
Game Developer
Jun 10, 2017
That is what I read when I talk to the person there.
The quest is still there.
Try extracting the map file from the zip attached to this post, place it in your game's www/data folder, and let me know if you can progress the quest after this.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
So caught up.

Kinda would of liked to see Ayumi least do something cruel to her parents. Wether she slapped/beat them, toyed with them, or treated them like garbage and taunt them for their incompetence. Thats how she should teach them their place. Fucking her in front of them sure is sexy. but it doesnt really give them the message.

Left Ramos alive, well because me and Rin are on the same page, he cant suffer if hes dead. Seeing as his corruption got dispelled. I would love to see the 3 girls make his life a living hell.


Oct 22, 2017
Oh I understand now.that's old chain Q for the wall assault. If u already done it, trigger it again make u invisible and stuck
Looks like it, and now I stuck here because I accidentaly save at that time so I think I must start the game from the beginning again :cry:
Jun 16, 2021
V0.2.5 is available for tiers 3 & 4 supporters on Patreon and Subscribestar. The public release will be Tuesday, May 7th.
Content included:
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Got time to finish the last two updates, V0.2.4 and V0.2.5, so reviewing time!

- We are approaching the end of the line for Ayumi's corruptions, and it was fun while it lasted, haha. It's subtly amusing how the Dark Lord initially always starts off relatively polite and persuasive in lower levels of corruption but by the time it reaches level 3 or 4, he drops with the pretense and starts gaslighting them. He is like an insidious poison.

- The way Ayumi speaks to Fernsdin's mayor is borderline cult-ish, lol. I hope she and Yukako gets along well in building the Dark Lord's future church. It's almost a shame we can't use Yukako to start persuading nobles to join your cause once she is fully corrupted. Hopefully her mother can fill in that position.

- Like with the previous minigames, Ayumi by this point doesn't even care about the game anymore, just to feel good. Her reactions remind me of drug addicts, given how desperate she is to be good and feel good.

- I must say I like how the rebellion plot gets uncovered because the traitors have their own traitor, blabbering their real plan to save his own skin. I like this -- no plan survives first contact and one must always account the possibility of human error.

- The fact one of those Divines goes out of his way to meet your army and you in a skirmish is a pleasant surprise, and the following battle with him is an even more pleasant surprise. I enjoyed the battle because my party hasn't felt an actual challenge for a while by now. The war god lives up to his title, at least. This can be considered a boss battle preview to the fight against multiple gods in the capital.

- Honestly I am a little surprised seeing how Edar willingly listens to Majorius prepare for their planning. He doesn't quite feel like a god in that sense, more like a senior who respects a fellow warrior, even if it is younger. Also, seeing Erina's benevolence and compassion for the Dark Lord's slaves perfectly establish her as the first goddess you could get your hands on -- it is always fun to see how much you can taint purity, heheh.

- Finally, I can cross off "get yourself a fallen princess" of my list. Ayumi turning to leave before she inevitably comes back to the Dark Lord is a nice dramatizer, and Yuma watching is a nice touch -- in some more updates, we will get our first demon, for sure.

- Can't help but notice how talkative Ayumi is when fully corrupted, more like Misaki than Yukako or Rina. Perhaps it is because she has more dialogues, considering it's her time to shine in this arc?

- Ah yes, wiping out mooks. Never gets old, and both my Dark Lord and Misaki get new skills for it too -- Dard Lord's Presense and Storm of Corruption, lol. I suspect the former is a typo, but that doesn't take away from how powerful it actually is. Lowering enemy Max HP? Not so useful on mobs, but will be devastating on bosses, especially if they can heal. Almost too much in fact, that I make a point to NOT use it.

- After wiping out squadrons of generic knights, I am quite happy to see Edar, Majorius and Erina be the boss fights of this arc. It is deeply entertaining seeing Erina's purification does absolutely nothing to the slaves, and it seems I have been doing right with reducing Romanos's willpower because even he is not affected, lol. Priceless, tis a shame no other Divine will try to purify the slaves again after this.

Also, the Divine duo and the human King give me my hardest fight so far. Majorius's battle sprite is really cool, by the way!

While I consciously make the choice not to use the Dark Lord's Presence, fighting the three of them is surprisingly difficult given how strong Erina's healing is and how often she uses Group Heal to easily regenerate 700+ HP per turn. I tried using Bind to paralyze her and neuter her healing, but for some reason no matter how many times I use Bind (either with the Dark Lord or Misaki), she cannot be bound. In the end, I concentrated all firepower to Erina so even if she uses heals every turn the total net damage would surpass her healing, and once she drops, the other two quickly follows.

- I don't think I found the "additional" endings for Romanos. Is it because he remains compliant with the Dark Lord in my play?

