Wut??!, this game's cast is no different than most other games here. It already has two white girls, a light skinned latina and a light skinned asian girl thats the standard roster you see in 80% of games here. The only thing different is the black girl that is less common but you already see some games adding at least one, just like this one. Not really groundbreaking stuff in terms of "diversity" which I dont really care about.
regardless, there is huge insistence on her latina heritage as a brown skinned women. Sure she is lighter than many latinos but the game still insist on her southern or central american origin. Same thing for the asian girl.
Also do not forget about Karla's mother and sister (2 more latinas) and the entire african family (male member excluded of course), who are problably going to be added to the harem eventually.
Now it's true there is 2 white girl and I would say that including more would dilute the limited ressources, the point of the bleached fetish is coloured women worshipping white men.
The game already makes a questionnable inclusion of a white cuck, which is a bit contradictory to the genre. I would not advise more white women
Now you might not care and that's fine, but a game like this is very rare in it's genre, therefore the game adding more white girls like most of the games on this site would be kind of a shame.