May 15, 2018
No, MC hasn't been established as being anyone's father yet. However, with the time travel that he's been shown capable of so far, Skylar's the only one he could have fathered (presuming he and 1999 Luna get together, which is IMO all but certain). None of the other girls' ages match. There are ways of dealing with that (maybe he doesn't have to travel in increments of exactly 20 years, maybe he came back a year or two later for some fun, etc.), of course, but they'd take further development in the story.

And, if MC is Skylar's father, that would completely explain 2019 Luna's reaction to meeting him.
Indeed, if we only consider what the facts, the game, and the storyline have established so far, then yes, nothing is really confirmed at this stage. I only mentioned it because others in this thread have alluded to it.

I don't actually support this theory, first because it seems improbable at this point, and overall, that the protagonist would be the father of all the girls he knows in 2019. Secondly, because Skylar herself mentions the existence of a father who is incarcerated for drug possession or something along those lines.

Of course, Luna could have lied about the man being her father (in the biological sense) and he might just be her stepfather or a father figure. Or perhaps Skylar knows that the man isn’t her "real father" but treats him as such out of affection.

Anyway, everything is still within the realm of possibility at this stage, but none of the elements really push the story in the direction of the following hypotheses: 1) that the MC would be his own father (this seems unlikely for now if not at all), 2) that the MC would be the father of all or most of the girls in Riverside he meets in 2019, 3) that the MC would be Skylar's father (there’s no real solid evidence for this yet).

I’m more open to the hypothesis that the MC could be the father of the twins, but again, there’s not much to support this either. The dates might contradict this (although the storyline could prove otherwise in the future), and Scarlett might be pregnant with her ex-boyfriend’s child without knowing it, or many many more other reasons.

What do you mean by the MC potentially traveling through time in "increments"? (Sorry, I’m having trouble with that term xD). Do you mean traveling through time in successive jumps of 20 years (either past or future), something like that ?

I believe, though I can’t confirm it, that there are probably other possibilities for time travel or "jumps" for the MC, but maybe not yet at this point in the story. That said, the MC is probably not the only one who can travel through time (April, Skylar maybe, the Darci's ninja, and likely other people as well).

And I even think it might be possible to travel without this machine or other ones (perhaps spontaneously and/or by using other means, especially with that strange amethyst pendant, which seems to hold particular significance). I think that once the machine has been repaired or upgraded ? (by the MC’s "allies"? Or "enemies"?), it will likely offer more time travel possibilities.

It seems likely that the coordinates of a time travel machine can be set for a specific journey, or at least that it’s within the realm of possibility in the scenario. This is probably the purpose of the modifications made to the machine, unless it was always possible, and the masked man simply didn’t tell everything, or perhaps other facts could explain it in future.

It seems plausible that this machine won’t be the only one for long, or that there may be other ways to travel through time. For now, we know that the MC was first sent to a specific date in 1999 because it was planned and he had something to do there, particularly saving his mother (and half sister), and we also know that he has returned to 1999 several times.

We’ll have to wait and see what the plot has in store, but it’s highly likely that the MC and other characters will have many more opportunities to travel through time, with likely more time travelers whose identities remain to be discovered, as well as other dates and periods to explore for new time travels. Additionally, other methods or ways of time travel could still be explored by the story, moreover many possibilities and revelations about the alterations made to time and their repercussions on the MC’s life and that of his loved ones.
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Jul 12, 2023
that the MC would be Skylar's father (there’s no real solid evidence for this yet).
I still regard this as likely, but recognize there's no solid evidence--and probably won't ever be (Patreon being what it is). But I maintain that it explains 2019 Luna's reaction to meeting him better than any other explanation I've seen. No, he and 1999 Luna haven't had sex yet, but (1) she's obviously attracted to him (her saying that the key to her heart is for him to find out is a none-too-subtle clue); and (2) this is porn, after all; it's safe to assume he's going to have sex with any reasonably-attractive woman he encounters.

I'll admit I don't remember Skylar speaking of her imprisoned father--had she actually met him, or was she simply repeating what Luna had told her? If the latter, and MC were in fact her father, that would explain 2019 Luna's reaction even more.

