 month (start of November) mark without hearing anything from Ferdafs, I don't consider this game officially abandoned.

Personally, I think being so quick to mark the Unity game abandoned has only cause more confusion than anything else.
You say it was marked abandoned too fast; but if Ferdafs really is gone permanently, that just proves it was marked correctly from the start XD

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
You say it was marked abandoned too fast; but if Ferdafs really is gone permanently, that just proves it was marked correctly from the start XD
And if he isn't gone? Then how did tagging this abandoned help anyone? We don't have any posts from the dev confirming either way, so all the tag has really done (from the posts I've read from people) is add confusion. It might be the right call in the end, but with a dev that has shown a lack of communication in the past this is all just speculation instead of information.

Michelangelo da Mouso

Game Developer
Nov 19, 2018
The two main plugins used in this project are Fungus and Live2D. Fungus runs all of the VN parts, and Live2D is for all the animations.
Thanks for the headsup! I was going crazy trying to find it in the unity asset store, until I realized it's not there anymore. I gotta investigate. Are you familiarized with this fungus?

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Thanks for the headsup! I was going crazy trying to find it in the unity asset store, until I realized it's not there anymore. I gotta investigate. Are you familiarized with this fungus?
I looked into the basics of it years ago while trying to understand how it work (mostly it's output), but didn't go very far down the implementation path with it (the documentation wasn't great). Unity is a good game engine, but I think VNs are the weakest things I've seen done in it.


Jul 11, 2018
And if he isn't gone? Then how did tagging this abandoned help anyone? We don't have any posts from the dev confirming either way, so all the tag has really done (from the posts I've read from people) is add confusion. It might be the right call in the end, but with a dev that has shown a lack of communication in the past this is all just speculation instead of information.
honestly kinda crazy that it took years for icstor to catch an abandoned tag and only 3 months for ferdafs when the last time he updated was literally after 3 months of complete silence


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2018
honestly kinda crazy that it took years for icstor to catch an abandoned tag and only 3 months for ferdafs when the last time he updated was literally after 3 months of complete silence
Agreed. Mod decisions can be a bit random, but hey, Ferdafs could resolve all of this by making a statement.


Jan 6, 2018
Well, this just proves again, everyone is equal, just some more than others. ;)
would agree BUT it's a little different here, icstor went full milking with telling peoples he's still working when in reality he really wasn't putting even a few days of work per month when taking everything into account (team + funds + time + what we KNOW he could do), really he was doing the bare minimum.

ferdafs just went full no contact with increasingly longer update times and on a personal note there's also aother stuff that i find worrying. ferdafs might or might not have shadow quit, icstor was actively milking the shit out of his investors, it's just different you know?

but yeah, still a little early for the abandonned tag imo but not according to the rules apparently


Jan 6, 2018
Agreed. Mod decisions can be a bit random, but hey, Ferdafs could resolve all of this by making a statement.
ha, i wish. no seriously, i wish he'd just tell us what's going now, if he quit he quit, if he continue he continue, akabur (now akaman) gets it with his long ass game updates gaps but with regular proof of life posts that contain proof that he ain't just jacking it and taking peoples money, don't costs much and it gets ya lot of good will (sometimes, unreasonably so, like with icstor per example)


Mar 31, 2018
honestly kinda crazy that it took years for icstor to catch an abandoned tag and only 3 months for ferdafs when the last time he updated was literally after 3 months of complete silence
He got around the rules by posting status updates, almost clockwork every 3 months, even if they were bogus.
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Active Member
May 30, 2017
You say it was marked abandoned too fast; but if Ferdafs really is gone permanently, that just proves it was marked correctly from the start XD
For all we know, he just got hit by a bus and is in a coma... doesn't mean it's abandoned. But if that's the case, I wouldn't expect an update for like 20 years!


Active Member
Oct 1, 2020
I just hopes he's still alive...kinda the prerequisite for any possibility of future update.

Don't really know how phatreon works nowadays, do they still process monthly even if the creator is mia ?
(stupid question really, of course they do - otherwise they can't collect their fee.)
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New Member
Sep 2, 2023
For all we know, he just got hit by a bus and is in a coma... doesn't mean it's abandoned. But if that's the case, I wouldn't expect an update for like 20 years!

Can confirm at least as of a bit ago, Ferdafs is alive and not in a coma. I highly doubt that the project is abandoned.

He either

  1. Has been to preoccupied with real life stuff in order to post an update regarding the project, but is still slowly working on it.
  2. Has lost a bit of passion for the project after the Justin Roiland controversy and is trying to slowly get it back/work on it.
  3. (The most likely one.) Has had some complications regarding the surgery last year and has had a difficult time working on the update but is still slowly working on it. (This is what Ferdafs himself said in December: "I'm still recovering from the surgery, and my arm starts hurting when I draw too much, so I have to take lots of breaks. I get tired very quickly compared to before, but I'm slowly improving." and while I am unsure the type of surgery he had, but based on him talking about having to wear a cast on his arm, I'm guessing it was something to do with his arm, which in many cases can take a year for your body to recover from. He was also still working on updates not even a month later, which when you are recovering from surgery, can lead to more complications. I have a feeling we are luckily we got the past 3 updates as quickly as we did.)
The only reason he hasn't said anything yet (this is my own speculation but I feel it's highly likely) is due to everyone screaming at him every single week asking for the next update. He probably is dealing with 1 of the three things above, and doesn't want to say anything, due to knowing he will be bombarded even if he has a legitimate reason for it to be taking longer than expected. I mean he straight up said he was having surgery done and that while not life threatening, was very serious, and on that very same post, only a few weeks later, someone was pestering him about wanting to know what was going on. He probably just realized when it comes to giving updates, damned if you do, damned if you don't. Might as well just chill and wait until you have actual progress to show before saying anything.
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Jul 14, 2020
I'm not saying Ferdafs abandoned the game. But IF he abandoned it, this is exactly how any reasonable person would do it. I don't know his monthly income in Patreon but lets just assume its 1000$/month(Probably much higher). It's been already 4 months. If he chose the honourable way and announced it, this 4000$ would've been much less and this situation will go on for a long time. I don't blame him for doing this, this is exactly what I would've done.

On the other hand if he did not abandon it, this isn't the way to do it. He could've posted at least "I'm working on it." type of post. He could've said from the beginning that I'm planning on releasing it in 2024 Q1 until then I won't post anything. Or he just could've replied any sort of comment on patreon. There is 146 different ways he could've handled this situation.

Maybe he did abandon it, maybe he did not. All I know is, every detail I see leads me to believe that abandoned tag is correct. But I hope he didn't abandon it.
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Jan 6, 2018
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that's all folks, there is nothing left to say, both sides are perfectly reasonable and equally plausible, only the future will tell, place your bets now, place your bets and get a chance at winning a female orgasm (you'll be right, that's the prize). sexist joke aside, yep, nothing to do but wait and see.

but if i just had to add something to it all, if we look at it from the lense of him running away with the money then it's logical that his injury could very well have been faked like others "might" have done before him (icstor, you reliable old example you!), it's possible too and it wasn't mentioned.

that aside let's go ahead and say it, it's just incredibly rude to not give any info on the state of things for such a long time. what's that, i'm not a patreon and neither are 99.99% of this thread? who cares. it's disrespectful to THEM and the lack of care to the peoples who literally back up your life is almost never a good sign, no man sky being the exception that confim the rule
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4.10 star(s) 60 Votes