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Sep 10, 2022
As a sub on their Pateron, I don't think any of those are his. The only other ones I know of are a couple of Unfinished Overwatch games. RnM is by far their biggest game.
Oh ... Then these are knock offs then. Very well, scratch my post then. Mistakes were made, thought I'd share what i found. I was searching up Ferdafs' social media and other blog spots including Newgrounds.

From what I've read: Patreon (or the people that claim they're his "Patrons) are also pretty fed up about the infrequent updates and long silence. Some people are saying they've never seen Ferdafs take this long before and it mimicked another creator. The longest thing I've seen posted from Ferdafs with any sort of explanation or complications with either the game or the community was a post on Newgrounds regarding Tricia and how her event chain kept being a problem and caused delays while also working on drawings and new animations.

Community side though? These people are insane, he's just one guy doing all of this by himself. He's not a programmer or a PR rep so i don't expect shit from the man to be on point. Neither should those degenerates. Ferdafs seemed like a good guy when they're not working on a game from one instance and helping others troubleshoot issues. To see the outliers speak so brutally and loudly about their "hard earn" money (I'm saying they pirate their shit and spend no money but like to talk shit with a bs line) I'm thinking from the impression i got from everything: Ferdafs quietly quit.

If i was a content creator and saw how poorly treated i was from my community and people making threats against me, I'd just never say anything and back away. It'd be evidently clear no matter what I'd say would be a good enough excuse or right answer people would accept. Unity CEO pay-walling their engine and forcing people's hands on their projects not withstanding. It became Murphy's Law: Anything that COULD happen, HAS happened.

I feel bad for Ferdafs and NightMirror if this is what's been going on behind the scenes. I just keep finding more and more things wrong the deeper i dig so I'm not going to try and figure out the mystery behind the disappearence.
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Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
We are getting close now to release (that's what she said)! Things are still being tightened up so we can put out the best version of the game! Keep in mind that it will only be the first part (confusingly called part 2 (but part 1 was the first release of r3.8... so it just gets more confusing from here on out (can't wait for bug fixes on this... r3.8P2.1? yuck, I hate it...))) and there are a few more parts after it.

The "plan" (and, we'll see how well I do) is monthly releases, until we are done. This will take us into next year, although I'm hesitant to say how many parts the ending is. This is not because we don't know, but because of possible spoilers. The majority of the writing is completed, if not "done" (still lots of re-writes and unfinished outlines in the script). We do have a fairly good idea of how many updates are needed and most of the required content (that I'm sure I'll have to trim back in some spots).

Right now, the target date for "r3.8 Part 2" is Nov 5th! Which is looking mostly solid. We still have the second pass revisions to complete, but then we get to go over the update again, and again, and again, searching for issues.

While I'm not going to share the content here (or spoiler images), I do want to talk about two features (I think I've mentioned before) that are also in the update.

The first is that text-to-speech and auto-forward will now work together (yay, renpy 8.1.0)! Additionally, there is also a new pronunciation field that can be filled out to help smooth some of those funky text to speech words. While it will have limited entries for the first update (1 so far), if you are a TTS user and have come across some odd words, let me know and I'll put them in the list. Also, also, I've updated the in game text message system to not re-read previous messages for tts users.

Scene/Day Selector are also getting some small extra functionality. Currently Day Selector has the ability to set which version of the game you want see update indicators on. This functionality will also now extend to the scene selector as well, although the version still need to be selected from Day Selector. This will make finding scene updates in past versions less tricky.

Lastly, I want to touch a little on the next, next part, "r3.8 Part 3". I have largely completed most of the work on it, with a few lingering images that need some work. If all goes to plan it's target release Dec 5th, I'll put out a progress report for it after Part 2 goes up.

Anyhow, thanks for being awesome!

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Just go with 'standard' revision ie 3.8.1 ?
Several issues with that format.

First, there is already an r3.8.1, that's the bugfix for r3.8.

Second. That 3rd number is for bug fixes (I mean, Ferdafs uses the version number incorrectly (but so do most devs on this site) it should be major.minor.bugfix, and hitting "10" shouldn't suddenly wrap around the first digit. If the version was correct I think it is something like: 0.42.0 (as there are a few updates where the number didn't change like 3.6J or 3.7F)).