- Having sex with Ayumi in front of her unappreciative pricks of parents is quite satisfying, though I do have to say it probably isn't humiliating enough. Hopefully Hikari will have a particularly karmic corruption experience, heheh...

- I don't think I found the right person to talk with and start Hypatia capital compliance level, either. I spoke with most people I can find, be it in the Throne Room, Royal District and Religious District. Did I miss someone...?

- Another brazier lit up, this time by Ayumi. Good, we are getting closer to restoring what was lost. I have decided not to speculate on what is locked behind that door, and I am committing, haha.

Quite a few surprises in these two updates, and I am sure more to come. As usual, I will share free ideas as suggestions.

- Now that I think about it, Romanos is effectively useless when our opponents are Divines. Romanos did not surrender his free will to the Dark Lord, so any Divine can potentially restore him. This makes him a liability... if the purpose is combat, that is.

How about a quest to use him as a bait? If we dispatch him somewhere to do a task such as subjugation, with minimal forces so as to appear vulnerable but not too suspicious, a Divine might be tempted to send an angel or manifest in the hopes of reclaiming him, as he is a major asset against the Dark Lord.

Of course, Romanos has secretly been turning his current outpost into a much more simplified and scaled down version of the Dark Lord Castle, allowing the Dark Lord to transport to where Romanos is and ambush whichever angel or god who thought Romanos would be easy to reclaim. We get one more victim!

- Since I doubt the male Divines who descend would be corruptible, and killing them outright would be a waste, could they be used as sacrifices? As one of the masters of the physical realm and the holder of the concept corruption, the simple fact Divine blood is shed is a powerful idea of corruption.

If we sacrifice all three Divines (assuming we do beat them here in Zaratheon and they don't retreat back to their realms, anyway) then it might even be possible to create a pool of literal unholy force, which would be perfect to corrupt other powerful beings and for corruptive baptism. Yukako would get wet for those, heheh.
This has been quite a fun update, heheh. Lots of progression, promises of future victims. Naturally, I must give suggestions, and I will take care not to clash with my previous ones.

- Erina's purification ability has interesting potential. Since it can cleanse corruption and purify anybody with even the slightest discontent toward the Dark Lord's corruption, if we can reverse that it would be useful.

If the Dark Lord can learn from her how to "bless" individuals in a manner akin to the Divines, or if Erina is corrupted while retaining her purification powers, the potential is unimaginable: anyone with the slightest discontent toward the Divine, or toward the Supreme Goddess, or toward the Demon Queen, their minds can be infiltrated for a slow, gradual, and very enjoyable corruption experience, lol. Humans might not need mind infiltrations, but this is potentially useful to pave a standard for future non-human targets.

- Considering the Dark Lord was once a noble representative in the Hypatian Court, would it be reasonable to have a corruption target from the nobility?

Certainly a number of people would recognize who the Dark Lord is (or rather, was) and see his human identity as a factor to exploit. They might believe he became the Dark World for power and for women, so the nobles might send the most capable (and also the most manipulative) woman among them in an effort to charm and sway the Dark Lord, to keep the nobility in power. In other words, this will be a new type of corruption victim: someone who attempts to manipulate the Dark Lord, not realizing she has only danced in the palm of your hands the whole time, hahaha.

It helps that, in a fantasy medieval setting like this, nobilities usually need a number of factors which distinguish them from commoners/peasants, such as magical affinity (one of the reasons why most of modern world have moved on from nobility is because we don't have such tangible differences between nobles and normal people). So if this corruption target is also a human expert on magic (to contrast Yuma being an expert from the demon side), we can have more knowledge on our side.

As usual, feel free to ignore these, they are essentially free ideas. For now, that's all I have to say; this has been a great update, and I will faithfully wait for the next ones.


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2017
Got time to finish the last two updates, V0.2.4 and V0.2.5, so reviewing time!

- We are approaching the end of the line for Ayumi's corruptions, and it was fun while it lasted, haha. It's subtly amusing how the Dark Lord initially always starts off relatively polite and persuasive in lower levels of corruption but by the time it reaches level 3 or 4, he drops with the pretense and starts gaslighting them. He is like an insidious poison.

- The way Ayumi speaks to Fernsdin's mayor is borderline cult-ish, lol. I hope she and Yukako gets along well in building the Dark Lord's future church. It's almost a shame we can't use Yukako to start persuading nobles to join your cause once she is fully corrupted. Hopefully her mother can fill in that position.

- Like with the previous minigames, Ayumi by this point doesn't even care about the game anymore, just to feel good. Her reactions remind me of drug addicts, given how desperate she is to be good and feel good.

- I must say I like how the rebellion plot gets uncovered because the traitors have their own traitor, blabbering their real plan to save his own skin. I like this -- no plan survives first contact and one must always account the possibility of human error.

