I feel like it is going to be a real missed opportunity if the MC isn't his own father by the end of the story.
I'm not sure we can really talk about a "missed opportunity" here. For me, it's more of a cliché and a fairly classic fantasy in time travel scenarios and timelines altered by the protagonists' actions. I'm not sure it's a good thing, unless the plot justifies it well, because when you start messing with timelines and playing with time loops, there's a risk of narrative inconsistencies that could lead to completely illogical situations and ruin a fairly good story. This is one of the reasons why I’m a bit apprehensive about what the plot might be promising with these elements.
We'll see where the game wants to take us moving forward. At the moment, I’d say it’s quite likely, though not certain, that the main protagonist is the father of several people in his "present" (hypothetically, the "twins" Alyssa and Alice, and possibly other characters).
I believe Skylar has been mentioned, though this hasn’t really been established yet. In fact, Skylar mentions a "father" in prison (biological father, stepfather, adoptive father ?), convicted for potentially fabricated or manipulated charges, which is unclear. It seems like he's paying for something, maybe it is a scapegoat.
Some have already mentioned it here in this thread, but the protagonist probably had a real father. It seems hard to claim that he is "derived from himself" through an unalterable time loop, because unless the story justifies the existence of parallel plans and realities that one can travel between (so far, only time travel within the same plan/reality is mentioned, with possibly time loops and alterations/disturbances being possible, but to an undetermined degree), there must be someone who is, so to speak, "the origin" of the protagonist in the story.
I believe I remember the masked man telling us that it’s quite difficult and capricious to alter the course of time, and even when modifications or divergences are made, time would try to "correct" what has been altered in order to return to a more or less normal course, meaning the originally intended one. Some things are therefore always destined to happen or be repeated; the path to get there might change, but the outcomes should, in principle, remain the same. At least, the masked man was speaking of these things as established theories, and I think he was talking about wanting to test the limits of these temporal restriction principles.
So nothing is really certain when it comes to what can or cannot be done with time (in the game scenario), nor the extent of certain time alterations and their consequences, whether disastrous or not.
The protagonist's mother, Tiffany, is already pregnant with Jessica during the MC’s first trip to the past (this is first implied, then mentioned in a conversation with the man wearing a mask). However, the MC and Jessica might not share the same biological father (someone in the thread mentioned that Jessica and the MC don’t share the same biological father, so she would be his half-sister).
So we haven’t yet seen the moment when Tiffany meets and dates the MC’s father, if he indeed exists, which I believe to be the case. It's impossible to know for now; we still haven’t seen the MC’s father in the past, and the story seems to want to keep some mystery around him (whether to confirm or deny this theory of some, or for some other reason, such as simply playing with our expectations).
I know some have also pointed out the physical resemblance between the father and his son, but this is a weak argument, especially since it’s hard to distinguish the protagonist’s physical appearance. Furthermore, it’s not far-fetched for a son to resemble his biological father—it's actually quite ordinary, though not always the case (I know that certain physiological features can skip several ascendants from a line for example).
So, I'm not really in favor of the theory that the MC is his own biological father; the elements pointing in that direction are not numerous enough, nor very conclusive.
I'm also interested in some hypotheses surrounding the scenario, particularly those involving the "time travelers." We've seen some rather crazy scientists kidnapping young women to test their time travel machine, claiming they were sending them "far away" in an quite enigmatic way.
A necklace featuring a kind of purple amethyst, which seems to glow and have strange properties (a warm, shiny, unusual mineral), appears several times. Darci's mother, Gabby, wore such a necklace when she was kidnapped and strapped to the machine, and April is said to have given a similar necklace to her sister Scarlett before she lost it, and our protagonist later recovered it during one of his trips to the past.
The necklace and/or the amethyst seem to play some role in time travel ? Perhaps a form of energy receptacle, a catalyst, or something like that ?
As the story progresses, we discover more time travelers: the MC, Darci (she travels with MC but also seems to have a double 'alter ego' capable of traveling, the "shit-ninja" Darci is seen in both 2019 and 1999), April (according to what she tells the MC, she travels to a certain point in the future for her and discovers the existence of her nieces Alyssa and Alice), and Skylar maybe ?
I think Skylar has gone through a series of very special events and revelations, and it’s possible that, during her absence, she traveled through time (likely a fortunate discovery), learning significant things about the role of the MC in everything that’s happening. Not only did she likely learn things from her interactions with Luna, her mother, but also from other people, whether it's the faction helping the MC or the "villains." Skylar disappears and reappears just as suddenly, without giving us very clear explanations.
She speaks in a cryptic and mysterious way. She says she went very far, lived through or encountered many difficult things, and learned things, particularly about the MC (Skylar says he is someone special, and she seems to talk about a "hero" when they have their romantic night under the moon, gazing at him).
I get the impression that she’s not really surprised when she finds the Lou's Cafe menu in the MC's room, almost as if it confirms something she already suspected or knew. She pauses in silence and gives an enigmatic look that seems to say, "I know everything", before recomposing herself and resuming the conversation pretending to know nothing.
Some things don’t quite match up with the absence and the cryptic circumstances she alludes to with the protagonist. She says she went to a "very distant" place (an isolated forest with no phone coverage i think) and was alone, with no contact, and was supposed to have disappeared for only a week or so in 2019. However, it seems she had contact with others, learned things, and even got new tattoos, which should have taken several days of work.
The MC seems to notice something is off with the length of her absence and what she describes, which could be an indication that she traveled through time and might have actually been gone for much longer. There’s also that thing with Skylar’s text message, which is pretty strange—was it just a simple mistake, as she claims (or was it a message asking for help, as the MC thought he read) ?
Skylar also seems to be someone a bit special—perhaps she’s a psychic too, like her mother Luna (or maybe it's just cold reading, a "mentalist" trick). She tells the MC that she can read minds, but it’s hard to say if this is serious thing or not (she’s more or less wrong once, but still manages to understand the MC's intentions, even when she's wrong).
There’s also something unusual about Lizzie. It might be nothing, but it struck me as odd that the MC didn’t know anything about their friendship before Skylar’s return. However, the MC didn’t hang out with Lizzie outside of class, and she hasn’t been living in Riverside for long, according to her own words. Skylar wasn’t someone the MC seemed to be close to before their recent romantic relationship.
The MC initially describes Skylar as just a friend of his sister Jessica, whom he sees occasionally when the two are together. This makes me wonder about Lizzie—could she be someone special ? We don’t know much about her either. She’s very close to Skylar, but strangely, the MC didn’t know they were close before their romantic evening together.
She seems to have a troubled and mysterious past, and Lizzie reveals she’s older than her classmates (we didn’t have her profile or age in the phone contacts, for reference). Ultimately, I don’t have enough to judge Lizzie, but I notice that she and Skylar share some similarities: friendship, difficult lives, common circonstances and shared past (recently ? Time travel and meeting during that journey ?), both love tattoos, and both like girls (Skylar says she’s bi-curious, Lizzie says she prefers women and had an ex-boyfriend in the past).
Sorry for the very, very long post, which no one will probably read, and for things that have probably already been said by others x)