Jul 9, 2018
is there any plan to have more spot to sleep and heal in the future going back to the dark lord castle from the capital is a bit tedious...


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
Am stuck on the Trade Network Quest! I did one in Telind and the other area. It still says incomplete.
You have to speak with succubi trader and girl trader at Holmdow. If it's not enough, you can speak with a business guy in Vlester's duke house.


New Member
Jul 31, 2024
Sorry if I sound stupid asking this. I have been searching the map for the past 45 minutes trying to continue the quest "The Deal", and I have no idea where I am supposed to go. It mentions fully corrupting Yukako and Rina, but when I talk to them they just play the same dialogue over and over from awhile ago. Nothing progresses. Any help would be appreciated. (also just as a bug report in the quest description there isn't a typo, but rather there isnt a space between the words "and" and "Rina" so it is spelt andRina)


Feb 17, 2024
Sorry if I sound stupid asking this. I have been searching the map for the past 45 minutes trying to continue the quest "The Deal", and I have no idea where I am supposed to go. It mentions fully corrupting Yukako and Rina, but when I talk to them they just play the same dialogue over and over from awhile ago. Nothing progresses. Any help would be appreciated. (also just as a bug report in the quest description there isn't a typo, but rather there isnt a space between the words "and" and "Rina" so it is spelt andRina)
Assuming you fully corrupted both Yukakko and Rina, you need to talk with Romanos (the hero) and decide his fate.
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New Member
Jul 31, 2024
Assuming you fully corrupted both Yukakko and Rina, you need to talk with Romanos (the hero) and decide his fate.
I have not even begun corrupting Yukakko and Rina, the quest just started but when I go to the prison to talk to them nothing happens and they just play random dialogue that happens when you first put them in prison. I just came back from making a deal with the demon queen, and I don't know what to do now.


New Member
Jan 11, 2020
What was the best option for Romanos? Corrupt it and keep it or corrupt it and give it to the demon queen


New Member
Jan 11, 2020
I have not even begun corrupting Yukakko and Rina, the quest just started but when I go to the prison to talk to them nothing happens and they just play random dialogue that happens when you first put them in prison. I just came back from making a deal with the demon queen, and I don't know what to do now.
You must go to the war room and talk to Misaki, she will give you the options of who to start corrupting


Feb 17, 2024
What was the best option for Romanos? Corrupt it and keep it or corrupt it and give it to the demon queen
We won't know for now, the story hasn't progressed enough for us to know which option will be the best. Personally, I gave him away.
Jun 16, 2021
V0.2.7 is out for tiers 3 & 4 supporters on patreon and subscribestar. The public release will be on Tuesday, July 16th.
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It's been a while since the latest update, but I hope I am not too late to add my usual reviews. 0.2.6 and 0.2.7, let's get to it.

- I really like that in Erina's corruption, we are basically gaslighting a goddess of purity into thinking that playing along with orgies and sexually servicing the Dark Lord could somehow save his slaves, and help the people. If this is what we get from initial corruption and level 1, I really want to see the kind of mental gymnastics we can drown Erina in, lol.

- I must say the current game with Erina is... interesting. Using a poor sister to become a subject for a tug of war between corruption and purification is actually really horrifying, and Erina doesn't even realize it. I think she is quite perfect as the first Divine to be corrupted, since purity doesn't equal good, and naivete can harm as much as malice.

- I will admit I was kinda spooked when that moustached merchant walks to my direction as soon as I entered the commercial district. Since I enlisted orcs in my army, I got the variant where I had to retrieve supplies from my own troops. I imagine the human army version of this quest would be a bit different.

- I appreciate the chance to make a statue of Majorius and respect a beaten opponent, just like the predecessor Dark Lord. It is rather interesting that we have more than 2 options there: your own statue among them. I hope my choice won't backfire, but even if it does, that's going to be interesting, too.

- When Yukako gives a quest to help one of the Divines to heal, I wasn't expecting that, after King Zereth's sword, his crown would be a plot point next. I feel like we might actually face Zereth again in person, given his body appears to be preserved. Ironic that a quest about gathering enough divinity to heal a Divine doesn't actually highlight said gods, but rather reveal yet more signs of conspiracy.

- Religious compliance. Yes, we are making that religion now. I can feel it.

- You know, after Erina, I kinda feel... Hikari is a bit too easy, lol. It is plenty obvious where we are directing Hikari, too -- degradation is part and parcel with slavery. Not to say it is not enjoyable just because we know the ending; by the time we are done, this Queen will not be able to tell the difference between being praised and being mocked, heh.

- Ah yes, I relish the chance to openly mock these incompetent rulers and snobby nobles in the damn court. I want more of this minigame. We need to utterly destroy these people with facts and logic. Corruption isn't all about mysticism: it's about telling people they are wrong and we are right, lol.