So, if r3.8.1 had bug fixes it would be... r3.8.1.1? Even uglier. And even less descriptive about the version the further in we get.

Preferably, I'd want to go to r3.9 (then, r3.10, and r3.11, etc...) but, as there is still a non-zero possibility the Unity game could continue, I'm hesitant to move the main version numbering forward. So, the best I can do is r3.8P2, similar to 3.6J update styles.


Mar 29, 2020
It really says so much that Night Mirror is willing to finish his version of the game for free, while the original creator has dropped off the face of the earth despite paid updates.

To say I'm appreciative would sell the point short. I just wish all the best for NM and his future endeavors.


Sep 10, 2022
What an asshole calling people degenerates and assuming they are liars.
Critique and constructive criticism are one thing but threats, antagonizing or gaslighting is no excuse for people to be. You can be a fan of the game and still say clearly Ferdafs needs to do better and communicate. However that does not excuse belittling or threatening a creator because you're unsatisfied with their work ethic. If you paid him, of course you should get what you paid for and speaking with your monetary value on the line usually enforces creators to shift gears and get their life together before their source of income starts to dip into the red.

I believe humans are deceitful by nature and necessity - they are capable of being liars. And this being the Internet, would you trust the word of any one individual at their word of honor? If so, you are very naive to think anyone can be trusted.

My impression of the website page (that I've linked below) was that it is full of rude individuals, some of it's constructive or supportive. I'm well within my right to have an opinion on what i call people, I prefer "degenerate" in a colloquial term of endearment. But NOT in this case, i detest them.

People that paid money, so you have something to pirate. Retarded logic too, assuming you believe they're not patrons why would he be quiet quitting if non patrons complained?
See, this ... this is what im referring too with the attitude. Retarded logic?

Tell me what impression you get from this: . This isn't even an official Patreon page, it's an archive page. I'd understand if it was an official page they made complaints to but I'm not sure where archive websites fall into the category. If it was, and I'm not understanding it that way then that leaves a different impression otherwise.

If these were patrons of Ferdafs on his home page or followers on his twitter or deviant art, I would agree with them and have my sympathy. But on a separate website or any other blog spot? No, i can't agree with them nor do i believe any of them to be patrons. Fans, definitely. Patreon supporters? Maybe. But after ... 6 months? I doubt they'll stay that long and it would very irresponsible monetarily to do so without notice or update from their creator. It's bad practice in general to not give updates and still expect payments monthly with nothing to show for it. And vice versa, either you're a strong supporter that truly believes someone that much to make such a commitment to repeatedly pay every month regardless of anything to show for in the hopes of there actually SHOWING something OR you're a liar.

It's idle talk, smoke blown up people's asses, angry former supporters looking for payback for the silence and spending money for an incomplete product they knew in advance that it was either going to be finished or not. That's just the facts of supporting a Patreon project or any Kickstarter game. To get so angry to wanna slander or bully other fans to dislike a project or creator to not liking them or telling them to not support the creator is just despicable and low.

A patron is a member of a community that supports a creator financially. A group of like-minded individuals to make this community what it is includes both fans, casual bystanders and patrons. Even non-patrons can become patrons if they feel it was the right thing to do. Happy fans means more potential patrons, more patrons means more motivation and incentives and possibilities to expanding development. Even if they're not contributing financially, non-patrons still contribute by word of mouth spreading the game's development to others so they entice them to join the community and play it for themselves. You can market a game through Steam but Indie games made by small groups tend to rely heavily on their fans to spread appeal and market a game.

If your fans aren't happy with you, then there's less popularity and less exposure for your game. Less fans > means less patrons > means less and less money. Get a combination of both and you'll lose the drive that makes making a game not worth the adventure it once was. Worse, the worst critic for a content creator is themselves because they have to convince themselves that all of this work has to mean something and be absolutely perfect or they'll hit a writer's block get depressed and just get swamped with other problems. Eventually things spiral out of control and the issues pile up and you're left with a few options. Continue, or give up, or start over from square one.

