Jun 16, 2021
V0.2.1 is out for tiers 3 & 4 patrons on patreon. The public release will be on Tuesday, January 9th.
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Finally got around to playing version 0.2 and 0.2.1. Took about 3 hours to catch up from new game to corrupting Ayumi and doing the latest compliance quests. Alright, let's get to the reviews.

- The new wake up sex mechanic is nice, but realistically you will use it only if you check the bedroom during gameplay. As it stands, going to the bedroom is entirely optional: in fact after starting a new game and corrupting Yukako and Rina again, I haven't felt the need to go to the bedroom at all due to all the quests, old and new. Perhaps a way to incentivize players to check the bedroom would be good; I will recommend an idea during the suggestions down below.

- I quite enjoy the extended intro. It establishes Romanos really is a sorry excuse of a hero and an entitled bastard whose ego makes him think things revolve around him. It is amazing he even gets this far in the quest to slay the Dark Lord, and his party truly are kind and patient girls to put up with him so long. Likewise, the random conversations whenever you go around the castle during the Misaki corruption stages is a nice touch; it adds to the feeling of realism, and building tension before it all explodes, heh.

- I actually didn't check all the animated sex scenes, but the ones I do remember make me want to point out: maybe it would be good to have blinking and not blinking versions, given players have preferences on whether girls stare intensely or bashfully blink when giving, for example, a blowjob.

- Finally, the Zereth Wall has fallen. I quite enjoy how many soldiers we have to slay in this invasion, though I must also say that you might want new types of mobs other than just "Guards" and "Captains", perhaps "Wizards" or "Paladins" since a proper military fortress would have magicians and healers too. Just to spice things up, make things both more immersive and a bit more difficult.

Related to that, it is also a good idea to add mob women (among magicians and healers), so we can see cases of the Dark Lord just not bothering with slow corruption and instantly break them, haha. He is the new Dark Lord; it should be shown to his army and his enemies alike that some victims are just beneath his dignity and effort.

Also, the kingdom's incompetence in its rulership definitely doesn't apply to general Majorius. He is a competent military man who knows what is the best means to slow down the advance of an army, and he did the best he could. It is almost a shame his actions to slow down military advance also helps the Dark Lord to gain compliance in the city he basically pillaged and damaged -- he never anticipated the new Dark Lord can engage in human negotiations and the traditional way of winning over the populace, hah. Would be fun to get this person as a future boss fight.

- FINALLY I can corrupt a princess, haha. It is almost a shame that like Yukako and Rina at the beginning of the game, Ayumi just gets blown away and knocked out rather than taken down like a damsel; it won't be too hard to make the Dark Lord or Misaki touch their forehead with a dark shine and make them drool and faint with a little magic, yes? It goes well with corruption too...

But the corruption process starts good; it is not hard to see where you are going with Ayumi's corruption. We are going to pray on her insecurities and her need of approval and her desire to be a good girl, heheh. Also, roping Yuma in for Ayumi's corruption is a possibility I did not consider -- seems like we might get interracial threesomes soon enough! That said, I must say Yukako's part in corrupting Ayumi is still somewhat minimal, despite Misaki making a note that she is more suitable to do so. Hopefully next levels show off why Yukako should be trusted to take the lead with this princess.

- The strip game is good. Adding a chance of failure to each game depending on the choice we pick is exactly the kind of interactivity we need to make each corruption more than just watching. Like my previous reviews, consider making these choices part of the actual corruption events too.

- The Divines! It is quite interesting to see that they seem to be good people thorough and through, given even the elf goddess turns out to be a responsible one willing to admit she might have used her ability to communicate with her followers frivolously. And yes, an archangel which shows signs of the previous Dark Lord's mark is exactly what we talked about before, so yet another thing to look forward to! Falling is always an option...

- Gotta say, the new city and its compliance quests finally feel like a proper RPG quest lol. You get sent here to get a material, then it turns out to get the material you need to do another task, chained to one another might be annoying for some, but I personally enjoy it. The quests themselves are interesting; securing food supply and metal to provide weapons to your army is how logistics would work in this medieval fantasy. I just can't help but laugh when another Orc Warlord gets to be a boss... And he doesn't even get a turn before my party kills him.