- The fact one of those Divines goes out of his way to meet your army and you in a skirmish is a pleasant surprise, and the following battle with him is an even more pleasant surprise. I enjoyed the battle because my party hasn't felt an actual challenge for a while by now. The war god lives up to his title, at least. This can be considered a boss battle preview to the fight against multiple gods in the capital.

- Honestly I am a little surprised seeing how Edar willingly listens to Majorius prepare for their planning. He doesn't quite feel like a god in that sense, more like a senior who respects a fellow warrior, even if it is younger. Also, seeing Erina's benevolence and compassion for the Dark Lord's slaves perfectly establish her as the first goddess you could get your hands on -- it is always fun to see how much you can taint purity, heheh.

- Finally, I can cross off "get yourself a fallen princess" of my list. Ayumi turning to leave before she inevitably comes back to the Dark Lord is a nice dramatizer, and Yuma watching is a nice touch -- in some more updates, we will get our first demon, for sure.

- Can't help but notice how talkative Ayumi is when fully corrupted, more like Misaki than Yukako or Rina. Perhaps it is because she has more dialogues, considering it's her time to shine in this arc?

- Ah yes, wiping out mooks. Never gets old, and both my Dark Lord and Misaki get new skills for it too -- Dard Lord's Presense and Storm of Corruption, lol. I suspect the former is a typo, but that doesn't take away from how powerful it actually is. Lowering enemy Max HP? Not so useful on mobs, but will be devastating on bosses, especially if they can heal. Almost too much in fact, that I make a point to NOT use it.

- After wiping out squadrons of generic knights, I am quite happy to see Edar, Majorius and Erina be the boss fights of this arc. It is deeply entertaining seeing Erina's purification does absolutely nothing to the slaves, and it seems I have been doing right with reducing Romanos's willpower because even he is not affected, lol. Priceless, tis a shame no other Divine will try to purify the slaves again after this.

Also, the Divine duo and the human King give me my hardest fight so far. Majorius's battle sprite is really cool, by the way!

While I consciously make the choice not to use the Dark Lord's Presence, fighting the three of them is surprisingly difficult given how strong Erina's healing is and how often she uses Group Heal to easily regenerate 700+ HP per turn. I tried using Bind to paralyze her and neuter her healing, but for some reason no matter how many times I use Bind (either with the Dark Lord or Misaki), she cannot be bound. In the end, I concentrated all firepower to Erina so even if she uses heals every turn the total net damage would surpass her healing, and once she drops, the other two quickly follows.

- I don't think I found the "additional" endings for Romanos. Is it because he remains compliant with the Dark Lord in my play?

- Having sex with Ayumi in front of her unappreciative pricks of parents is quite satisfying, though I do have to say it probably isn't humiliating enough. Hopefully Hikari will have a particularly karmic corruption experience, heheh...

- I don't think I found the right person to talk with and start Hypatia capital compliance level, either. I spoke with most people I can find, be it in the Throne Room, Royal District and Religious District. Did I miss someone...?

- Another brazier lit up, this time by Ayumi. Good, we are getting closer to restoring what was lost. I have decided not to speculate on what is locked behind that door, and I am committing, haha.

This has been quite a fun update, heheh. Lots of progression, promises of future victims. Naturally, I must give suggestions, and I will take care not to clash with my previous ones.

- Erina's purification ability has interesting potential. Since it can cleanse corruption and purify anybody with even the slightest discontent toward the Dark Lord's corruption, if we can reverse that it would be useful.

If the Dark Lord can learn from her how to "bless" individuals in a manner akin to the Divines, or if Erina is corrupted while retaining her purification powers, the potential is unimaginable: anyone with the slightest discontent toward the Divine, or toward the Supreme Goddess, or toward the Demon Queen, their minds can be infiltrated for a slow, gradual, and very enjoyable corruption experience, lol. Humans might not need mind infiltrations, but this is potentially useful to pave a standard for future non-human targets.

- Considering the Dark Lord was once a noble representative in the Hypatian Court, would it be reasonable to have a corruption target from the nobility?

Certainly a number of people would recognize who the Dark Lord is (or rather, was) and see his human identity as a factor to exploit. They might believe he became the Dark World for power and for women, so the nobles might send the most capable (and also the most manipulative) woman among them in an effort to charm and sway the Dark Lord, to keep the nobility in power. In other words, this will be a new type of corruption victim: someone who attempts to manipulate the Dark Lord, not realizing she has only danced in the palm of your hands the whole time, hahaha.

It helps that, in a fantasy medieval setting like this, nobilities usually need a number of factors which distinguish them from commoners/peasants, such as magical affinity (one of the reasons why most of modern world have moved on from nobility is because we don't have such tangible differences between nobles and normal people). So if this corruption target is also a human expert on magic (to contrast Yuma being an expert from the demon side), we can have more knowledge on our side.