I believe he's been swamped with health issues and the delayed timelines of his roadmap got away to far from him to recover in a timely manner. These projects aren't simple no manner how well we explain them to people. It's easier said than done. Better to leave quietly than to disappoint people further with excuses, disappointment hurts especially when they're your fans and worst that they're even angry at you for it. It isn't a good feeling and it can be defeating.

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
In general (for everyone) please keep in mind this thread is for talking about the Renpy game (not the show, not Ferdafs, and not the Unity game). Related mentions here and there are fine (inevitable even), but please remember to keep on topic. I know it is hard to separate talk about the Unity project when this is tied so closely to it, but if it doesn't relate to the renpy game, it most likely doesn't belong here.

Additionally (again, a reminder to everyone), this is not a place for arguing or attacking people. If you don't agree with what someone is talking about, take it to PM (or, I mean, don't argue at all).


Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
I know it's not R&MAWH related but it is Ferdafs related (at least i believe so) but after some sleuthing i found this:

I was under the impression that Ferdafs only had R&M and Summoner's Quest but apparently there's others they made.
these games are listed here under different dev names
like for example scarlet ashbringer

pretty weird that the website you listed attributes them all to this dev


Sep 10, 2022
these games are listed here under different dev names
like for example scarlet ashbringer

pretty weird that the website you listed attributes them all to this dev
Yeah, i thought so too. But it could be scam site filled with hacker proxies and trojans. I'm going to refrain from continuing this conversation since it's not relevant to the thread and misplaced for a different off-topic thread.


New Member
Oct 19, 2021
I understand the seethe about the updates but I've played this game 3 times (not Ferdafs, sandbox games suck dick) and im very satisfied with the 30 hours we got. Unrelated but rick&morty has been trash since season two, and I like how the whole "infinite worlds" bullshit that made the show dogshit makes this game feasible in the world its based on. this is my blogpost fuck you.
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Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Will we finally get the Beth/Summer Threesome we were promised and denied?
Sorry, no content spoilers, you'll just have to stay tuned to find out!

Wait does this have AI voices for the cast?
No, self-voicing uses the built in windows (or IOS) voice assist tools to turn text into speech. It's... passable but not great (very robotic), but it is an option for those that prefer to hear the text instead of read it. I largely use it for proof reading so I can hear mistakes.

I've talked a bit about using voices for this game (either AI generated or voice snippets) and the very short answer is, sound is a minefield of issues not the least of which is attention I don't want. I think the only way I would be comfortable pursuing voice work is with live voice actors doing it (vs AI or "borrowed" sound bites). To be clear, music/sound is well beyond my ability to do for this project.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jan 11, 2018
Sorry, no content spoilers, you'll just have to stay tuned to find out!

No, self-voicing uses the built in windows (or IOS) voice assist tools to turn text into speech. It's... passable but not great (very robotic), but it is an option for those that prefer to hear the text instead of read it. I largely use it for proof reading so I can hear mistakes.

I've talked a bit about using voices for this game (either AI generated or voice snippets) and the very short answer is, sound is a minefield of issues not the least of which is attention I don't want. I think the only way I would be comfortable pursuing voice work is with live voice actors doing it (vs AI or "borrowed" sound bites). To be clear, music/sound is well beyond my ability to do for this project.
You beat my answer by about 10 secs lol

can you make a convincing character voice with AI now? is that really a thing?
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Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
can you make a convincing character voice with AI now? is that really a thing?
I would say no~ish, but I've only done the smallest amount of looking into it. Some lines can be very convincing and others, very, very, bad... Again, for several reasons, something I think I won't pursue for this project, but others have expressed interest in it, so maybe one day it might be a mod someone makes?


New Member
Sep 2, 2017
I would say no~ish, but I've only done the smallest amount of looking into it. Some lines can be very convincing and others, very, very, bad... Again, for several reasons, something I think I won't pursue for this project, but others have expressed interest in it, so maybe one day it might be a mod someone makes?
honestly, I would love a voice mod, if someone makes it. I'm far to lazy to do it myself.
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