Finally able to make the downtime to type this down. The largest update yet, and for good reasons -- let's get to it.

- I appreciate the solo corruption events as a choice, but as expected taking the double event is the only option. It highlights how even at the depths of corruption and after their personality have been warped by exposure to the Dark Lord's corruption and pleasure, Yukako and Rina still think of each other and care for one another (kinda sweet, actually). But more than that, I appreciate it because the blow to Romanos's ego and will is just that much stronger when the two of them turn against him at the same time, haha. It is also incredibly amusing that Yukako and Rina are ultimately convinced to submit themselves to the Dark Lord not simply for pleasure, but because in some way they can see it as a positive thing and because of pure spite for Romanos. Spite is one hell of a motivator, and I like that in action.

- Moving to Yukako and Rina's designs post corruption, I find the overall designs nice (and certainly convenient for various purposes), but Yukako could probably use a brighter hair color to match her original blonde (mixing more white) to distinguish her more from Misaki. I really like Rina's shade of hair in comparison; fits her eyes.

- Rina being a dark knight immediately goes to add her input to the Dark Lord's army, while Yukako waits for the opportunity to promote a religion. It seems like you are already conducting a poll to decide on this, so I will refrain from commenting and keep them for suggestions.

- For the final compliance event of Vlester, I actually find it kinda... underwhelming? The first quest with the noble has more EXP bags- er, rebel soldiers which the player goes through. Could have used more of a challenge, given it's their last stand. It's also a good way to give Yukako and Rina, both of whom start at level 1, a jumpstart to give them decent levels.

- For once, Bogthos sensei doesn't have much of a lore to share. Just clues about what lies beyond that door... which I am actively trying not to think about. Prizes exist to be obtained, not figured out, haha.

- Romanos's fate has curious impacts on the Demon Queen's reactions- I wonder, how much is her reaction calculated and how much is it an act? Is the calm facade she presents when the Dark Lord chooses to allow her army to be stationed at Vlester actually masking her displeasure because the enemy doesn't fall for her bait? Is her reaction to the other options simply a facade to throw off your guesses? The Demon Queen is worthy of being the leader of an entire faction in this ancient conflict for sure. I won't comment on Romanos anymore as he is no longer relevant... well, until he is, once again.

- We finally get the crystal for the teleportation circle. A wall is going down, and a kingdom right after that. No more needs to be said... other than how it might take a while, update-wise, heh.

Overall, a good work. At this point the only thing to criticize is likely how straightforward everything is, but really, that's kinda the whole point. The Dark Lord inherits a millenia long old power from an ancient being, there is no way a couple of humans, blessed or not, would be difficult to be corrupted in a significant way. If I am to give an opinion, it's that truly complex corruption processes -- which should include options which might fail and forces us to retry -- won't be a thing until we get a goddess or the Demon Queen herself as our victim.

Now, time for suggestions, I already gave some in the previous review and also hints of ideas in the previous points, so I will make it simple:

- Related to what I said above about Yukako and Rina's starter levels, I think the next update should include a side quest or something like that in which you can send both of them to wipe out enemies or something like that, so they can start at a better level than a measly 1. Seeing them both contrasted with my level 12 Dark Lord and level 11 Misaki is very sad.

- Since Yukako is planning to make a religion out of this, it is a good idea to add many religious practice and potential applications of the Dark Lord's energy. 'Bless' water with darkness, and we have 'holy' waters for baptism and blissful purposes! Infuse corruption to a seed, and it will eventually grow into a tree bearing a fruit which can double as aphrodisiacs or sedatives! Many many more potential ideas. No religion can survive without sacred songs or dance rituals, meaning we need a corrupted singer and dancer pronto. More reasons to fall a kingdom!