I’m more open to the hypothesis that the MC could be the father of the twins, but again, there’s not much to support this either. The dates might contradict this
As far as we've seen, the dates explicitly contradict it. MC has sex with Scarlett in 1999, and the twins are 18 in 2019. She was not already pregnant with them at that time, and he did not get her pregnant with them at that time, unless she somehow had the gestation period of an elephant. Or unless she caught the time travel bug and skipped a year while pregnant with them (and the chance that April would let her do that is, well, zero). The same is true with Khloe/Krystal. The same is true of Gabby/Darci, and even more so as not only has MC not had sex with Gabby, she hasn't even shown any interest in him (though his part in freeing her could give her reason to be).

Sure, MC might have taken another trip back in 2000-2001. Or maybe he can travel more or less than 20 years. We haven't seen any reason yet to believe either of these things (though (presumed) Darci the shit ninja, and older ninja Darci, do raise questions), but they aren't precluded.
What do you mean by the MC potentially traveling through time in "increments"?
All we've yet seen is his going backward or forward by exactly 20 years, no more and no less. It seems kind of unlikely that the machine would be limited in that way, but we don't yet know that it can do anything else (much less what). If it can send him back 18-19 years (rather than 20), it's a lot easier for him to be father to the twins, Krystal, and/or Darci. The "increment" I'm referring to is how far forward or backward in time he's traveling.
That said, the MC is probably not the only one who can travel through time (April, Skylar maybe, the Darci's ninja
I do believe Skylar traveled in time; her new tattoo wasn't done in the week she was gone (IMO)--and that would also indicate that jumps forward and backward aren't necessarily the same amount of time. Older Darci as the ninja who helped free Gabby obviously did (and by more than MC has, or through two successive 20-year jumps back). The shit ninja, widely believed to be Darci, would have time-traveled if it were Darci (and also crossed her own timeline). April, I don't recall that she has, but she knows what's going on so I'd consider it likely.
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May 15, 2018
@danb35, I will try to answer you point by point.

Skylar :

Regarding Skylar, we don’t have all the information, but here’s what we know about her father : he was sentenced to 10 years in prison for illegal drug possession and selling weed, apparently after being set up by someone. According to Sky, her father is a recreational user, not a dealer. Someone framed him by hiding a large quantity of weed at his place, along with a ledger and a scale, to make him look like a big-time dealer, and then reported him to the police.

Skylar is doing her best to make ends meet by working while continuing her studies, as her mother, Luna, is burdened with debt since her father’s incarceration. The MC mentions that weed was legalized in 2018, which provides a vague time reference but suggests her father may have been sentenced a few years before that.

Skylar and her mother are also trying to get signatures for a petition to free or reduce the sentences of those convicted of non-violent marijuana-related crimes. Later, in a other conversation, we learn that her father’s sentence was extended, probably due to an altercation in prison. Skylar drives us in a car during her break from the pizzeria where she works and mentions that this car belongs to her father. His assets were frozen after his arrest, and the car was registered under Luna’s name as a precaution, so they could keep it.

Nothing in their conversations with the MC suggests that Skylar didn’t know her father. She seems well aware of what happened to him and the reasons for his incarceration, and she believes in his innocence. Unfortunately, the game or the storyline doesn’t provide enough information about the characters’ lives or their close circles. Skylar only shares a few fragmented details, which, overall, are quite ordinary (aside from her disappearance or her peculiar mother, I mean) regarding her own life. We don’t spend enough time, I would say, with all the characters to fully understand each of their lives, personalities, etc.

I would say that, for now, there is nothing to indicate or make me believe that the MC could be Skylar's father. Patreon isn’t really an obstacle to this kind of relationship in a game (you just have to change a few lines in both versions and add the "step" suffix to their relationship, or a similar lie (like landlady/roomates in many other games, to make it work for the Patreon version). With a bit of imagination and suspension of disbelief, it's not so difficult. ^^

Edit : As for the other hypotheses, like Luna lying about Skylar's father being in prison, or if the man exists but he’s not her real father, or any other variations along those lines, I already mentioned them in my post on the previous page. I won’t repeat them here, as at this stage, there’s nothing suggesting that this could be the case for me.