As usual, feel free to ignore these, they are essentially free ideas. For now, that's all I have to say; this has been a great update, and I will faithfully wait for the next ones.
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions.

I'll likely end up rebalancing the final boss in the future, once I get a better idea of what the final state of combat will look like in the game.

As for Romanos' additional endings :
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I won't say too much about Hikari's route, and what's in store for Ayumi's parents yet, but there will be more humiliation, and Ayumi will get her chance for revenge during Hikari's route. I'll also add in someone to talk about Hypatia's compliance level in the next update.

Your suggestions are good too, particularly the one about Erina. I'll keep them in mind. However, I doubt I'll have someone with a full corruption route in the nobility. I will say this though:
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New Member
Feb 5, 2024
First comment and an issue that needs fixing asap. This has happened also in previous versions but now it really has become much worse. Sometimes after transisions between maps or other scenes the screen just turns black and no inputs work. Safe for menus. In previous versions the menu also was not visible but simply reloading the save would fix it. Even if I saved in the black screen. Now the menu was fully visible and interactable and I, like always, saved before this to not lose progress and now I can't play. It is forever stuck in that black screen. Even redownloading the version fixed nothing. My only other save is so far back I really don't want to do it all over again.

Please fix that. I have attached all my saves as well. (first save being the culprit)


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2017
First comment and an issue that needs fixing asap. This has happened also in previous versions but now it really has become much worse. Sometimes after transisions between maps or other scenes the screen just turns black and no inputs work. Safe for menus. In previous versions the menu also was not visible but simply reloading the save would fix it. Even if I saved in the black screen. Now the menu was fully visible and interactable and I, like always, saved before this to not lose progress and now I can't play. It is forever stuck in that black screen. Even redownloading the version fixed nothing. My only other save is so far back I really don't want to do it all over again.

Please fix that. I have attached all my saves as well. (first save being the culprit)
I've fixed the issue with your save. If it happens again, and you can still use your menu, use the journal to teleport to the first floor, and then walk directly up. Once you hear the sound effect of moving between floors, walk directly down again to the first floor. You can also teleport to the throne room, and walk down to the second floor by just holding down on the movement keys for a few seconds.

These two fixes worked for me when testing your save. I'm still looking into the exact cause of this error, but I do have a few ideas on what it could be. I'll do more testing with your save, and try to have a fix for this included in the next update.


New Member
Nov 5, 2023
I think my save file's quest book is messed up, it hasn't updated anything for this update. Ayami is corrupted, but the quest remains, and I completed the traitor quest line of Fernsdin, but that quest also hasn't completed.


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2017
I think my save file's quest book is messed up, it hasn't updated anything for this update. Ayami is corrupted, but the quest remains, and I completed the traitor quest line of Fernsdin, but that quest also hasn't completed.
That will be fixed in the next update.


New Member
Mar 9, 2023
Curious there are some villages that doesn't seem to interact apart from main quest or not at all, any future update on it, i know there is one directly south of dark lord castle. Just an opinion on seeing the game map, i did try entering those.

It was fun beating romanos up again, his prideness irks me from start of game.


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2017
Curious there are some villages that doesn't seem to interact apart from main quest or not at all, any future update on it, i know there is one directly south of dark lord castle. Just an opinion on seeing the game map, i did try entering those.

It was fun beating romanos up again, his prideness irks me from start of game.
The one top the south of the castle is part of a short side quest from Romanos in the early game. I do have plans for it later, and the other villages that currently can't be entered will also be added in over the next few updates as I make content for them.


Dec 5, 2019
The one top the south of the castle is part of a short side quest from Romanos in the early game. I do have plans for it later, and the other villages that currently can't be entered will also be added in over the next few updates as I make content for them.
I appreciate them being there, I like that it shows how much you have planned ahead for instead of just making it up as you finish the current update.


New Member
May 25, 2021
I love the game and have been following it i believe since its first release, but there's one question i've had for a while. Would you consider adding options to not change the girls' forms when they become succubi? adding the wings, tail, and horns are fine if you want to show they're corrupted, but the hair is far too vivid and bright in my opinion and kind of hurts to look at sometimes, on top of me just preferring natural colors anyway. Same with their other body modifications like boobs and stuff, I think they look better at their natural sizes rather than having them be over-inflated after their corruption. Even if its just a visual modification and any text that might reference their "canon" appearance is unchanged would be fine.


Sep 21, 2019
how to trigger random sex scenes for ayumi? I have fully corrupted her but still cannot watch the scene
Mar 13, 2023
Rise of Corruption V0.2.5 -
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
Linux ver wouldn't unzip for me, 2.4 worked fine.
3.80 star(s) 40 Votes