- Nobility compliance this time, eh? It seems just right that the capital city has more than just 2 compliance types given it is supposed to be a cultural, political, and religious center of the kingdom. And Sortevius is a bit fascinating, compared to the noble in Vloster. It is simple, but I still appreciate political maneuvering and subversion. Looking forward to more.

- Anerint is where Misaki was born and raised, eh. I wonder if that means Romanos was born here, as well. I hope we get to see Yukako and Rina's hometowns too, assuming they hadn't been razed by the conflict with Dark Lord's army previously.

- Oh hey! We get to corrupt an NPC. Misaki is so happy, lol. Honestly, when would your slaves learn that subtlety and taking things slow is the way to corruption?

- The fact Honorius can now comment about Hikari means we are about to get full service of NTR again, after Romanos. Perfect.

- Hazuki's knight, Sayuri and the entertainer, Maiko. I can't help but notice Sayuri has the same kind of outfit as Rina when she is still human. Dark knights too, hum? Would you elaborate on how exactly dark knights are distinguished compared to ordinary knights? And as expected, Maiko seems like a good woman trapped in bad circumstances. Just perfect...

- Hazuki is receiving a dream, eh? From the corrupted angel, I bet.

Got time to finish the last two updates, V0.2.4 and V0.2.5, so reviewing time!

- We are approaching the end of the line for Ayumi's corruptions, and it was fun while it lasted, haha. It's subtly amusing how the Dark Lord initially always starts off relatively polite and persuasive in lower levels of corruption but by the time it reaches level 3 or 4, he drops with the pretense and starts gaslighting them. He is like an insidious poison.

- The way Ayumi speaks to Fernsdin's mayor is borderline cult-ish, lol. I hope she and Yukako gets along well in building the Dark Lord's future church. It's almost a shame we can't use Yukako to start persuading nobles to join your cause once she is fully corrupted. Hopefully her mother can fill in that position.

- Like with the previous minigames, Ayumi by this point doesn't even care about the game anymore, just to feel good. Her reactions remind me of drug addicts, given how desperate she is to be good and feel good.

- I must say I like how the rebellion plot gets uncovered because the traitors have their own traitor, blabbering their real plan to save his own skin. I like this -- no plan survives first contact and one must always account the possibility of human error.

- The fact one of those Divines goes out of his way to meet your army and you in a skirmish is a pleasant surprise, and the following battle with him is an even more pleasant surprise. I enjoyed the battle because my party hasn't felt an actual challenge for a while by now. The war god lives up to his title, at least. This can be considered a boss battle preview to the fight against multiple gods in the capital.

- Honestly I am a little surprised seeing how Edar willingly listens to Majorius prepare for their planning. He doesn't quite feel like a god in that sense, more like a senior who respects a fellow warrior, even if it is younger. Also, seeing Erina's benevolence and compassion for the Dark Lord's slaves perfectly establish her as the first goddess you could get your hands on -- it is always fun to see how much you can taint purity, heheh.

- Finally, I can cross off "get yourself a fallen princess" of my list. Ayumi turning to leave before she inevitably comes back to the Dark Lord is a nice dramatizer, and Yuma watching is a nice touch -- in some more updates, we will get our first demon, for sure.

- Can't help but notice how talkative Ayumi is when fully corrupted, more like Misaki than Yukako or Rina. Perhaps it is because she has more dialogues, considering it's her time to shine in this arc?

- Ah yes, wiping out mooks. Never gets old, and both my Dark Lord and Misaki get new skills for it too -- Dard Lord's Presense and Storm of Corruption, lol. I suspect the former is a typo, but that doesn't take away from how powerful it actually is. Lowering enemy Max HP? Not so useful on mobs, but will be devastating on bosses, especially if they can heal. Almost too much in fact, that I make a point to NOT use it.

- After wiping out squadrons of generic knights, I am quite happy to see Edar, Majorius and Erina be the boss fights of this arc. It is deeply entertaining seeing Erina's purification does absolutely nothing to the slaves, and it seems I have been doing right with reducing Romanos's willpower because even he is not affected, lol. Priceless, tis a shame no other Divine will try to purify the slaves again after this.

Also, the Divine duo and the human King give me my hardest fight so far. Majorius's battle sprite is really cool, by the way!

While I consciously make the choice not to use the Dark Lord's Presence, fighting the three of them is surprisingly difficult given how strong Erina's healing is and how often she uses Group Heal to easily regenerate 700+ HP per turn. I tried using Bind to paralyze her and neuter her healing, but for some reason no matter how many times I use Bind (either with the Dark Lord or Misaki), she cannot be bound. In the end, I concentrated all firepower to Erina so even if she uses heals every turn the total net damage would surpass her healing, and once she drops, the other two quickly follows.