Scarlett and the Twins :

Although I grant you that the dates don’t seem to align at the moment, there’s nothing to suggest that the main character will be exclusively limited to jumps to the past for the year 1999. Furthermore, in a game where the plot revolves around time travel, time loops, and manipulating time to shape the present or future to get different outcomes, it’s not hard to imagine that the main character could, in the future, make time jumps spanning several months, or even far beyond the year 1999, both into the past and the future.

I’m not taking a stance on the other girls, nothing point the MC as a potential father for them. I’ve also mentioned that I don’t believe the main character could be the father of all the girls he knows in 2019 among people from his generation, just as I don’t subscribe to the theory that the main character is his own father.

I don’t see where you’re going with Darci, the "supposed" shit-ninja (even though I initially thought it could be Riley before "Darci 2" revealed her face); I mean, it’s definitely her since we see her take off her mask and she’s wearing that ninja outfit we saw in the school hallway in 2019. I’m not sure what the age of this Darci double is, though; it seems hard to determine. Is she older ? If so, by how much ? Anyway, it’s hard to say.

Overall, I mostly pointed out that I was a bit more open to this hypothesis, in the sense that it doesn’t seem completely impossible, even though the dates don’t align at the moment. For now, it’s just a hypothesis. In the end, I don’t think the protagonist is or could be the biological father of all or many of the girls around him in 2019. However, I lean towards the idea that he might be the potential father of one of them in the storyline. It would seem strange to me if the story didn’t explore this narrative thread (too tempting from the drama perspective and sex of course !).

Time travel and jumps in increments :

Thank you for replying and confirming what I initially suspected. I don’t think time travel is really limited to this 20-year window, give or take, into the past or future. I don’t see why such a restriction would exist in the storyline. I think the main character was sent to 1999 because it was necessary for him to be there to accomplish certain things (like saving Tiffany and Jessica). It was probably something planned as part of the storyline and his "hero's journey/time traveler quest."

As for the rest, I mentioned in my previous post (towards the bottom of the post, on this same page) what I think about time travel, such as the means (machines or other methods to undertake it), and the fact that other possibilities and methods will likely be revealed to us in the future through the storyline. I won’t repeat myself here.

The other time travelers :

I have nothing else to add about Skylar and the idea that she could be a time traveler; we share the same opinion, and I’ve already developed this hypothesis quite extensively in another post (see the previous page, my very long post).

We’ve seen that this Darci ninja alter ego is indeed capable of time travel, at least if we believe the fact that she was seen in both 2019 and 1999, which is pretty strong evidence.

For April, we need to refer to the conversation she has with the MC following his sexual encounter with Scarlett at her apartment in 1999: She knows about the incident at the nuclear power plant (I think it’s a nuclear power plant) in 2009, is aware of the existence of time travel, works for the mysterious man in the mask, and, more importantly, she has traveled to 2019.

She mentions having seen an older and more mature version of her own sister Scarlett, as well as having seen her two nieces, Alyssa and Alice. We don’t know exactly what will happen to April, but Alyssa tells the MC in her room that her aunt is no longer with them (implying that she has passed away) and doesn’t want to discuss it further, as it seems to affect her emotionally to talk about it.

She probably traveled by the same means, the same machine as the MC, likely configured to work in both directions (2019 to 1999, and 1999 to 2019) in the same way. I think this journey happened either by chance or accident—she was probably curious about the power plant, the machine, the MC, and/or the masked man.

P.S : I should clarify that I’ve re-read the conversations with April (the one where she reveals having traveled through time) and Skylar (the beginning, their meeting at the park where she talks about her father).
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Jul 12, 2023
Regarding Skylar, we don’t have all the information, but here’s what we know about her father
I don't recall this dialogue, but I'll grant you the point. This could yet be a stepfather (known to her or otherwise), but I'll agree it tends to argue against MC being her father.
Patreon isn’t really an obstacle to this kind of relationship in a game
I think it would have to be here, though, because the issue is whether MC is the biological father of any or all of the 2019 girls. He wouldn't be, or become, their stepfather, and his doing so wouldn't cause any kind of time-travel paradox.
I don’t see where you’re going with Darci, the "supposed" shit-ninja (even though I initially thought it could be Riley before "Darci 2" revealed her face)
We see two "ninjas:" the "shit-ninja" who threw shit at Shelby, and the ninja who helped MC and 2019-Darci free Gabby. The latter is shown to be Darci, and I believe she looks considerably older than 2019-Darci. I don't think we're given any reason to believe, or at least to confirm, that the two ninjas are the same person. The shit-ninja is widely believed, based on comments in this thread, to be Darci, but that isn't confirmed--though Darci's martial arts skill does suggest a connection there.