For now, that's all. Your efforts appreciated, and I will be faithfully waiting for the next update.
Good updates to catch up with, so time for suggestions. Just like the previous ones, these free ideas are yours to do as you see fit.
- I think it would be nice to add a new feature to the bedroom: Dark Lord's personal notes for major information and events. Such as the state of the kingdom he originally served, and more importantly Bogthos and Yuma lore conversations. It would be very helpful to have a place in game where we can review progression, events and lore, and putting them in the bedroom incentivizes the player to check other bedroom features.

- Since Zerethin Wall is among the locations where the Divines once manifested in full to assist humans, I think it isn't a bad idea to make the entire Wall be a location where the separation of the physical realm and spiritual realm is a bit "thinner" than the others.

This would make the Wall be a good location for the Dark Lord, Misaki and Yukako (the latter two especially as they had connection to the Divines) to start experimenting if it is possible to peek into the spiritual realm the same way the Divines peek into physical world. It doesn't have to show anything relevant for now; just the Dark Lord trying get a feel for that plane.

This series of quests can be a good foreshadowing for future content if you like. More importantly, peeking isn't like invasion; just like how nobody in the mortal realm can tell when the Divines are watching, so would the Divines can't tell when someone is watching their realm. After all, with the weakening of their influence, the balance between physical and spiritual should shift in the physical's favor.

That would be all. Tis was a nice series of updates, and I will faithfully wait for the next one.
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Jul 15, 2020
Tried this out on Linux on my Steam Deck. The Linux version won't load at all. I did try the Windows version by adding the game as a non steam game and it won't load either


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2017
I wanted to point this out earlier, but never got around to making a post on the game.

But one thing I dont like about the corruption theme. Is at the final stage, he has the ask the girls to accept. It feels so counter-productive. If they have to accept the final corrption, then you make them accept it. Make it feel like they have no choice and if they dont, you keep pushing further. If your bring back their sanity or letting them think clearly again, its cause your mocking them or using it to instill humiliations of their past actions or a choice they know full aware what they are making. So its probably the biggest thing I dont like about the corruption in this game since was just asking them to accep, asif we need their permission!. Other than not liking the pods either, but it appears we dont need the pods anymore after the first corruption, which is good. I just dont like the idea of pods, when the MC or Misaki could be doing the corruption personally.

The other thing I find ... lacking I guess for the best word. Is the corruption between girls seems the same. I've always felt corruption should affect each person differently, depending on personality, what lays dormant (such as kinks, moods or ambitions), the environment, backgrounds and such things etc etc. Is not really that fun if they do the same thing, become the generic sex slave.. What I mean by this. Sure Misaki is pretty much the MCs queen or right hand man, former hero turned into a succubus queen. Alot of power as a hero, equally alot of power as a demon. However now lets look Yukako. She was with the church. her corruption could of been from being a holy priest of worship, leading her to become a demonic priest who worships the new overlord (aka the MC) she could start gathering followers for a demonic cult, or convert the peasants the MC has occupied in demonic religious practices. *edit* Well alot of worship comes up in her corruption path, so I guess that fine. Might not be as lacking as I originally thought as im replaying the game after a busted save *edit*. Now if we look at Rina. She was some form of knight, and was working with rebels in vain still trying even when captive. What if she became a knight cause she like fighting. As we increase her corruption maybe she would become more blood thirsty ? I was hoping her final stages of corruption, she'd realize how worthless they are. We get to see her invite and lock the rebel leaders in a room as betrayal, and then perceed to slaughter all them. Even better if she had turned into a monster in front of them all to witness her fall, then she slaughtered every single one of them and reveled in their blood. She could then been seen as the MCs new general. These 3 girls are the most important ranked slaves to him and will form the leadership going forward.

This is the ideas how the corruption could of went thats not all the same. I haven't played the last update, but I really hope the uccming princess corruption will result in her becoming an evil princess and turning on her parents, maybe even murdering them, who knows. It didnt look like she was very liked or trusted by them and it frustrated her. Hell the kingdom would be in shock seeing their own princess murder the king for sure. Especially if it happened at a public event for everyone to see. Which is why It more interesting if corruption effected people in different ways. A submissive generic sex slave for her is boring right?