- I don't think I found the "additional" endings for Romanos. Is it because he remains compliant with the Dark Lord in my play?

- Having sex with Ayumi in front of her unappreciative pricks of parents is quite satisfying, though I do have to say it probably isn't humiliating enough. Hopefully Hikari will have a particularly karmic corruption experience, heheh...

- I don't think I found the right person to talk with and start Hypatia capital compliance level, either. I spoke with most people I can find, be it in the Throne Room, Royal District and Religious District. Did I miss someone...?

- Another brazier lit up, this time by Ayumi. Good, we are getting closer to restoring what was lost. I have decided not to speculate on what is locked behind that door, and I am committing, haha.

This has been quite a fun update, heheh. Lots of progression, promises of future victims. Naturally, I must give suggestions, and I will take care not to clash with my previous ones.

- Erina's purification ability has interesting potential. Since it can cleanse corruption and purify anybody with even the slightest discontent toward the Dark Lord's corruption, if we can reverse that it would be useful.

If the Dark Lord can learn from her how to "bless" individuals in a manner akin to the Divines, or if Erina is corrupted while retaining her purification powers, the potential is unimaginable: anyone with the slightest discontent toward the Divine, or toward the Supreme Goddess, or toward the Demon Queen, their minds can be infiltrated for a slow, gradual, and very enjoyable corruption experience, lol. Humans might not need mind infiltrations, but this is potentially useful to pave a standard for future non-human targets.

- Considering the Dark Lord was once a noble representative in the Hypatian Court, would it be reasonable to have a corruption target from the nobility?

Certainly a number of people would recognize who the Dark Lord is (or rather, was) and see his human identity as a factor to exploit. They might believe he became the Dark World for power and for women, so the nobles might send the most capable (and also the most manipulative) woman among them in an effort to charm and sway the Dark Lord, to keep the nobility in power. In other words, this will be a new type of corruption victim: someone who attempts to manipulate the Dark Lord, not realizing she has only danced in the palm of your hands the whole time, hahaha.

It helps that, in a fantasy medieval setting like this, nobilities usually need a number of factors which distinguish them from commoners/peasants, such as magical affinity (one of the reasons why most of modern world have moved on from nobility is because we don't have such tangible differences between nobles and normal people). So if this corruption target is also a human expert on magic (to contrast Yuma being an expert from the demon side), we can have more knowledge on our side.

As usual, feel free to ignore these, they are essentially free ideas. For now, that's all I have to say; this has been a great update, and I will faithfully wait for the next ones.
Overall, while the last two updates don't seem like much, they are not meant to be packed in the first place and more of a build up for the next one, I believe. It is good content, and thus, I must give away suggestions just like before.

- Yukako and Ayumi get to give quests in these updates, why not make one from Rina in the next? An idea for a side content is the rise of a rebel works in the shadows to oppose the Dark Lord, murdering the nobles and then try and frame it as the actions of the Dark Lord's soldiers.

Rina (and indeed, all other slaves lol) will not stand for such a blatant attempt to paint your army (and by extension you) in bad light. Since such rebel would work in the shadows, having him (or her... and thus create a potential corruption victim) be an antagonist for multiple compliance quests as you handle the capital would be quite interesting.

- Since the Divines mentioned that the previous Dark Lord was a terror on the battlefield, that heavily implies Divines had met him in battles before (not just through a blessed Hero), and some might have fallen victim to him. Wouldn't it be an interesting idea to have ancient locations, where such defeated Divines had fallen to the Earth, be places to visit?

It would provide a lot of potential for many storylines: to gather more Divine energies, for Yukako to build a new place of worship (in mockery of the Divines and in honor of the previous Dark Lord), etc. Realistically, if Divines had been slain before, it is also likely humans and elves built settlements to honor their deity in the locations of their deaths.

- I don't exactly mind repeatedly entering a place to trigger random conversations, but do you think it would be good to add a function (akin to the gallery) to see all random conversations at once? It certainly would consume less time.

As usual, feel free to ignore these if it clashes with your plans. I simply want to give away ideas in exchange for the content you have provided. It's been a nice update: I shall wait for the next one.


New Member
Jul 31, 2024
I have completed "The Ally" quest and have done all the sidequests. Is that all the content for version 2.7? I have one main quest available but I believe it isn't finsihed, its called "Yuma's corruption" and I can't seem to progress it no matter what I do.


May 18, 2018
I have completed "The Ally" quest and have done all the sidequests. Is that all the content for version 2.7? I have one main quest available but I believe it isn't finsihed, its called "Yuma's corruption" and I can't seem to progress it no matter what I do.
The changelog in OP is a good map for that question. Can't remember what the quests were called, but I do remember Yuma's corruption is currently incomplete.
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