On the time travel thing, I think it's reasonable to suspect that it's possible to travel in increments of other than exactly 20 years, but we haven't yet seen (clearly), or heard of, that happening. April? 20 years, forward to 2019 and back. MC? 20 years, back to 1999 and forward. Darci? Well, we don't know, but it kind of looks like she did--we don't know exactly when the ninja Darci we saw in 1999 came from, but it appears to have been from after 2019, because she looks notably older than 2019 Darci. Though that could have been 2039 Darci coming back to 2019, and then to 1999, I guess.

I still think, with what we've seen so far, MC being Skylar's father is more likely than his being anyone else's father. In order for him to be Skylar's father, we'd yet need to see that:
  • He has sex with 1999 Luna (which I consider all but certain), and
  • The person that Skylar refers to as her father is not in fact her father--perhaps (most likely, IMO) her stepfather, possibly some other friend or family member who served as a father figure. In the case of her stepfather, she may not have known better. This strikes me as pretty plausible, but that isn't with a great deal of thought.
To be the twins' or Krystal's father,
  • MC needs to go back to 2000-2001 and have sex with Scarlett/Khloe again
    • This could be that he waits until 2020-2021 and travels again, or that he's able to travel 18-19 years rather than the 20 years we've seen thus far
    • I'd think this could be kind of hard to explain to 2000-2001 Scarlett/Khloe, but porn logic certainly applies
    • But there needs to be some reason for him to go back to that time; I don't think the old man's going to send him back for a booty call.
IMO, it's a bigger supposition that MC's going to be able to travel in increments of other than 20 years than that he's going to have sex with 1999 Luna, though I'd regard both as "more likely than not." Suggesting that there may come to be other machines, or other methods of time travel, is IMO a bit more far-fetched, though I'll grant that the crystal necklace seems to be pretty important for reasons we aren't yet privy to.

And I still haven't heard an explanation for 2019 Luna's reaction to meeting MC (she completely freaks out and forbids Skylar to see him) that makes more sense than that he's really Skylar's father. And if Skylar's been told that someone else is her father, all the more reason for this reaction.

All of this is speculation--as you say, we don't have all the information. We'll no doubt get more as the game proceeds, but we'll probably be left guessing on some of these points even once it's over. But it's kind of fun to speculate.
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2020
Hi there. Just a quick question about this release, as I've played up to version 0.6.0 and starting this one (v0.70) my saves are nowhere to be found. So I've looked at where all my Ren'Py games are stored (c: “profile name” App data...) and I see that a second folder has been created, so my question is as follows. Do I have to restart the game from the scratch or can I copy/paste my saves from my former folder to the new one?
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Active Member
May 18, 2023
Hi there. Just a quick question about this release, as I've played up to version 0.6.0 and starting this one (v0.70) my saves are nowhere to be found. So I've looked at where all my Ren'Py games are stored (c: “profile name” App data...) and I see that a second folder has been created, so my question is as follows. Do I have to restart the game from the scratch or can I copy/paste my saves from my former folder to the new one?
Just copy/cut paste from the former to the new one and/or to the folder of the game install too if you want. For some (weird) reason is syncing (and created) with a different/new folder there. Just do that with the game turned off, usually won't refresh with the game running.
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Oct 30, 2022
I suspect this is a matter of opinion, but I would like thoughts on whether it is a better move to hang onto the crystal (in 1999) and give it to Scarlett or whether it is better to give it to Khloe?