Overall I like the game and appricate the effort put into it, but I just feel the corruption part is kinda lacking a bit. Without just repeating the same thing.

One aspect thats sorta hidden but I like, is Misaki was kinda the true hero, but being a woman she was put into whathis name shadow and received no recognition but only to assist him. But her corruption has lead her to be the most powerful demon for our MC. Succubus Queen tier. A powerful hero turned powerful demon. Thats hot.
The event where she was only a little corrupted and got pissed at the succubus's, making them feel confused why they felt they needed to submit but couldnt understand why from her human appearance and a hero at that, was great. Foreshadowing of her being the next ruler of the succubus's.
You make some good points. I do want the corruptions to each feel unique to each other. The princess, and future corruption routes will have more chances to be unique with different characters, maps, and other things creating more chances to make each corruption stand out, and allow for them to develop something unique, and/or noteworthy about them. For what you mentioned about the princess, I already have something in mind similar to what you mentioned.

Finally got around to playing version 0.2 and 0.2.1. Took about 3 hours to catch up from new game to corrupting Ayumi and doing the latest compliance quests. Alright, let's get to the reviews.

- The new wake up sex mechanic is nice, but realistically you will use it only if you check the bedroom during gameplay. As it stands, going to the bedroom is entirely optional: in fact after starting a new game and corrupting Yukako and Rina again, I haven't felt the need to go to the bedroom at all due to all the quests, old and new. Perhaps a way to incentivize players to check the bedroom would be good; I will recommend an idea during the suggestions down below.

- I quite enjoy the extended intro. It establishes Romanos really is a sorry excuse of a hero and an entitled bastard whose ego makes him think things revolve around him. It is amazing he even gets this far in the quest to slay the Dark Lord, and his party truly are kind and patient girls to put up with him so long. Likewise, the random conversations whenever you go around the castle during the Misaki corruption stages is a nice touch; it adds to the feeling of realism, and building tension before it all explodes, heh.

- I actually didn't check all the animated sex scenes, but the ones I do remember make me want to point out: maybe it would be good to have blinking and not blinking versions, given players have preferences on whether girls stare intensely or bashfully blink when giving, for example, a blowjob.

- Finally, the Zereth Wall has fallen. I quite enjoy how many soldiers we have to slay in this invasion, though I must also say that you might want new types of mobs other than just "Guards" and "Captains", perhaps "Wizards" or "Paladins" since a proper military fortress would have magicians and healers too. Just to spice things up, make things both more immersive and a bit more difficult.

Related to that, it is also a good idea to add mob women (among magicians and healers), so we can see cases of the Dark Lord just not bothering with slow corruption and instantly break them, haha. He is the new Dark Lord; it should be shown to his army and his enemies alike that some victims are just beneath his dignity and effort.

Also, the kingdom's incompetence in its rulership definitely doesn't apply to general Majorius. He is a competent military man who knows what is the best means to slow down the advance of an army, and he did the best he could. It is almost a shame his actions to slow down military advance also helps the Dark Lord to gain compliance in the city he basically pillaged and damaged -- he never anticipated the new Dark Lord can engage in human negotiations and the traditional way of winning over the populace, hah. Would be fun to get this person as a future boss fight.

- FINALLY I can corrupt a princess, haha. It is almost a shame that like Yukako and Rina at the beginning of the game, Ayumi just gets blown away and knocked out rather than taken down like a damsel; it won't be too hard to make the Dark Lord or Misaki touch their forehead with a dark shine and make them drool and faint with a little magic, yes? It goes well with corruption too...

But the corruption process starts good; it is not hard to see where you are going with Ayumi's corruption. We are going to pray on her insecurities and her need of approval and her desire to be a good girl, heheh. Also, roping Yuma in for Ayumi's corruption is a possibility I did not consider -- seems like we might get interracial threesomes soon enough! That said, I must say Yukako's part in corrupting Ayumi is still somewhat minimal, despite Misaki making a note that she is more suitable to do so. Hopefully next levels show off why Yukako should be trusted to take the lead with this princess.

- The strip game is good. Adding a chance of failure to each game depending on the choice we pick is exactly the kind of interactivity we need to make each corruption more than just watching. Like my previous reviews, consider making these choices part of the actual corruption events too.

- The Divines! It is quite interesting to see that they seem to be good people thorough and through, given even the elf goddess turns out to be a responsible one willing to admit she might have used her ability to communicate with her followers frivolously. And yes, an archangel which shows signs of the previous Dark Lord's mark is exactly what we talked about before, so yet another thing to look forward to! Falling is always an option...

- Gotta say, the new city and its compliance quests finally feel like a proper RPG quest lol. You get sent here to get a material, then it turns out to get the material you need to do another task, chained to one another might be annoying for some, but I personally enjoy it. The quests themselves are interesting; securing food supply and metal to provide weapons to your army is how logistics would work in this medieval fantasy. I just can't help but laugh when another Orc Warlord gets to be a boss... And he doesn't even get a turn before my party kills him.

Good updates to catch up with, so time for suggestions. Just like the previous ones, these free ideas are yours to do as you see fit.
- I think it would be nice to add a new feature to the bedroom: Dark Lord's personal notes for major information and events. Such as the state of the kingdom he originally served, and more importantly Bogthos and Yuma lore conversations. It would be very helpful to have a place in game where we can review progression, events and lore, and putting them in the bedroom incentivizes the player to check other bedroom features.

- Since Zerethin Wall is among the locations where the Divines once manifested in full to assist humans, I think it isn't a bad idea to make the entire Wall be a location where the separation of the physical realm and spiritual realm is a bit "thinner" than the others.

This would make the Wall be a good location for the Dark Lord, Misaki and Yukako (the latter two especially as they had connection to the Divines) to start experimenting if it is possible to peek into the spiritual realm the same way the Divines peek into physical world. It doesn't have to show anything relevant for now; just the Dark Lord trying get a feel for that plane.

This series of quests can be a good foreshadowing for future content if you like. More importantly, peeking isn't like invasion; just like how nobody in the mortal realm can tell when the Divines are watching, so would the Divines can't tell when someone is watching their realm. After all, with the weakening of their influence, the balance between physical and spiritual should shift in the physical's favor.

That would be all. Tis was a nice series of updates, and I will faithfully wait for the next one.
I do like the idea of adding in notes to the player's bedroom. I'll likely do that in V0.2.3, along with more lore conversations. Your suggestion about peeking into the divine's realm is similar to something else I have in mind, but It's not something I'm certain about adding in the game as of now. I'll keep it in mind for the future. Yukako helping in Ayumi's corruption was more to get her used to helping the MC corrupt girls, with Rina being next to help. Yukako will really stand out when it's someone she would fit in more with helping the MC corrupt, like a goddess. Rina will also have her own similar chance in the future too. You also make a good point about enemy variety, which I'll likely try to do in a future update. I did actually experiment with the idea of the MC instantly corrupting certain enemies in battle very early in development, but I had trouble getting that to work the way I wanted. I might revisit that in the future, though. As for Majorius being a future boss, I do have plans for him, but I don't want to spoil anything right now.

New update has bummed by save.. I guess everyone has to start again ?
You only need to restart if your save is from a version before V0.2.0. If your save is from V0.2.0 or later, post any error messages, and I might be able to help.

how can i get yukako and rina's bedroom scene? The task description is quite hard to track
Yukako's bedroom scene can be attained by getting Holmdow, Telind, and Vlester to their maximum compliance state. Rina's can be attained by killing a total of 15 or more rebels at any time or location in the game. Most, if not all rebels can be killed during Vlester's compliance questline, with the remaining being something you can get by triggering random attacks by rebels when you enter low compliance settlements.