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2020
Just copy/cut paste from the former to the new one and/or to the folder of the game install too if you want. For some (weird) reason is syncing (and created) with a different/new folder there. Just do that with the game turned off, usually won't refresh with the game running.
Ok, thanks for answering AFTER you've taken the time to read my question. I'll probably do that, although I'm a bit hesitant. The fact is, I loved Darci and if I remember correctly, her introduction in the game really announces very well what kind of character she is. I know she's not the most feminine of girls, but it's just that I want to nibble her and put her in my pocket. Ona side (and weird) note, it looks like the permanent file has been duplicated in this folder as the gallery already contains the previously unlocked scenes.
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Active Member
May 18, 2023
Ok, thanks for answering AFTER you've taken the time to read my question. I'll probably do that, although I'm a bit hesitant. The fact is, I loved Darci and if I remember correctly, her introduction in the game really announces very well what kind of character she is. I know she's not the most feminine of girls, but it's just that I want to nibble her and put her in my pocket. Ona side (and weird) note, it looks like the permanent file has been duplicated in this folder as the gallery already contains the previously unlocked scenes.
Hehe no problem, I'm always glad to help in what I can.

Darci is also my favorite char and I agree with you, she is the best "buddy" and sexy in her own "banter" way and slim and few curves (usually I'm more into more curvy women) but I care more about the personality than looks, of course what jumps at first when I see a girl/woman is her looks but that isn't all that matters. For something Darci is the one I chose for my gif in my signature hehe.

Yes that is weird that persistent file went thru and not the saves, the persistent file usually is where the option settings, gallery entries and the renders/dialogues that you already saw are saved, for example if you delete it and want to skip already seen content the persistent file will tell you that you didn't saw it even though you already saw it. But I hope your game is running well and the way you want it to work.
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2020
Hehe no problem, I'm always glad to help in what I can.

Darci is also my favorite char and I agree with you, she is the best "buddy" and sexy in her own "banter" way and slim and few curves (usually I'm more into more curvy women) but I care more about the personality than looks, of course what jumps at first when I see a girl/woman is her looks but that isn't all that matters. For something Darci is the one I chose for my gif in my signature hehe.

Yes that is weird that persistent file went thru and not the saves, the persistent file usually is where the option settings, gallery entries and the renders/dialogues that you already saw are saved, for example if you delete it and want to skip already seen content the persistent file will tell you that you didn't saw it even though you already saw it. But I hope your game is running well and the way you want it to work.
Hehe, I see we're on the same page on a lot of things.
Yeah, a girl's looks are usually the easiest to observe because you can do it even from a distance, and even if, as for you and me, personality is the most important factor, it's something you can't help as a man.
Getting back to Darci, yeah, her bubbly, bang-busting and shy personality at the same time makes her a really cracking character, for me anyway.
In the end, I'll probably start again from the beginning until it's complete. There are so many memorable events and all the characters have their own qualities in this storyline. I'm thinking in particular of the totally crazy dark-haired girl (I can't remember her name) with whom the MC plays helicopter, and which was also working at the power plant with his father at the time of the accident :giggle:
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Active Member
May 18, 2023
I'm thinking in particular of the totally crazy dark-haired girl (I can't remember her name) with whom the MC plays helicopter, and which was also working at the power plant with his father at the time of the accident :giggle:
Haha yes Riley, she is kind of crazy, that is what happens when the MC puts his dick in crazy hehe That scene and animation is memorable. But I'm that kind of player that if I can I don't avoid any LI (unless unchecks all my boxes haha) and I didn't avoid any LI in this game or side girls so this kind of pseudo-harem games where you probably only have to chose near the end of the game is my cup of tea (I'm more of a coffee lover though), saves the eventual split saves I have to do and enables me to see the most content I can.
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Active Member
Mar 26, 2024
Haha yes Riley, she is kind of crazy, that is what happens when the MC puts his dick in crazy hehe That scene and animation is memorable. But I'm that kind of player that if I can I don't avoid any LI (unless unchecks all my boxes haha) and I didn't avoid any LI in this game or side girls so this kind of pseudo-harem games where you probably only have to chose near the end of the game is my cup of tea (I'm more of a coffee lover though), saves the eventual split saves I have to do and enables me to see the most content I can.
Oh, yeah: Riley. Not a girl you'd bring home to Mom (partially because they're similar ages, but also because she lusted after your dad?). GREAT FUCKBUDDY though, if you can handle the crazy and kinky.
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