May 11, 2022
I did actually experiment with the idea of the MC instantly corrupting certain enemies in battle very early in development, but I had trouble getting that to work the way I wanted. I might revisit that in the future, though.
I have a suggestion on this:
When the MC kills rebels in low compliance settlements, the MC can try corrupting them his powers. This would lead to many failures, which the MC would be not as concerned about being rebels coming for his life, but he could harvest the broken remains of their shattered soul/will as "crafting material" for his forces (Even using it as currency for a skill tree if you want to implement it). After all of the settlements have reach full compliance, you could introduce random encounters on the overworld to allow for the acquisition of more of these "Soul Shards", to avoid the encounters you just allow the settlements and castle to have a fast travel option between each other as they would have opened trade routes at that point. After the conquest of "Zerethin Wall", the MC would have many more well developed war prisoners to preform experiments on for this forced corruption in order to expand his war potential exponentially. It just so happens that their is a dilapidated keep that could be rebuilt as a war prison/laboratory to focus on such experiments/production till you can figure out something.

I.E. Making pods that would be where the war prisoners would be subjected to heavy corruption with a mixture of various other substances, such as the "Soul Shards" and other physical (Ores, equipment, and possibly other prisoners or corpses) and/or non-physical (Elemental energies and general spiritual substances) materials to bond with the subject as they suffer the corrosion of the dark power on their mind, body, and soul.

This act of callousness to those that opposed him and willingness to do generally inhumane practices would help sell that the MC is not a good guy, as up to this point the worst he has done has been corrupting the harem with sweet poison through his dark power, and having a varying levels of willingness to kill anyone that opposes him in his rule, making him come across as a well intentioned extremist at best.


New Member
Sep 3, 2021
News from Umarius on Patreon:

Rise of Corruption V0.2.2 Release Dates

The Tiers 3 & 4 release date will be Tuesday, January 23rd, at 12:00 P.M. EST
The public release will be on Tuesday, February 6th, at 12:00 P.M. EST
Content included is Ayumi and Yuma level 2 content and threesome, Gilias content, main story advancements, and more.
A detailed changelog will be included in each release.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
You make some good points. I do want the corruptions to each feel unique to each other. The princess, and future corruption routes will have more chances to be unique with different characters, maps, and other things creating more chances to make each corruption stand out, and allow for them to develop something unique, and/or noteworthy about them. For what you mentioned about the princess, I already have something in mind similar to what you mentioned.
Really nice to hear :)
I got the follow up quest in the new update where Rina at least kills 2 of them, but sill feel it could of been a better impact if she had painted the floor red with all of them ^_~. But seems you are going right direction :)

I really loving Misaki to be honest. Shes so into it. And hearing the previous dark lords notes about an entity like her being corrupted is the key to victory. Even he knew the key was obtaining a former powerful hero is the way to victory. He really was no fool but lacked the resources or ability I guess. Got to give him preps. Thats the feeling I got from Misaki after she became the succubus queen. Her title of Succubus queen of corruption, really suits her too. It be nice if theres more events in the game that shows how she lives up to her title. She really is OP lore wise, in a games term....Broken. Love it.
The explanation of the link between her and Ramos even holding her back as a hero and boosting Ramos. They really didnt want a girl hero hold the spotlight. I had Ramos corrupted and put into our army, might be able to get some use out of him ?

I do love at times the MC just sits back and lets Masaki handle the shit for him.
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New Member
Jan 30, 2024
I've been playing through version 2,1 and wanted to report some bugs I noticed.
First teleporting seems to not update who's meant to be in your party, e.g. telerporting to war room results in to Misaki on screen.

Secondly you can still play the scene where Misaki breaks Romanos' will/beats him up, after killing him funny but I'm guessing not intended
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Active Member
Jun 2, 2017
I had asked that a while ago, and Umarius said that they would do gender bender.
Edit: I meant "wouldn't", I've been sleep deprived for the last couple weeks.
So does that start with the corruption of Romanos, or do we need to choose to leave him alone and just let the Demon Queen station her troops without corrupting him at that time?
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